Comments on: Murder at the FDA Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:38:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Murder at the FDA [Jon Rappoport's Blog] | Juscelino's World View Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:38:40 +0000 […] Original Website: Jon Rappoport’s Blog Original Link: […]

By: mikecorbeil Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:53:50 +0000 See the following short article.

“Why Eden Foods chooses not to use the USDA seal”,
19 June 2006

What it says about the USDA is considerably similar to the corruption at the FDA that Jon Rappoport’s article describes, albeit without any mention of death threats.

People can and should trust the USDA to not be trustworthy.

Ever since reading this Eden Foods piece a couple of years ago, and living in Canada, I don’t trust labels saying certified organic unless the logo or seal of an apparently trustworthy certifier, or whatever they’re call, appears on the packaging. If there’s only USDA, then I don’t buy the product.

Food products from the US and that’re certified organic according to what packaging says either always or usually (not sure which) have the USDA seal, but Canada and the province of Quebec have verification organizations.

Ecocert, international,

Ecocert, Canada

The latter has pages or sections for the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, …, plus the Cdn territory of Yukon. NWT and Nunavut territories seem to be excluded, but there must surely be something for these.

Quebec also has an organization specifically for this province’s producers, including for textiles, rather than only food.

If you don’t read French, then click English towards the right-hand side of the home page and beneath the banner across the top.

The following page provides links for organic certification bodies in Canada, the US, Europe and international. Neither the page for Canada nor the one for the US lists USDA. The one for Canada lists a number of bodies in the US, but not USDA.

“Certification Bodies Providing Organic Certification Services Under the Canada Organic Regime”,

So, it seems that governments don’t consider the USDA as a certifying body for organic foods. Or maybe it’s different in the US.

The link was obtained from the “certifying body” link under “Organic Labelling” in the following Canadian Organic Growers page.

Another resource is the Organic Consumers Association (OCA).

It’s “an online and grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers” (cited from the About page).

In the main USDA Watch page of OCA are some articles and the second one today is entitled, “Who’s in the Obama Administration?”.

People listed and described are:

Tom Vilsack, USDA Secretary, who previously was “a leading advocate for Monsanto, genetic engineering, and factory farming” (rotten!)

Michael Taylor, Senior Adviser to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner on Food Safety, and a “former Monsanto lobbyist” (rotten!)

Roger Beachy, Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and “long-time president of the Danforth Plant Science Center (Monsanto’s nonprofit arm), became the chief of the USDA’s newly created National Institute of Food and Agriculture (a nomination that doesn’t require congressional approval)” (rotten!)

Rajiv Shah, USAID Director (rotten!)

Rajiv Shah, a medical doctor in his 30s with a business degree and no previous government experience, was the agricultural programs director for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is on the board of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the Danforth Plant Science Center, is one of Monsanto’s key non-profit partners, …

End quote

Another rotten individual mentioned in the USDA Watch article is:

Islam Siddiqui, Chief Agricultural Negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (rotten!)

He’s “currently the US Trade Representative’s Chief Agriculture Negotiator”, after having been “Vice President of CropLife America, the notorious lobbying group that represents pesticide and genetic engineering companies, including the six multinational corporations that control 75% of the global agrichemical market: Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, BASF, Dow and DuPont”.

Monsanto, Monsanto, Monsanto, Monsanto and Monsanto again! 5 x Monsanto! How else is the Obama Administration going to vote or act? “Monsanto all the way!” is all we can and should expect from this lot of cons.

Evidently, the “3 strikes and you’re out law” doesn’t get applied when it’s government and Big Corp. that’s striking out.

I get a “little” annoyed by Washington, in part because of being born and raised in the US, in addition to having enlisted in the USN in 1975, but also because of being wholly against corruption of food supplies and unacceptable, destructive exploitation, as well as poisoning, of the natural environment, the Earth’s resources. To put it another way, it’s because of being against being overruled by psychopaths and liars, charlatans, …. It’s downright annoying and frustrating. While we apparently “have to live with it”, we certainly don’t have to accept or support it; no, definitely not.

I wonder what the situation is in Canada, due to not keeping up with Canadian news, except very little. There’s an article I came across over the past two or three months about some rotten crap happening at Health Canada, which is a federal government department “with responsibility for national public health” (Wikipedia) , but I don’t recall what this news piece was exactly about; only recalling that it definitely struck me as rotten conduct.

Actually, I think to now recall that it was about the flu vaccination. HC was sort of like imposing this on all Canadians, or maybe it’s only all medical professionals, so nurses and probably all other hospital employees.

