Comments on: Soviet psychiatric drug for dissidents given to US patients Mon, 05 Nov 2018 03:20:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jerry Gerard Mon, 05 Nov 2018 03:20:51 +0000 I forgot to mention, the Pantopaque contrast medium, mentioned, as used in myelograpby (76)…negligently entered my brain, andlocated in the left posterior fossa, and caused arachnoiditis, plus Dx: manic depression. I am almost 80, and. Escape from my living hell…

By: Jerry Gerard Mon, 05 Nov 2018 03:07:12 +0000 Dear Roger, Stelazine, with Parnate, I swallowed, and. Paid the price: mental agony.Then there was Haldol, then Chlorpromazine; and…Stematil, and then, I had myelograpby performed that entailed the injecting into my spinal canal, of the contrast medium known, now, as Pantopaque. Today, I AM known as…..? The Crazy Chameleon. ( thank you for writing as you have.).

By: Serge Pachabut Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:10:48 +0000 I was i Canada, negotiating o the asylum case when started to hear a commanding voice in Russian language. When asked for help, I was advised sleeping pills, that are similar to clozapie – do not remember their name now. When returned home and asked for help, i psychiatric clinic I was given Haldol ( triftazine). This is painful. “It squirls and srues a mouth and in bigger quantities a whole body”.

By: Roger Fuller Thu, 06 Feb 2014 21:27:23 +0000                                   February 6, 2014 Dear Jon Rappoport:      Leonid Plyushch is the same Soviet dissident I read about in the Associated Press article in the San Francisco Chronicle back in 1977. The article also mentioned a second Soviet torture drug called Triftazine, which was a complete mystery to me until they mentioned its American name,  Stelazine which is notorious among USA prisoners as the ” lean pill “, because it produces torticollis or wryneck, another powerful, extrapyramidal reaction. Stelazine is a piperazine phenothiazine, the most powerful of the 5 phenothiazine subgroups and contains the dangerous trifluoromethyl group at the # 10 position in the phenothiazine 3 ring molecule; in the same spot where the chlorine atom was in Thorazine ( see structural formulas ) . The trifluoromethyl group can break off the Stelazine molecule to become a highly toxic, dangerous free radical in the victim’s body. That’s what makes this subgroup of pheonthiazines the most dangerous and toxic of them all.: Stelazine, Compazine, Trilafon, and Prolixin. I was shocked too when I learned this in my 1976 research when reading the PDR, Merck Manual, and Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences. I knew from high school chemistry that Fluorine is the most toxic, active, and corrosive non-metallic element on the Periodic Chart of the Elements. And the general formula of all nerve gases is that they are : alkylFLUOROphosphates ! I realized that the  ” mental health system ” uses some of the most dangerous poisons on earth on its victims.      The article mentioned a third torture drug : sulfur injections , but since sulfur is a relatively harmless element but there are many thousands of sulfur compounds, some highly toxic, I didn’t know which one they were talking about, so I dropped that issue. I just wanted to pass this information along.                                   yours truly,                                   Roger Fuller

By: Lacedra Wed, 05 Feb 2014 00:08:30 +0000 is the jackals way, to create zombies..

By: wfdunlap Wed, 05 Feb 2014 00:00:28 +0000 Reblogged this on Seed Consciousness.

By: Soviet Psychiatric Drug for Dissidents Given to U.S. Patients [Jon Rappoport's Blog] | Juscelino's World View Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:10:23 +0000 […] Original Website: Jon Rappoport’s Blog Original Link:… […]

By: Michael Mon, 03 Feb 2014 22:34:25 +0000 5%!…and 5% take Parnate, and 5% take Paxil, and 5% take Remeron, and 5% take Prozac and 5% take Zoloft etc,etc, it sat tur rah.
So that is why they have closed the many asylums and kicked the inmates out into the street, to be homeless and outcasts.
Bastards…the street has become the asylum, we are all living in it, except those whom they consider extremely dangerous… we are all inmates to varying degrees.

Ask yourself “Why is the system so hung-up on single molecule medications it doles out, rather than an synergistic approach like organic unprocessed food, pure Ph’d water, organics herbs, exercise, meditation, spiritual exercise.


“Nature in darkness groans
And men are bound to sullen contemplation in the night:
Restless they turn on beds of sorrow; in their inmost brain
Feeling the crushing wheels, they rise, they write the bitter words
Of stern philosophy & knead the bread of knowledge with tears & groans”

– My buddy Mr Blake

By: DB: “We’ve Created A Global Debt Monster” / Greece – sphincter that money for insolvent European banks is passed through | paulthepaperbear Mon, 03 Feb 2014 21:05:55 +0000 […] READ MORE […]

By: Soviet psychiatric drug for dissidents given to US patients | Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:54:22 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport […]
