Comments on: Mental illness is the new normal Mon, 28 Apr 2014 17:19:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: g Mon, 28 Apr 2014 17:19:00 +0000 Two years later, with more training under my belt I began working as a middle grade doctor in an adolescent forensic unit.
This was an inpatient unit where the teenagers lived for several months. I saw them everyday and got to know them. There was a 14 year old boy with no diagnosis-this was pending assessment by our team. Prior to admission some mental health professionals thought that he might have ADHD.
In my view there was absolutely no evidence of ADHD. I did not just see him once as above, but over weeks. Being more confident, I told my supervisor (different to above) that there was no behaviour indicative of the ADHD profile. In fact I told the team of multiprofessionals on the unit, at a weekly business meeting where such matters are discussed.
The matter was not discussed at all in detail. My supervisor thought he had ADHD and that was that. It was based on a very biased report written months ago, and not I feel, based on current clinical observations. What was worse was that none of the other professionals on the team- the psychologist, ward manager, nurse in charge etc said anything to challenge this. We had weeks of clinical assessments, interviews and general observations of this boy which clearly showed that he did not have ADHD. Yet after that meeting he was prescribed Ritalin.
Weeks later there was no change in him at all. Everyone could see this. So I then said at the business meeting that since there has been no change in him, should we not just stop the Ritalin, given the risk of side effects. Again this was ignored. He had the diagnosis now which meant that he needed the meds to match it.
This was all insane. The boy had been admitted to the unit for an assessment, the assessment did not indicate ADHD yet he was given this diagnosis and by the time he was discharged he had been on Ritalin for 6 months.
It is not just doctors who are culpable but the team of very silent professionals surrounding them. I was the only person who spoke up, but it did not make a difference.

By: g Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:47:34 +0000 I am from London where I trained in medicine and then went onto work in psychiatry. I left this career in disgust years ago, because I could see what was going on.
One example: in my training in child and adolescent mental health services I was asked to observe a 6 year old boy in the classroom, as part of an ADHD assessment. There was nothing I could see which indicated anything unusual. So I reported back to my supervisor that my assessment did not indicate ADHD. I went through the checklist of behaviours that I had completed, in order to back up what I was saying. My supervisor went onto give him a diagnosis of ADHD because she said she was basing it on his parents observations. She also said that my report did in fact indicate that the boy had ADHD, but that the problem was that I could not see it!! She indicated this was due to my lack of experience. I was unable to get her to explain what exactly she could ‘see’ in my own report which I could not, as I was curious.
At the end of this section of my training my supervisor had to write a report on me, which I needed to get onto the next part of my training. She failed me and advised the lead clinical trainer that I needed further training. I went along with this and said, ok find me another post (otherwise I would be stuck). No posts were available.
I am not saying that I should have passed that part of my training. It is just to make the point here how I felt that my own observations were ignored completely.

By: David Marino Wed, 19 Feb 2014 01:17:05 +0000 Psychiatry – The expanding concoction of so-called mental disorders are arbitrary attempts at categorizing human thought, desire, and behavior as diseases…Consciousness is not public business. Its dimensions and capabilities are there for every person to explore on his own terms. This is called freedom. Psychiatry has sought to redefine consciousness solely in terms of brain function. This materialist obsession is also an attempt to gain control of the mind…If psychiatrists are experts on the human mind, mice can navigate the Arctic in canoes…Make an inventory of your own deeply held convictions, followed by a self-assessment, to see how well or badly you’re living up to those convictions? The truth is, every so-called mental or emotional condition is a signal. It alerts a person that he is heading the ship away from its destination. He’s experiencing a crisis that has everything to do with the question: WHAT IS MY COURSE IN LIFE? Finding an answer to that question makes all the difference…Here are ACTUAL rock-bottom conditions: freedom, independence, deep and profound desire, the power and energy to fulfill those desires, a sense of what is right and wrong, the wish to see others succeed brilliantly, community, expressing self, creative power, action in the world. These are the elements of a philosophy, not psychology. These are elements of life abundant. These are loci of decision for every conscious person…Liberating the creative force in a person is the key. Not through some external and removed and remote process. The process involves everything you’ve got…From our deepest wellsprings, we: INVENT, IMAGINE, CREATE, IMPROVISE, and BUILD. WORK TO MAKE WHAT WE IMAGINE INTO FACT IN THE WORLD.
-Jon Rappoport

By: cucumberlodge Tue, 18 Feb 2014 23:12:50 +0000 This morning on local news they burped out a twenty second meme of a teenage saliva test, predicting mental illness in middle age, as if they were reporting the snowfall accumulations.

