Comments on: Top shareholders in Whole Foods and Monsanto: identical Mon, 08 Aug 2016 22:12:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: OrcaAndOwl Mon, 08 Aug 2016 22:12:32 +0000 Gross. I worked there at the time the majority of the shares were sold. Our manager basically came in and said Whole Foods has 0$ in the bank, so we’re selling half the company to blank… Note within a month or two we were voting on the best way to reduce our health benefits, and were told we couldn’t hire enough people to help the customers.

Now they are doing more layoffs and cancelling store openings, in my mind, the culture totally changed after the sale. I love that while most employees lost lots of stock, in the company buyback of stock, most just went back to the NASDAQ, upper management, and CEO’s. If I hear one more time that people on the top got there from hard work, I’m gonna freak out. Howard Schultz and John Mackey barely seem to have the strength to shake a person’s hand (no, I’m not kidding…weakest handshakes of anyone I’ve met).

By: benitro Wed, 17 Feb 2016 09:19:44 +0000 I agree, I think we need to stop using money eventually, everybody become self sufficient and reform our society without money.

By: healthdan Tue, 26 Jan 2016 19:03:59 +0000 Another way to look at those overlapping investments from those very large investment funds is diversification. Or hedging their bets.

By: nina Sat, 09 Jan 2016 18:57:07 +0000 Good ideas, laurabruno! I went to whole foods once and I was appalled at the prices. Many good alternatives and it is super easy to grow greens anywhere.

By: sara Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:33:20 +0000 Wow

By: GMOs and the Neoliberal Apologists » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Tue, 16 Jun 2015 09:11:17 +0000 Jon Rappaport highlights how this interlocking directorate works on a company level by looking at Monsanto and Whole Foods. He shows that five out of the top 10 shareholders for each company – the holders of the most stock – are the same. The five are investment funds and they buy stocks in many companies. But this should not be regarded as some kind of conscious conspiracy to control the food market, although such a practice should not be discounted. Rappaport says these funds make automatic purchases of stocks, based on computer calculations and based on the rankings of companies.

By: 924COLLECTIVE Sun, 07 Sep 2014 15:26:08 +0000 Thank you for this eye opening expose. We were in Pulix today (we live in South Florida) and increasingly we are seeing the Organic and “Green Wise” sections rapidly vanishing, this is an alarming trend for a “employee owned” company, and just shows how shady these “health food games” really get. Once again, thank you for exposing how these Corporate Companies reap huge rewards off the “healthy lifestyle movement” Good Vibes and Sunshine from Miami 😀

By: Jon Rappoport – Annie’s Natural Foods, Carlyle Group: Same Top Shareholders – 5 March 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:29:59 +0000 […] […]

By: Annie’s natural foods, Carlyle Group: same top shareholders « Jon Rappoport's Blog Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:41:16 +0000 […] […]

By: Nowhere Man Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:25:21 +0000 There are a lot of organics at Whole Foods but then there are the rest. There is a certain feeling also about the place. $’s king. And the general lack of potency of the 365 products.
