Comments on: Is Edward Snowden lying? Tue, 03 Feb 2015 00:24:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: pndrgn99 Tue, 03 Feb 2015 00:24:43 +0000 The question of whether or not what you say is true is not one I can resolve this moment. I have significant reason to believe that you are inaccurate and Snowden is in fact a national hero. Nonetheless since I like facts better than allegations and value on her and character above other things my real question is do you really know the truth?

By: Brad Sun, 25 Jan 2015 08:22:19 +0000 […]

Co-workers at Booze Allen described Snowden as something of a “genius” and they corroborate his wide security clearances. He was even offered a job directly with the NSA’s elite team known as Tailored Access Operations, but turned it down to join Booze Allen. So, no, there is no reason to seriously doubt Snowden’s security clearances.

Yes, Drake, Binney, Loomis and Weibe all worked directly for the NSA. Snowden was a contractor. That has no bearing on how severe the punishment would be for divulging information. In fact, if anything, one could reasonably assume that if someone worked directly for an agency they might be punished more severely. At no time, however, did Drake, Binney, Loomis or Weibe fear for their lives. They did fear long imprisonment. Now, in order to know that “most” unsung heroes were killed, you’d need to know the total amount of unsung heroes. So please kindly provide a source for your original number of unsung heroes, then a source citing the number of heroes who were actually killed. Yeah, didn’t think so.

Rappaport tries to make Snowden’s story out to be some sort of conspiracy theory involving a turf war between the FBI, CIA and NSA. Of all possible explanations, this seems to be the least likely, especially given the absolute zero evidence provided. And the fact that no such turf war has ever been associated with previous whistleblowers like Drake, Binney, Loomis, Weibe or Mark Klein (AT&T).

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:32:13 +0000 Brad,

Snowden was a CONTRACTOR under Booz-Allen, and paid by Booz-Allen. Plus, Snowden did not work this job for very long. Mr. Drake, Mr. Binney, Mr. Loomis, and Mr. Weibe all worked for YEARS on the job, and slowly progessed to those higher-levels of trust within the organization(s).

Edward Snowden’s stories have some room for serious doubts as to their accuracy and authenticity. Perhaps he may feel he is doing something humanitarian, but his story does not add up!

– Plus,

I said “MOST”, not all! So please stop reading into my remarks those things I did not say!


Snowden “appears” to have “made of with” far more complete details of the intelligence operations (most of which were already out in the oublic domain, if one were to spend some time looking around, carefully).


What about the “unsung heroes” who WERE killed (died under mysterious circumstances) who once worked for one or more of these agencies/organizations? – Any bother to try and find out what they knew or were trying to tell the public? When you see “a trail of bodies” surrounding an issue, agency, organization, or even a (so-called) “VIP”, does that not make you take notice? – Or do you just, like most, turn away from it and accept the establishment’s explanation of things?

Does THIS sound like something coming from someone who has worked as a government-paid “super-spook” or other intelligence contractor???


Try again!

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:21:02 +0000 So you are saying compartmentalization never happens? – There you are sadly mistaken. Compartmentalization even has its own security clearance: S.C.I. (“Sensitive and Compartmentalized Information”)


Since WHEN do newly-hired folks to any defense/security-related activity get total access to information within the first few years of their job??? – NONE that I am aware of.


ANY well-established firm or organization is going to have multiple, over-laying checks and balances on access to any sensitive information AND hardware. This is to PREVENT unauthorized access and disclosure to unauthorized parties any sensitive information and hardware!

AND, NO – I have never had anything to do with the NSA. I have no degree and have not rened a clearance since I left the service (military). – So, the speculation is from YOU.

What I have stated is from commonsense and a bit of knowledge on history, to include that of these various agencies. If you have been alive long enough, and have a fair-to-decent memory of those events you lived through, then the rest is, shall we say, “academic”.

By: Brad Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:06:55 +0000 False. Sibel Edmonds has never said questioned Snowden’s legitimacy or the authenticity of the documents.

By: Brad Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:03:22 +0000 Completely false. Thomas Drake, William Binney, Ed Loomis and J. Kirk Weibe all worked for the NSA and all went through the “proper channels” to report problems with Project Trailblazer and NSA overreach. They all came forward as whistleblowers and filed a DOD General Inspector report. When nothing happened, Drake started leaking info to the media. The FBI raided their homes at gunpoint, but no charges were laid. Only Drake was charged under the Espionage Act. They weren’t killed. They did however, all lose their jobs.

By: Brad Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:57:03 +0000 Pure speculation on your part. You’ve worked at the NSA I presume?

By: Snowden Admits He’s a CIA Operative | Thu, 29 May 2014 15:24:08 +0000 […] Veterans of intelligence work and black operations then made it clear that Snowden was a faux hero who was questionable at the least, including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Sibel Edmonds, Daniel Estulin, Kurt Nimmo and Jon Rappoport. […]

By: Snowden Admits He’s a CIA Operative » The Rundown Live Thu, 29 May 2014 05:58:12 +0000 […] Veterans of intelligence work and black operations then made it clear that Snowden was a faux hero who was questionable at the least, including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Sibel Edmonds, Daniel Estulin, Kurt Nimmo and Jon Rappoport. […]

By: JaysAnalysis Vindicated: Snowden Admits He’s a CIA Operative | Jay's Analysis Thu, 29 May 2014 04:43:08 +0000 […] at the least, including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Sibel Edmonds, Daniel Estulin, Kurt Nimmo and Jon Rappoport. I am not trying to take credit ahead of these minds – they have been at this a lot longer […]