By: dimitri Mon, 17 Feb 2014 02:28:34 +0000 Same tactic used all along by the GLBT promoters. Repeat, repeat, repeat until you cave in to your doubts and start considering that maybe you’re “wrong” on this, and maybe it would be better to conform so that “we can all just get along”.

By: OzzieThinker Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:05:32 +0000 Michael, we may well say things in different ways, but I am sure you SEE it. That is such a rare commodity you are a blessing to those that despise you.


By: Avi Sun, 16 Feb 2014 12:26:01 +0000 If enough of us stop supporting it, it will fall by itself. Boycott & talk. And we got to teach children because this is a long term fight.

By: Avi Sun, 16 Feb 2014 12:20:02 +0000 “They” are ready to have Us believe we’re all potential crazy:

Where will “They” stop if We don’t fight back ?!!!

Great text & comments (David, Michael) !

By: Kohanim R. Hawthorne Sun, 16 Feb 2014 08:47:59 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from awakened Mind and commented:
Like imprison the lion into a tiny cage and blame him to be mental ill for searchin his nature. An operation manual for humans is also impossible, beside they are pressed into programmed patterns. The course to an Equilibrium (2002) society is a mess and many people start to see it. Thanks Jon

By: Michael Sat, 15 Feb 2014 20:34:04 +0000 “Reviewing a child’s history in depth, looking at psychosocial stressors, might only provide further support for a Bipolar diagnosis, but at least we all could feel more confident that the treatment is correct, rather than simply prescribe based on a limited interview and the vague assertion that the child “has mood swings.” – Julian Lev

Firstly, how can anyone who considers themselves intelligent, even ponder the diagnosis that a child would have Bipolarism. You should be ashamed of yourself.
We are dealing with a flower that has yet to bloom.

The child’s brain has not formed yet. You are dealing with an immature brain…it is not fully grown. Why not give a child a growth hormone, simply because they don’t fit within the constraints of ‘normal’ growth and height? Possibly we need to give children Nootropics simply because they are below the ‘Normal’ intelligence quotient for their age category.

Once we finish with the above we can move on to more important afflictions like fixing ugly. GMO’d injections to change us to have a more ‘Achtung baby’ look.

As we change from being a baby to a child, teenage, adult, and finally aged adult. We go through many periods of metamorphosis as new physical and mental changes take action within our bodies. Some that seem like complete madness, like the movement from terrible two’s, obnoxious fours, childhood to puberty, teenage angst, midlife crisis. But these are not illnesses, and some people can have difficulty going through these changes. But they do not need a medication.

Small children by nature can believe in imaginary people and things which are constructed as a means for the child to cope with a complex and for most part absurd and contradictory reality that we all are a part off. This does not suggest sickness but is a sign of health.
Why does psychology suggest medication first, totally dismissing, diet, physical and spiritual exercise and lastly the family and social dynamic as being the problem.

Some of those psychosocial stressors you mention are about the very trendiness of childhood culture, and the enormous stress that most child are placed under in order to succeed; and the myriad of abnormal social norms that a child must obstacle to become a so called ‘NORMAL’ adult.

We need to do away with this word normal, it is the #1 label used within society….
nor•mal :[nawr-muhl] Show IPA
1. conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2. serving to establish a standard.
3.Psychology : approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.

And lastly…

“…but at least we all could feel more confident that the treatment is correct,…” -Julian Lev

What!… God forbid that a conscience kicks in, and in that moment of clarity you come to your senses and realize how ridiculous this practice is of even considering a child for diagnosis of Bipolar disorder.
Physician heal thyself first, I would say that you are the one with the mental illness.


“Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans. . . If reality differs from person to person, can we speak of reality singular, or shouldn’t we really be talking about plural realities? And if there are plural realities, are some more true (more real) than others? What about the world of a schizophrenic? Maybe it’s as real as our world. Maybe we cannot say that we are in touch with reality and he is not, but should instead say, His reality is so different from ours that he can’t explain his to us, and we can’t explain ours to him. The problem, then, is that if subjective worlds are experienced too differently, there occurs a breakdown in communication … and there is the real illness.” – Phillip K Dick
