Comments on: The Wizard of Is and how I put together Exit From the Matrix Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:55:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexander Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:55:05 +0000 I likes the pdfs, but the audios, how to make text versions of them? I am deaf. I would like to read what those audios says. How? Let me know, thanks.

By: PeaceBeWithYourSoul Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:01:56 +0000 Thank you for this, Jon.

My God, you talk about things I have not considered since I was a child. I definitely recall being young, reading and thinking at night before bedtime (I am talking about when I was between the ages of 6 and 12, roughly) how the world was so simple, but nobody realized it!
That adults who were unhappy had nobody to blame but themselves. The people who complained about the weather in the wintertime, yet live in New England…..they could just move! Then they wouldn’t have to complain!

That God the Creator gave us, gave *me* such a wonderful gift- that we can do and be anything we want to! We really could, and all we have to do is just think about it.

I distinctly remember thinking that adults must have forgotten about all of this. That adults somehow lost their passion for living, adults allowed themselves to be beaten down mentally, that they let go of their dreams and decided to not steer their life vessel; to not author their own biography anymore….

And, not until reading this article did I realize, sadly, I am 99% the adult and barely still the imaginative child of my youth.

I really need to buy your Escape from the Matrix series.

Thank you, Jon. You are such an incredibly talented and intelligent man. Thank you, thank you.

By: williamcalkins1 Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:12:50 +0000 I like your Audio topics Jon. I’m also glad to see someone else writing about this perspective. The mesh of the Matrix IS hard at first to detangle from. In my writing, I’m lost in the ping-pong game of deciphering sanity from insanity…. yeah, I know. As always, I dig your ideas and your writing. Thanks for sharing.
