Comments on: The Reality salesman makes a house call Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:28:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:28:36 +0000 Great post Jon…I seem to be always getting that one myself (ISWII)… drives me frigging crazy. Like it fell from the sky and nobody can move. It’s a cop out by those who say it.

By: Michael Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:21:38 +0000 Good points Bruce, well said.

To add your points if I may… the NORM is based on the eugenics idea. The Darwinian lie. The physical male Fraternity is an Alpha pecking order, with the so called Beta males, and Deltas whoever else following in behind.

Well it’s bullshit, complete garbage, it’s a cultural software program running in every single male head; and that enables each and every family to watch while the Alphas in their home packs jump up in the forefront of family, and we watch those fellows go off and win a war, or become a super athlete, or join the police force, fire department, or a hero or an astronaut, start a company, or some business, etc., etc. …they are the over achievers, the workaholics. They have that really defined hard work ethic. They are the role model. Another lie devised by the slavers. They (alphas) are pheromone strong, and some cases mighty in brawn…they don’t quit and they are never wrong. They carry the smell of success, and will succeed, because that’s how the system is built…and the gall of it all is they believe they are individuals.
They don’t realize that they are the result of a breeding program that started well over eight thousand years ago.
We are giving these people permission to be the ‘Norm’… psychopaths within the family unit, to follow along in their position on the great pyramid.
Its crap and one of the biggest lies of this paradigm.

Most think that a psychopath is wing nut going around all crazy, some loose cannon in the family matrix, with mad black pupils causing mayhem. Whereas in reality they are slick, some the nicest people we have, they are always the go to guy, emotionally very head strong, while in actual sense they are hiding behind an inability to truly feel. A majority are afflicted, with a low capacity to hold love and give love. The paternal human example of ‘God the father’…. As they age they become political it seems.

A man is concept, it’s a cartoon character defined by the status quo, which is defined by whoever is ruling. But they wear the same suite, and a tie and that ridiculous handshake.
I listened to these jerks most of my life…they dragged me down the trail of being a man. It is only in the last few years that I am truly able to get past the chemistry and a see a light.

There was nothing wrong with me as a child, if I have any problems it is I feel too much. I was an artist and I was a little too empathic for my own good, I was way too much of individual.
But I will surely never follow these idiots…a man is not the ideology that created that pyramid.

Your manhood the real you, is something you find after you gone through all their lies and allusions, and especially your own self-deception.

“…(the difference between the old and the new education being) in a word, the old was a kind of propagation – men transmitting manhood to men; the new is merely propaganda.” – C. S. Lewis

By: Ed Mon, 10 Feb 2014 13:25:05 +0000 A little nit-picking here, shouldn’t it be IIWII instead of ISWII? Also, “The Matrix Revealed” is referred to as “The Matrix Reveled”.

By: AwakenedLaurie Mon, 10 Feb 2014 12:08:48 +0000 Right On Jon…

i certainly do love coming to your site and reading your well thought out articles you have a way that is all your own…

this article hit me in my fuuny bone this morning I chuckled all the way through…not in a “this is so funny way” but the truth of the matter can be so difficult to bear one must look at this whole situation with a sense of humor or else cry a million tears….i have done enough tear sheding over the last 8 years since my spontaneous awakening i find it better to stay light of heart it brings a better peace within…

humanity is certainly on its way to the pits of darkness…as our planetary leaders go Terminally MAD so will the ones that are easily programmed go Terminally MAD right along with them….it is a wonderful feeling to know there is something FAR GREATER than this lowly little dimension run by a bunch of demented morally bankrupt creatures….that are in their last hooraah….they know deep inside they are doomed and it shows on their faces and the negative energy that radiates from their putrid insides…it is impossible to miss once you break the IIWII…

Lots of LOVE

By: Axiom Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:33:42 +0000 Jon Rappaport is a Grand Master Seer

By: Axiom Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:32:53 +0000 masterful

By: Greg O. Sun, 09 Feb 2014 22:11:52 +0000 My first memory of the phrase, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”, enterering the lexicon as a common way to express resignation over a futile cause or situation, was probably in the late nineties. Most of the time it would come up in the workplace when someone would describe an unpleasant, but necessary task or procedure. Lately, I’ve noticed, people seem to be in a hurry to pull out this phrase at the first sign of trouble. In effect, simply giving up. Americans built, not just a country, but an IDEA –an ATTITUDE. We were the universally acknowledged masters of innovation. If we couldn’t outright solve a problem, we came up with a ‘work around’ — NO PROBLEM. Maybe it’s a little sign that we have have reached a point of collective resignation at the way our society has “progressed” over the last four or five decades. This is troubling, in that it flies in the face of what was once so aptly described as the American Spirit. A spirit, that despite the lip service paid by advertisers, politicians and other hucksters, is dying a slow and steady death. Chipping away at peoples liberty will do that to country after awhile.

Jon, this is one of your best matrix-metaphors. It struck a nerve with me, anyway.

By: Bruce Hatcher Sun, 09 Feb 2014 21:38:17 +0000 Yes the NORM is there, always beckoning, drawing in, enticing, demanding our compliance. It is simply an equation, a mathematical exercise of division (in more ways than one), it does not exist.

To become the IMPOSSIBLE NORM is the goal of life according to the mass consciousness, the consensus reality.

Did you ever feel you didn’t turn out right? Thinking the Impossible Norman is the goal leaves one in that state of mind, because it does not exist.

The reality misters spin this impossible pursuit, and whoever pursues it can fool themselves, if they choose, into feeling accepted into the mass fraternity. Just don’t let on the fact, you really aren’t brother Norn, and you never will/can be.

And why can’t we become Norm is because, it doesn’t exist. And the joke is, that within the impossible norm the individual cannot coexist

And the real rib-tickler, the hilarious part is that we are all perfect to start with and have no business pursuing an illusory consensus profile anyway.

In this connection IIWII (it is what it is) Applies, because we are all individuals from the beginning on into the future.

By: Robert Sun, 09 Feb 2014 20:56:10 +0000 Reblogged this on Roberts Thoughts 2 and commented:

By: Robert Sun, 09 Feb 2014 20:52:21 +0000 Excellent peace! Really enjoyed reading it and it is right on time for me. Thanks.