I forget if it’s in the US or in Canada, but there was some report about government forcing nurses, or nurses and doctors, f.e., to receive the vaccination. The government threatened these professionals by saying that if they refused the vaccination, then they’d be fired. Apparently many were wholly refusing.

Their refusals should be a sufficiently clear signal to the rest of us to be wary of these vaccines. Why would they have been refusing if they believed that it was safe to receive the vaccination?

Another article that might be older but which i came across and read over the past few months explains one of the problems with or about the vaccine and it’s that all vaccines contain mercury, which knocks out our immune system. The IS then requires a month or two, some considerable period of time anyway, to re-build itself, say, and until it does, a person who’s received the flu or anti-flu vaccine becomes much more susceptible to contracting the flu than if the person hadn’t received the vaccine. Iow, and due to the mercury, the vaccine is like totally counter-productive for the period of time that it takes for the IS to re-build itself.

If the flu period is shorter, then receiving the vaccine evidently isn’t going to ever help. How long does the typical flu period last, maybe a month or so?

This almost is darkly hilarious and is sickening.

When is it a good idea or recommendation to listen to, like to obey, government? Are there any serious or important examples? Of course weather reports and explanations about climate conditions, f.e., are of value, but there’s nothing at all political, so politically or socially sensitive, about this. It’s not likely that corporatists are going to corrupt meteorological reports. We should also obey driving regulations, albeit safely driving above the speed limits on highways isn’t a problem; except that it can get a driver fined, along with a loss of merit points or whatever they’re called. This also isn’t political though.

Are there any examples of when it’s politically important to obey government?

I can think of what I recently learned about President Eisenhower and it’s that he ordered and and ordered enforcement of racial desegregation, which the Democrat Party apparently wouldn’t do and which caused JFK as well as RFK to become pro-civil rights in order to be able to politically compete; in the case of JFK, for the Presidency. They apparently wouldn’t have done this if it hadn’t been for Eisenhower and, therefore, the Repub. Party forcing desegregation. This is an example of when it was important to support the President.

The following is a recent 2-part interview with Glen Ford, editor and founder of, on

“Ford: “The Kennedy Brothers Thought the Civil Rights Movement Was a Nuisance at Best””, part 1 of 2, 21 Nov 2013 (15:22)

Part 2 of 2, “Ford: Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core”, 23 Nov 2013 (13:36),

TRN Web index TRN pages for each part:

The two TRN pages include transcripts.

Many pro-Dem. Party supporters will probably be outraged because of what Glen Ford says about the two Kennedies, but I’m politically independent and only seek truth. From what I’ve gathered about Ford, he’s a very honest and knowledgeable individual; and while I certainly learned new things from the interview, I’m not really suprised or shocked.

Anyway, are there any recent or relatively recent examples of when it’s a good idea or conscientious civic duty to obey the government? Even just 1 example?

There should be 1, but nothing is presently coming to mind for me.

By: Murder at the FDA - Healthy Debates | Healthy Debates Sat, 01 Feb 2014 23:43:48 +0000 […] (Jon Rappoport) I posted this story in August of 2012. It was based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs for public consumption. […]

By: “Big government isn’t a problem, it’s those damn corporations” « Jon Rappoport's Blog Sat, 01 Feb 2014 21:07:49 +0000 […] […]

By: “The Left hates big corporations”: enter Eric Holder « Jon Rappoport's Blog Sat, 01 Feb 2014 20:25:46 +0000 […] Yet neither political party has forced a deep investigation of the FDA, which routinely certifies those drugs as safe and effective. And no Attorney General has lifted a finger to bring criminal charges against FDA employees or pharm…. […]

By: Murder at the FDANot Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:00:44 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: C. Burkey Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:48:48 +0000 Sort of like the “FDA Safety Act” passed in June 2012 which allows medical implant devices to be put on the market without clinical testing. Without clinical testing!! See the Safe Patient Project’s online reports on that one. It’s hard for me to understand people letting their reps get away with approving these criminally negligent pieces of legislation.

By: Murder at the FDA | Eyes on Jihad Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:53:44 +0000 […] Read more: Jon Rappoport […]

By: Messenger At The Crossroads Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:27:08 +0000 I’d also like to know how reliable the USDA is in “certifying” “organic” foods. Must be in the same ballpark as the FDA.

By: Barbara Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:31:48 +0000 PS: I forgot to note that ibuprophen destroys the kidneys and causes intestines to bleed. Acetaminophen destroys the liver. The FDA has never banned them. But, the ban herbs that actually heal.
