Comments on: 9/11 official scenario: what about the pools of melted metal? Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:35:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Grafström Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:22:35 +0000 Directed Free Energy Technology is a non-explanation. You dont explain an observation by phantasizing about previously unknown technologies. If Woods was serious she would suggest realistic forms of directed energy, such as underground atomic explosions. Unlike what some enthusiastic followers of Wood think there is nothing refuting the nuclear explanation. There are many loose pieces of info genuine or fake evidence and one has to filter it and focus on the important aspects: extremely high temperatures lasting for months. The pulverization of nearly the whole building, extremely high cancer risk rate, as you would expect from radioactive material leaks.

By: Isaiah Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:31:19 +0000 To right.

By: Isaiah Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:21:42 +0000 What happened to building 7?

By: Steve Prewitt Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:29:15 +0000 Mike, Thanks for your ad hominem attack on Judy Wood. In case you’re not familiar with the term here’s a definition: “Ad hominem usually involves attacking the traits of an opponent as a means to invalidate their arguments. Equating someone’s character with the soundness of their argument is a logical fallacy. Please respond when (or if) you can come up with a cogent argument refuting Wood’s comprehensive research.

By: steve Tue, 01 Apr 2014 03:14:00 +0000 The question has been asked and answered. Though with less frequency these days I am running across  “stray theories” about mini nukes, blah blah blah With the notable exception of one soilitary researcher NOONE has done the pick and shovel work on 9-11 to document, anomalies and all,  what actually happened on 9 – 11 – 2001. Fergawdsake, this isn’t rocket surgery simply parse all explanations of 9-11 to see if they explain what all that actually happened, including toasted cars, micronized bodies and unreported hurricanes. If it doesn’t fit you must throw that explanation out. So far the only explanation that fits this is a directed energy weapon /  scalar energy, a technology that’s been perfected over the past 50 – 60 years plus or minus. To acknowledge this is to acknowledge a “break away” group that is hoarding exotic technologies that can either enslave or liberate the homo sapiens. At present, enslavement appears to be the agenda.But in the end’ it’s all good. The sooner we all realize this planet is designed as a predatory experience, the sooner we can get over our personal addictions and escape this mildly amusing matrix.         

By: mikecorbeil Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:35:44 +0000 The enemy is within and they’re powerful “elites”. Does this help to answer your questions?

By: mikecorbeil Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:34:13 +0000 I’m not sure if Jon Cole has a YouTube channel, but videos with him are certainly available there. David Chandler has the YouTube channel of DavidChandler911.

Doing a Web search of YouTube to see if Jon Cole has a channel there doesn’t turn up a link for one, but there’re plenty of videos for talks by and possibly interviews with him.

By: Peter Grafström Tue, 25 Feb 2014 12:46:25 +0000 petros, you say Yes to the posting by ‘9/11 the third truth’

But your text contradicts that wellchosen message.

It has not been satisfactorily shown by Ed Ward that such nukes were used. I am not accusing Ward for being a disinformer but his explanation is lacking. Moreover I dont think he meant that the concrete was dewatered calmly turning into dry ‘sand’ if thats what you mean.He meant that the concrete exploded due to its moisture content as the powerful radiation bombarded it from the hypothetical bombs placed above ground. The top of the building looks like the concrete was broken up in pieces and was probably interpreted by Ward as proof of this.
But the observed type of breaking apart by the concrete would be expected from an underground nuke according to Dmitri Khalezovs analysis. Below the top the pulverization would much more complete ie creating smaller grains, thus less visible.
An enormous EMP would have been observed on Manhattan, mobiles and computers in the surrounding would have been destroyed.
It doesnt suffice that something strange happened with a car to conclude that there was EMP as expected from an aboveground nuke.
Read the link above on ac31 supporting evidence.. in particular the posting by redeux, a structural engineer and a nuclear engineer who esteems Ks work and calls it the only case having the logic and rigour which would satisfy this engineer. These debates were censored from prisonplanet but there is a screendump on the mentioned link where the posting by redeux may be read.
Ward seems to have changed his mind about the precise position of ‘his’ nukes without arriving at a reasonable result.
Ks deep underground nukes come without any of the weaknessis of smaller nukes.

By: petros Sat, 22 Feb 2014 07:53:29 +0000 Yes, and this has been specifically addressed by Ed Ward in his detailed blogs. [google will not help in finding these] Small fusion devices of tritium/deuterium with low radiation yield and an adjustable kt to higher than Hiroshima are the only possible scientific explanation of the disintegration of the steel and total dewatering of the concrete.
Thermite has very limited action and is a furphy. […]
Americans have an aversion to the blindingly obvious, that modern thermonuclear devices are available and they have and are being used widely by the international […] criminal network (aka US and Israeli govts) to effectively implement their objectives.
Bali, Oklahoma City, Beirut, Syria etc etc. Watch those ‘car bombs’ with big craters. Coming soon to a place near you.

By: Tree Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:23:58 +0000 Jon Cole and David Chandler have done a lot of excellent research proving that the towers and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition and highly refined nano thermitic material.. Their videos can be found here:
