Comments on: Will healthy food crops go extinct? Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:17:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: jjsanto1962 Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:17:35 +0000 These are good questions…ones we fail to ask. I suppose when one is kept in a perpetual state of seeking outside one’s self for answers to all this kind of scenario can become a reality.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:56:39 +0000 Are not charities “outsourced government”? Why do they exist at all?

By: jjsanto1962 Thu, 20 Nov 2014 12:52:56 +0000 “The ads were weak, bland, and without anything resembling a hard edge. Attacking Monsanto head-on was out of the question.”

One would have to ask themselves why they would use our donations to create such ineffectual, advertising opposition? Every day for the past two weeks I have been getting my inbox flooded with pleas for more money to “defeat Monsanto”. If only I would send just 35 dollars we could defeat Monsanto!

This is what I am coming to realize, all charities and research groups really do nothing to change the status quo. They collect copious amounts of money from their constituents yet somehow fail to achieve our collective goals. Year after year after year of throwing paper and coin at profound social issues I have found that nothing changes. Nothing. At this point my radar has gone far above the chaos and incessant drama here on Earth and I am attuned to the reality that no one really wants change. If they did they would have stopped legitimizing the mafia industries and institutions by challenging them to litigious duels therefore securing their illegitimate positions of authority and power.
We don’t call things by their true and inherent values and herein lies the deeper issue of fomenting real change.

The challenge is not to ‘label’ life destroying industries but to stop investing in it’s legitimacy with our paper and coin.

To my observant and measured eye, there appears to be a blatant disregard for human life by those who defile the sanctity thereof ,and, equally by those who oppose the defilers.
It is very possible that we are being scammed all the way around.

By: jjsanto1962 Thu, 20 Nov 2014 12:21:30 +0000 Indeed!

By: Silvia Postill Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:43:21 +0000 .i agree wholeheartedly..besides all labeling initiatives contain so many loopholes,rendering them totally worthless.

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 20 Mar 2014 01:02:28 +0000 …..and that is why the “devil is in the detail” 🙂

By: Will healthy food crops go extinct?Not Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Mon, 17 Mar 2014 01:03:48 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: paschnn1 Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:23:53 +0000 Actually, I apply what I like to call the “faith rule”. Judging from the reprehensible way our “scientific fixitudes” of the past have ruined our earth/lives…. I have faith they are sub-human lying swine and are incapable of telling an unsullied truth. A nice accurate way to address the filth and their owners.

By: molecule Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:28:35 +0000 Well Valerie, I do not impugn the 16 century Indian tribes. Let me first say that some of us are aware that a poor choice of food can change our emotional and spiritual outlooks and our intellectual capacities. And even our DNA as well. If you are free to observe the danger of this seizure of our future food supply by corporations, then, I might suggest that, to the contrary of your delicately spun ad hominem, maize and its brethren are known to foster in humans, a perpetuate a state of political victimhood. The essence of the corporate danger to our spiritual dignity ultimately gets down to corporate control of our food. Poor food choices can affect our ability to muster our spiritual powers. Maize and its similar corporate farm products are known to foster in humans (to all who will open their eyes and see, by direct observation and open critical thinking) a dilution or weakening of spiritual awareness and sovereignty. If you can see that there are foods amongst us that tend to foster a negative spiral, then …

Over the years, I may have heard some of the doubtless “big names” you mention, on MSM, and NPR, and on History/Discovery channels, etc. Not only is everything on the MSM and its peripheral adjuncts to be considered as an absolute fraud but I immediately spotted the so-called self-represented true Indian guests as political phoneys. Opportunistic gag men. It’s only a shallow and greasy intellect that proposes that tribal leaders grabbing money is justification for media fraud. They want their nations back with reparations, so they can build banks, with houses for gambling, money laundering, prostitution, child and drugs trafficking. In reality, these phoneys trade the dignity of their claimed ancestors for a handful of pottery chards, otherwise known as FRNs, which are themselves the essence of yet another form of debt fraud. They want the dignity of their ancestors, and so they join in secret brotherhood with Bush and Abramhof. The crude sets of “Indian talents” that the corporate media allows them to put on display is an insult to the dignity and honesty and integrity, more importantly, the higher intellectual and linguistic talents, of every 16th century Indian. I had studied the Algonquin languages in the 70s, and the clowns representing the nations that I heard were mass media fraudsters through and through. Back when library shelves were open to the public, I had come across some books from the early 1800s, which detailed the languages. Their grammatical structures, with complex declinations of nouns and tenses of verbs etc., were at least as highly evolved as Latin. The media shills that I saw did not have any of that grammatical discipline in the thought structures that came from their minds.

You mention the National Science Foundation. It, and its shadow organization, the National Institutes of Health, are both a fraud. They were both created by corporations, for the benefit corporations, and for no one else. They are so thoroughly “federally funded” (meaning funded with approval by corporate lobbying), it amazes and saddens me, that anyone would believe anything that comes from the mouths of their corporate chosen mouthpieces. Let me put it this way, their leaders are not locally elected.

