Comments on: Interviewing myself on imagination and art Mon, 09 Dec 2019 14:33:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jarrod Sun, 02 Mar 2014 15:55:58 +0000 Ok, so I see what you’re saying, and I agree, obsessive, rigid conformity to the consensus construct is a huge bummer. And there is an infinite number of spaces and times beyond that hoax and we as individuals have the amazing ability to create new and wondrous infinite spaces and times with no semblance to any of the patterns or systems that this singular universe exhibits. All true. But where does wisdom enter the picture? And conscience, the ability to gauge the moral quality of our actions, to feel the inherent goodness or wrongness of a thing, or in this case, the goodness or wrongness within our individual act of creating. Is this not a “brand” of order that is an important thing to pay attention to? Is there no responsibility in the act of creation? And I don’t mean in some pathetic, religious way, I mean when it comes to acknowledging our inner compass that aligns us through the faculty of feeling with the multi-universal imperative towards inherent beauty and goodness. What of this? Although obviously this can be ignored, should it be? I don’t know.
