Comments on: Further comments on 9/11 and internet attacking Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:34:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Grafström Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:55:52 +0000 David, scientific explanations based on previously unknown technologies might attract enthusiasts but the preferred way is to explain by way of known phenomena. Woods fails to do that and thereby diverts attention from realistic explanations. Whether deliberate or not Woods functions like controlled opposition.

By: David M. Wed, 07 May 2014 06:33:31 +0000 To my thinking Judy Wood’s work is the most scientific. Architects and Engineers for Truth seems to be a preplanned ‘controlled opposition’ effort.

By: mikecorbeil Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:25:30 +0000 That’s an image that still remains quite clear in my memory, but I believe to have also seen some images, photos I guess, in which some other people were also seen standing at the big hole of one of the two Twin Towers. I think some of these people were on one floor while others were on the next floor, above., which is easily searched using Google with the option of, “”, which, in turn, will work for articles at both and (sister websites from the same team of people); well, the first of these two websites has plenty of related pages. The following ones are some of these.

That page is mainly photos, but there’s a link at the end and it’s for the following article:

“The Fires
The Twin Towers’ Fires and Their Possible Effects”,
last modified on 2013-03-20

The first paragraph of that article has a few links and one is, “fires became less severe over time”. It’s for the following article.

“The Fires’ Severity
How Intense and Extensive Were the Twin Towers’ Fires?”,
last modified on 2013-03-20

I recommend checking these in full but will cite a little for this third page.


The Fires’ Progression Over Time

Given that the vast majority of the volatile jet fuel was consumed inside five minutes of each crash, the fires subsequently dwindled, limited to the fuels of conventional office fires. The fires in both Towers diminished steadily until the South Tower’s collapse. Seconds before, the remaining pockets of fire were visible only to the firefighters and victims in the crash zone. A thin veil of black smoke enveloped the Tower’s top. In the wake of the South Tower’s fall new areas of fire appeared in the North Tower.

This summary is supported by simple observations of the extent and brightness of the flames and the color and quantity of smoke, using the available photographic and video evidence.

Eyewitness Reports

Dozens of people were observed to jump from floors of the North Tower above the impact zone. They may have jumped to escape painful deaths from inhalation of toxic smoke, or to escape unbearable heat. Note, however, that temperatures unbearable to a human, such as 100° C, are insignificant to the survivability of structural materials.

At least 18 survivors evacuated from above the crash zone of the South Tower through a stairwell that passed through the crash zone, and many more would have were it not for confusion in the evacuation process. None of the survivors reported great heat around the crash zone. An audiotape of firefighter communications revealed that firefighters had reached the 78th floor sky lobby of the South Tower and were enacting a plan to evacuate people and put out the “two pockets of fire” they found, just before the Tower was destroyed.

End quote

I got these links by using the following for search terms with Google:

fires wtc

Looking over the list of returned links, there’re other pages that refer to the fires.

By: Chris B Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:53:19 +0000 I could not help but notice, in many of the videos available, we were told of how the aircraft jet fuel burned for hours? (minutes) and weakened the building structure. Odd that there is video of a woman standing in the big hole created by the plane…and the fire is where?

By: Peter Grafström Tue, 25 Feb 2014 15:26:30 +0000 Words of wisdom by Jon Rappoport
Related to the chaos on blogg-discussions between independent researchers is the fact that so few real experts join such discussions. Established scientists in competitive branches of science or professional specialists are used to being reviewed by peers. In the so called exact sciences they know the best winning argument is the one being logically sound, staying on its own feet without any ad hominem amplification.
The reason for staying out of the debate apart from fear of reprisals is obviously that the truth is so shocking they dont crave to be the messenger.
The protection of the public from extremely unpleasant thruths, is not foreign to anyone among people having good careers. Patronizing the public comes naturally. ‘They cant handle the truth’ and so it goes.
Further accepting the particular thesis that nukes were used to bring down the wtc towers the pertinent type of expertise would be the nuclear bomb expertise, for whom most of the subject matter is classified. Traitor or patriot – how to tell?
They need some respectable group of americans to urge them to come forward and help clarify the distinction between those two extremes.

By: ask? Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:50:05 +0000 I believe a man named Tim Osman knew who pulled off 9/11.

By: paschnn1 Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:40:52 +0000 Amazing how the “shills” and gullible accept these “war on…” scams.

By: Mike Corbeil Tue, 11 Feb 2014 11:07:27 +0000 Correction:

Wherein I added some personal comments about the film and spoke of UA 93 is flawed.

Quote: “The part about flight UA 93 that crashed, after having actually been shot down, only provides the “theory” that no plane hit in Shanksville because many people still claim that there were no aeroplane parts in the hole, then this is also wrong and the two websites mentioned in the paragraph just above provide proof.”

That should say the following.

Quote: “IF the part about flight UA 93 that crashed, ….”

That beginning “IF” is required. I haven’t listened to the film more than a little about the possibility and lack thereof for the alleged hijacker pilot having been able to fly AA 77 to hit the Pentagon. This part of the film or what I listened to of it is very fine. It absolutely isn’t credible that he would’ve been able to fly the plane to do this, for as was reported by his or one of his US flight trainers, he couldn’t even fly a small Cessna alone. Some very expert pilots have also said that it isn’t possible for the alleged hijacker pilot to have piloted AA 77 to hit the Pentagon, and some experts said that it’d be extremely difficult for even them. The film contains this information.

I don’t know if it contains anything about remote control, f.e., though.

By: Mike Corbeil Tue, 11 Feb 2014 10:55:11 +0000 Jeremy Lynes,

The documentary you speak of is really entitled, “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor”. It’s by Massimo Mazzucco, is 5 hours, total, the official website and page is at, and the page for it provides a table of contents for each of the 3 parts of the video that’s been officially available for free at YouTube (also embedded in the official webpage). provided a review for what the staff can say about the film.

Dr David Ray Griffin also published a short review.

Checking, there’s an interview with the filmmaker.

““September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor” – Truth Movement vs Debunkers
Interview with filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco

By Massimo Mazzucco
Global Research, October 09, 2013

The end of the interview transcript is followed by, quote: “(Interview made on Sept. 10, 2013 by GV /”.

Comment on the film:

The part about the Pentagon may contain some misinformation. F.e., wherein it refers to “missing plane” or plane parts, if only the “theory” of proponents of no plane having hit the Pentagon and that, instead, a missile would’ve, then this is debunked and and provide proof that an airliner like AA 77 was provably did hit the Pentagon.

The part about flight UA 93 that crashed, after having actually been shot down, only provides the “theory” that no plane hit in Shanksville because many people still claim that there were no aeroplane parts in the hole, then this is also wrong and the two websites mentioned in the paragraph just above provide proof.

The two websites include proof and excellent explanations. I’ll eventually download and listen to the whole documentary, and whenever in doubt about any parts of it, then and are two websites to immediately check.

The documentary should be good, but a lot of disinfo and misinfo was created and spread by people claiming to be part of the 9/11 Truth movement. Some didn’t do it intentionally, but some certainly seem to have intended it.

By: Bob Mon, 10 Feb 2014 20:48:33 +0000 Please see “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe”, Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, et al.; The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31
