Comments on: Introduction to The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix Sun, 09 Mar 2014 01:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jarrod Sun, 09 Mar 2014 01:15:06 +0000 Words will never suffice for actual truth, not really , but what they can do, at times, are provide an adequate enough reflection of truth to facilitate it. Three years or so ago I experienced, and continue to experience, a “kundalini awakening” (I use these words because it most accurately describes the phenomenon that has been happening to me. I know this experience is uniquely my own and can’t really fall into any descriptive category, it is merely my own perceiving of the cracks in the matrix and me consciously willing those cracks open further to let the light in). Since then I can feel at all times my energy body which gracefully undulates around me and through me in a direct interface with metaphysical reality. Accompanied with this has been the ability to heal, both myself and others, as I have not been sick since this began. I place my hands on their afflicted area and watch with my mind’s eye as bands of light-energy move down my arm and into the sickness (which is mostly dark brown and sometimes gray and composed of dead bands that are tangled and tied in knots). The energy unties these knots and revives the energy until its spinning properly again and luminous. I’ve healed many times now (35 to be exact including cancer). I tell this not to boast of my special powers but as a testament to how magical life really is. We all have the ability to heal ourselves and each other. At root, all this healing energy really is-is unconditional love. Possess absolute, unconditional love for someone (and yourself for that matter) and then focus that love into their sickness (if they should have any). This is how healing takes place, for lack of better words. Love has an energy configuration that’s wavelength is golden-ratio (again just words to describe something way bigger and more magical) and DNA is built at functions of golden-ratio. I myself know, not believe, but know, that love itself braids the helixes of DNA. Because love is light…and light is life-force…and life-force animates DNA. I realize we can invent universes and realities that bear no semblance to this universe, and we can and should do that and that is true freedom but there is a truth here in this universe too, one that is real and based on certain principles, and love is the life-force behind this particular template, if you will. And when we love we are in part fulfilling one of the purposes of living.
