Comments on: Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Scott Pelley, and Salvador Dali Sat, 08 Feb 2014 18:41:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg O. Sat, 08 Feb 2014 18:41:26 +0000 Okay, if no one else is going to pipe up:

P. Health Freedom — Nowhere in the article does the author imply that it’s “just the anchors” who are the big evil villains of the world. If you read any of his previous work, you will find that he is not shy when it comes to calling out the criminal, suit and tie wearing scum, who actually pull the strings of these sock puppets in the mainstream media.

By: Greg O. Fri, 07 Feb 2014 08:22:25 +0000 Julian,
I’m not sure that ‘walking away from the news with a sense of security’ should be the reader/viewers goal of any newscast. Unless you mean in the sense that you’ve been given a reasonably honest and objective interpretation of the days events.

I think that the present crop of liars laying the Matrix-Mind-Meld on us have continued in the grand tradition of the ‘benevolent father/mother’ role. I think they’ve mastered that ‘bass line’ or that subliminal, mind-numbing lower frequency quite well. In fact, with decades to work on this, they’ve honed it to a fine edge. It’s absolutely necessary to our Overlords grand scheme that these marionettes keep the populace disengaged from reality long enough until they’re ready to pull the rug completely out from under us.

In my town, the local news outlets practice the same drill, albeit with a veritable “team” of Hairdos in every race, color, gender and personality-type, complete with the requisite chummy, forced banter as they “toss” (trade lingo for giving up the mic to another newsreader) the “story” back and forth between themselves for no reason other than to look busy; all the while being very careful to leave out any meaningful context during those precious few moments when they’re actually trying to convey any semi-meaningful information between THE REAL IMPORTANT NEWS of pop-tart twerking and the trials and travails of the local NFL team. All of this is neatly summed up in their self-congratulatory, constantly hyped promos, with the line: “News for your well being– served up with a little bit of fun!”.

The delusion will keep humming right along if everybody just does their job.

By: Michael Fri, 07 Feb 2014 01:53:34 +0000 I find it interesting how things get here…the evolution of the hammer say over a millennium. From a rock thonged on the end of a hardwood stick, to the wonderful item, sculpted and fitting the hand so well…and in its obsolescence, pushed out by air-nailers.

One can follow the line from, people sitting around a fire, thousands of years ago, telling stories; drudging to a priesthood, who dominate and dogmatize the stories, till they become the myth carriers, carrying the ‘myth of the day’…onward, and upwards, down that evolutionary path were all things old seem to come into the modern… part of the evolution of the paradigm. To the “Hear yee, hear yee.” cryer on a box. Finally the modern storyteller, a news anchor at the end of that great evolutionary process of story tellers.

Humans are creatures of habit, some habits last longer than they should.

Listening to some schmuck tell us a story, like children round the campfire about how the world works, were the tiger lives, who is the boogie man… impugning in subtle ways how to feel about the stories, like a big Papa describing the shadows on the cave wall… morality tales for the clan.

The end of Empire is cheap and tawdry thing to watch, it is about lies and regret, it is soft and flabby…the news anchor has become ‘Newspeak’.

The real storyteller is dead.

“My mother said I broke her heart…but it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it’s all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us…but within that inch we are free.” –Alan Moore

By: Michael Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:56:04 +0000 45 years…wow, long time. So you haven’t watch the news since the Berlin wall came down…you knew the wall came down , right!

Pastiche…its being done. John Stewart, and Bill Maher try as they may, stretch to be as entertaining as the wonderful Maestro Dali would have been…I’m sure he (Salvador) would be trashing Gaga for ripping off his entrance from a egg… Biatch!. Un Chien Andalou would always follow the evening news as the late late night movie.
That guy was more fun than a box of cracker Jack. I would watch the evening news also…if
Salvador was the anchor.

By: Greg O. Thu, 06 Feb 2014 16:43:28 +0000 @theodorewesson,

Yeah, that was a good one.

Though, I’m sure if Brian Williams, Scott Pelley or Dianne Sawyer decided to ‘go rogue’ like John Smith, their handlers would make sure they met with an “untimely accident” before they ever got a chance to address the public — at least not before they were pumped full of drugs and properly “re-educated”.

By: theodorewesson Thu, 06 Feb 2014 14:30:36 +0000 you wrote: “However, IF, by some miracle, he did awaken from his self-imposed trance, and IF, by some miracle, he did muster up the courage to wander off the Corporate Media reservation and have His OWN Howard Beale Moment; he would be a hero of epic proportions.”


“This is the thing. They thought they could rush John Smith, the most famous television anchor in the world, to Bellevue, after he went off on his news broadcast. They thought they could sneak him through the back door.

“But the hospital was surrounded by reporters with camera crews when they got there. And Smith wasn’t drugged yet, nor was he was in a straitjacket…”

By: Greg O. Thu, 06 Feb 2014 09:11:44 +0000 “Although these front men for the news no longer use metaphysics to control the masses, they do covertly obey the old rule: tell only part of story.”

Now it’s megapixels and megacycles that are the anchors stock in trade. (Allan Watt has some interesting thoughts on this)

Brian Williams and his fellow corporate/government shills must put themselves through some convoluted ethical and mental gymnastics to justify their nightly breech of journalistic integrity.

I picture in my mind that scene in the movie “All That Jazz” where Roy Shieder, as the Broadway choreographer Bob Fosse, readys himself in front of the makeup mirror before each nights performance by dramatically proclaiming “IT’S SHOWTIME!”– complete with theatrical expression and ‘jazz hands’.

Of course, it’s highly probable that, at this stage in his meteoric rise to Elite Anchor-dumb, Brian Williams is past the point of realizing that his whole existence is an illusion. He’s so invested in the lie that he’s mentally incapable of shattering the matrix and his place in it.

However, IF, by some miracle, he did awaken from his self-imposed trance, and IF, by some miracle, he did muster up the courage to wander off the Corporate Media reservation and have His OWN Howard Beale Moment; he would be a hero of epic proportions.

But, I’m not holding my breath.

It’s nothing less than tragic that a significant portion of the viewing public still takes this man at his word. It’s also a shame that blogs like this are necessary to do his job for him.

By: Mary Kellogg Thu, 06 Feb 2014 05:17:30 +0000 I’d be tempted to watch the evening news again for entertainment value, if the three anchors could be replaced with Bugs, Elmer and the Road Runner. Beep beep.

By: Jarrod Thu, 06 Feb 2014 03:00:47 +0000 I wonder what would happen if Brian William’s sat down and watched a recording of himself delivering the news?
A feedback hypnosis loop, at which time he would pull down his pants, squat and birth a litter of baby kittens?

By: Brian Thu, 06 Feb 2014 02:48:10 +0000 Williams and Sawyer are card-carrying CFR members. Not sure about the other guy. They are either furthering an agenda they truly believe in, or are the useful idiots. Same difference either way.
