Comments on: The elite television anchor: imitation of life
NoMoreFakeNews.comWed, 28 Jun 2017 15:06:16 +0000
By: mtman2
Wed, 28 Jun 2017 15:06:16 +0000 check seems to delight in replacing words on me; even tho I have it shut off=???
“ENJOY” was stuck into my above sentence-
should read- “..and well being of the SOUL..”
Very frustrating on the limited space that wordpress allows one to write in or repair once Posted = which others allow…
By: mtman2
Wed, 28 Jun 2017 14:51:57 +0000 covered it best with:
“LYING LIARS THAT LIE” – so expect it.
90% upsets+angers me more than endurance.
So- online pursuit of research+info is my much enjoyed preference.
TRUTH – the nutritious prize for health of the conscience and well being of the enjoy for American God+country Patriots= folks that care for what’s right done the right way.
What’s tantamount-?
The intent of OUR 3- Founding documents as Framed by these wise, courageous and Faithful men and women that gave us America; it’s truly a really- very big deal.
Not to be taken for granted or perverted~!
By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Elite Television Anchor: Imitation Of Life | Shift Frequency
Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:46:33 +0000[…] JonRappoport February 27 2014 […]
By: Michael Burns
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:00:36 +0000 television anchor is the facsimile, the archetype of the millions of pundits who parrot out to their Monty Pythonish wifes and children the reality of the world. Pointing out in detail who the boogie man IS, and why it is necessary to have order… New World style.
Why haven’t we heard anything from the Holy See on GMO’s…I mean Monsantan has corrupted what God created. Monsanto has defied God. Placed itself above the creator. Not that I believe in a God.
They (Monsanto) would have been burned on a pyre of their own GMO wheat.
Were is Tommy Torqumada when you need him.
lt seems you have struck a chord, that resinates very deeply in me. Religion is violence, it always has been, l believe.
Your point on the Roman church is likened to this movement by the high priests of pyschiatry on an unsuspecting public as being mentally ill. A new inquisition were those that are not fit for reality…those that crash against the machine are the new heretics. To be burned-out on the fires of medication.
No need for a Torquemada, torment comes from inside the body, via Tardive Akathisia.
By: gwencat1
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 18:16:10 +0000 this on N.S. Alternate News.