Comments on: Annie’s natural foods, Carlyle Group: same top shareholders Mon, 10 Mar 2014 20:43:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: GJH Mon, 10 Mar 2014 20:43:18 +0000 Came across this related article today, after reading this one, which reveals some of the history of the scam:

“During the 1970s a law was passed called ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Prior to ERISA it was not unusual for retirement funds to be managed in-house by companies. ERISA created severe penalties for violations of fiduciary duty and there was virtually no defense.

Fiduciaries at companies were forced to turn over the management of the funds to what have become the enormous financial institutions and mutual fund groups that we have today. Failure to do so exposed the trustees of the plans to unlimited liability…What the act accomplished was to concentrate enormous amounts of money on Wall Street away from Main Street.”

Now I want to know the specific interests and people behind ERISA. Talk about centralizing power!

By: GJH Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:43:15 +0000 Not all of it. Just a lot of it.

By: Annie’s natural foods, Carlyle Group: same top shareholders | Sun, 09 Mar 2014 20:55:38 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport […]

By: drewjosephcarter Sat, 08 Mar 2014 18:29:38 +0000 It would seem that the Tragedy & Hope community has some pull with you Jon… thanks for posting the articles.

By: drewjosephcarter Fri, 07 Mar 2014 22:15:17 +0000 Well Jon, you’ve got almost the entire picture here. There is just one thing missing in your analysis, and its the biggest thing of all…

The largest funding capital for the Carlyle Group comes from… drum roll please… GOVERNMENT!!! Your tax dollars are collected and invested into stock and given as low interest loans called “corporate bonds”.

Secondly, when you reference these massive investment funds, you must realize that these are major fronts for institutional investors, in other words… GOVERNMENT!!! Of 4 million shares held by a fund like Vanguard, Statestreet (a government corporation), FMR, and Times Square Capital, the largest percent of capital investment comes from government, especially in pension funds.

Thirdly, you are incorrect on one point. The collective shareholding of government, with over 230,000 different corporations calling themselves government (States, Counties, Cities, Districts, Authorities, etc.) in the United States, not to mention the $3 trillion pension investments of the military and other federal agencies and departments, is the majority shareholder in almost EVERY CORPORATION WORLDWIDE, especially when foreign governments are considered as collective shareholders. Those shareholders get to vote on such things a mergers and acquisitions, and also they get to elect the board of directors, which in turn elects the CEO. The great fallacy is that Bill Gates and other CEO’s run the corporation. But Bill is only a 2% shareholder. Institutional holders sit at over 70% ownership, and most of that is collective government. So… to control this massive corporate structure of Earth, governments around the country and the world pool their collective proxy shareholder votes when the want something done or want to replace a board or CEO.

In other words, government is in silent control of most corporations.

Here is just one example for greater understanding, which includes the Carlyle Group as an example of government investment. Feel free to share or reprint, as all my research is in public domain…

Thanks for all you do!

-Clint Richardson

By: Clint Richardson Fri, 07 Mar 2014 21:40:17 +0000 Well Jon, you’ve got almost the entire picture here. There is just one thing missing in your analysis, and its the biggest thing of all…

The largest funding capital for the Carlyle Group comes from… drum roll please… GOVERNMENT!!! Your tax dollars are collected and invested into stock and given as low interest loans called “corporate bonds”.

Secondly, when you reference these massive investment funds, you must realize that these are major fronts for institutional investors, in other words… GOVERNMENT!!! Of 4 million shares held by a fund like Vanguard, Statestreet (a government corporation), FMR, and Times Square Capital, the largest percent of capital investment comes from government, especially in pension funds.

Thirdly, you are incorrect on one point. The collective shareholding of government, with over 230,000 different corporations calling themselves government (States, Counties, Cities, Districts, Authorities, etc.) in the United States, not to mention the $3 trillion pension investments of the military and other federal agencies and departments, is the majority shareholder in almost EVERY CORPORATION WORLDWIDE, especially when foreign governments are considered as collective shareholders. Those shareholders get to vote on such things a mergers and acquisitions, and also they get to elect the board of directors, which in turn elects the CEO. The great fallacy is that Bill Gates and other CEO’s run the corporation. But Bill is only a 2% shareholder. Institutional holders sit at over 70% ownership, and most of that is collective government. So… to control this massive corporate structure of Earth, governments around the country and the world pool their collective proxy shareholder votes when the want something done or want to replace a board or CEO.

In other words, government is in silent control of most corporations.

Here is just one example for greater understanding, which includes the Carlyle Group as an example of government investment. Feel free to share or reprint, as all my research is in public domain…

Thanks for all you do!

-Clint Richardson

By: Defiant Wed, 05 Mar 2014 16:43:40 +0000 Oh…I thought that living off the money she made from her company would be evil. That’s Capitalism you know…what a sell out.

By: Defiant Wed, 05 Mar 2014 16:42:26 +0000 Just proves what a total sham all of this eco-granola BS is.

By: keldoone Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:55:03 +0000 it all comes down to growing our own or at least knowing your grower…Here’s tip from way back when things were a little easier to see>…..

“Spanish Pipedream (Blow Up Your TV)”

She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol
And I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal
Well she pressed her chest against me
About the time the juke box broke
Yeah, she gave me a peck on the back of the neck
And these are the words she spoke

Blow up your TV throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try an find Jesus on your own
Well, I sat there at the table and I acted real naive
For I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve
Well, she danced around the bar room and she did the hoochy-coo
Yeah she sang her song all night long, tellin’ me what to do


Well, I was young and hungry and about to leave that place
When just as I was leavin’, well she looked me in the face
I said “You must know the answer.”
“She said, “No but I’ll give it a try.”
And to this very day we’ve been livin’ our way
And here is the reason why

We blew up our TV threw away our paper
Went to the country, built us a home
Had a lot of children, fed ’em on peaches
They all found Jesus on their own

John Prine circa 1971

By: Mike Corbeil Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:18:56 +0000 That the economy is controlled, for the most part anyway, I think is without question for a very long time now, but it’s good to be reminded now and then in a more detailed manner than just saying that the economy is controlled by the elites. That’s easy to say and many people wouldn’t understand what’s really meant. So, this article is a good one.

I’ve never been an Annie’s foods consumer. Have seen the products, but haven’t bought anyway. However, what about Eden Foods?
