Comments on: Paul Klee: man of mystery and joy Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:51:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: kd Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:51:56 +0000 Thank you for your post , you’ve just described the way i paint and do other things for that matter: I have several different projects going at the same time, I even read several different books at the same time. It is always great to hear that the are others like me as I have always been different from most people.When it comes to art I always remember the famous approach to it that states: ‘ the sculpture was already there I just chip away what wasn’t needed’. I do the same with painting I look at paper/ canvas and see where to paint, it builds up a picture that can only be named later as there is no way to know what you will paint before you start. It is an exciting way of doing things.

By: Patrick Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:54:47 +0000 This is a really good piece Jon, many thanks. It made me think about how to approach art and music in such a way as to not be confined to a particular style and vision, and how freer expression like this can help the creative process be far more enjoyable, which in turn can also produce better results. As well as playing music I am also an expressionist / abstract artist, and will bear in mind Klee’s techniques for keeping things fresh and joyful.

I’ve been slowly leaning about the History of Art for a few years now, and have long been an admirer of Kandinsky, but I had never heard of Klee, in general spending most of my time studying 19th century art. Thanks for making me aware of him, following reading your article I have been enjoying very much his unusual shapes, warm colours, and composition in general. He seems to create a magical kind of asymmetrical symmetry, unbalanced yet balanced, chaotic yet calm. Beautiful works.

By: anthony Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:27:03 +0000 Thank you, Jon.

It’s interesting, as I have recently been a “student” of an “improv teacher” of allegedly great re-knowned (by her estimate). I am an enthusiastic practitioner of authentic expression of self and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

The truth of a person – any teacher – is found in what they do, not what they say.

What I began to notice, over several weeks, was that she chose only ONE student to demonstrate to the rest of us what she meant. Then I met another student of hers in class who had been a student for three years.

This student lacked any confidence whatsoever – every exercise I noticed she was glancing at the teacher, rather than trusting herself to her co-student with whom she was working. Then I noticed another student, allegedly a “teacher of psychodrama of over thirty years” whose self-expression was muted and without authentic passion.

Then I noticed the “teacher” begin to “give corrections” over and over and over again about what “improv” was. She’d say, “NO, I WANT PRIMAL.”

Well, what the hell is YOUR version of primal. Show me. Because, right now, I AM BEING PRIMAL within myself. Not YOUR definition of it.

What I finally realized was that she wasn’t about authentic expression at all – but, rather, about creating little versions of herself for ego satisfaction.

Her first name happens to be Ruth and I realized that what she was all about was creating lots of “Baby Ruths,” not actually freeing others to authentic expression of themselves.

Just came to this realization last night and I have to say, sitting down and reading your piece about Paul Klee really allowed me to sigh a huge sigh of relief in leaving her “tutelage” (Picasso). I am a Klee kind of woman and so glad for that . . .

So inspired to go on into my studio and shut the door . . .

Our “job” here is to inspire each other to ourselves. NOT suck the life out of others for our own ego needs and attachments.


Thanks for your writing.