For example, you cite a completely hilarious MSM press release, “Indigenous Farmers Bred the Plant for Hardiness and Better Food Quality[;] Scientists Trace Corn Ancestry from Ancient Grass to Modern Crop.” I’m writing actually, because the fraud of this “scientific” claim can be immediately debunked by a little critical thinking. Let’s assume that by indigenous farmers, the NSF media fraudsters intend for us to believe they are true descendants of a 16th century Indian tribe. OK, so 16th century Indian tribes had glasshouses and plastic bags, so that they could carefully breed their maize plants for hardiness (ahh, yes, the smell of future corporate profits?) and for food quality (ahh, yes, but what quality … tending to produce a mindstate of slavery and perpetual victimhood, or personal dignity and national sovereignty?). Or course, 16th century indigenous farmers didn’t have glasshouses and plastic bags. I proposed that distraction as a reason. OK, so let’s say they used critical observation, and selective breeding. Ah hah! But, wait. I proposed that as a lie as well. Or as a lie by half truth anyway.

But, if these 16th century indigenous survivalists didn’t use plastic bags and selective breeding, then how did they “breed” their truly amazing maize.

We have to back up a bit. DNA is a BIG LIE. There is no such thing as DNA! DNA does not exist. It is 100% big lie, because it is 50% half truth. The big lie about DNA, i.e. the part about DNA that is intentionally hidden from view by the corporate scientists at the NSF, is that DNA is created and changed by the environment, every minute, by every thought even. The NSF media liars want us to look at 1% of the DNA strands, and they say, look, this part never changes. They claim to have discovered the great fixitude. They want us to ignore the changes, which they observe and know about, in the remaining 99% of the strands. But wait. The corporate scientists at the NSF are not done lying to us. In the next sentence, they reluctantly admit, carefully hidden in obscure footnotes, that environmental factors can change even the 1% that they claim never changes. Because of the NSF, everything that you have been taught to believe about science is a corporate funded, corporate sponsored, BIG LIE. Everything from the NSF, and the NIH as well, is carefully designed, corporate sponsored, political fraud!

Here’s the truth Valeria. We know that the corporate-selected and NSF-vetted “indigenous farmers” (implying populations with the dignity of 16th century Indians) did not breed plants for hardiness and food quality. Because unlike the vast stupidity of the worm infested brains of today’s maize-fed populations, the antients were smart enough to know that a plant’s characteristics (which we now think our corporate sponsored scientists can know through the great scientific fixitude of 1% of the DNA) are NOT determined plant to plant. The antients knew that a plant’s characteristics are determined by the quality and abundance of life in the soil. They knew that a plant grown in good soil, will have better “DNA.” (Using since you believe in the true science of DNA, the unseen predicates of which I assure you again are pure corporate big lie.) The antients knew that if you take that same plant (that same DNA in your mindset) and you put it into a dead soil, by the seventh day, you will get a completely different plant, in terms of bulk yield (now directly equated with corporation profits) and nutritional value (now inversely equated with corporation profits).

Here’s the truth. The DNA in a plant is created by the fungus in the soil. Change the life in the soil, change the DNA of the plant. (If you believe in the great scientific truth of DNA, which I don’t.) As Pasteur said on his death bed, the environment is everything. The DNA is nothing. It is but a snapshot of a momentary apparition. This momentary snapshot of a plant is created by the environment and by the soil, much as the momentary DNA of our bodies is created by our thoughts, our prayers, our choices in food and environment, and our honesty, … I may as well add that plants have more consciousness and more righteousness than any animal, including humans. We were created by the plants. And the fungus in the soil has vastly more consciousness and righteousness than do the plants. Because they were created by the fungus.

I’ll close by saying this. We are a part of evolution. And, the terrain of evolution is a pleomorphic domain. The true name of the true creator of all things, from the galaxies, to vast electrical fields, to a periodic table of the elements, to the platonic solids, and the harmonies and proportionalities that bring joy, truth and happiness into this moment of illusion called the temporary world is … the Fungus Humongous. He (monaceous), the Fungus Humongus, has a Son. The name of this junior fungus is … the Fungus Amongus. The Fungus Amongus is in the soils, and in the oceans and in the air, and it is in the fungus in our guts. They are all one and the same entity. Disrespect one, and the others will respond pleomorphically. This Fungus Amongus is vastly more intelligent than we are. It creates our DNA on the fly. And it does so in a well regulated, self correcting, pleomorphic manner. That means that the spiritual white worms of the bad food choices that we make, or that are foisted upo us (such as maize) are in the food itself. That is, IMHO, why the corporations have chosen to push the white worms of maize into the livers of populations that have been targeted for political victimhood and economic oppression. 16th century Indians did not have 1,000,000 acres of maize monoculture, with carefully “bred” maize selected for hardiness and nutrition. The spiritual white worm of poor food choices has so sucked out the spirit of its consumers, that they are ready to blindly accept, the wild proclaimations, through carefully selected “leaders,” who have been thoroughly vetted out by the corporate media, who claim they are the true resurrection of10% of the rare DNA fixitudes of 16th century tribal leaders, with not even one-tenth the intelligence or language skills of their ancestors, that have a duty to reclaim the righteousness of their ancestors, by doing what? … by getting federal approval (meaning. corporate approval) for conversion of their nations into gambling casinos. These schills do nothing but trade the honesty and dignity of the ancient Indian populations, so that Bush and Abramov and company can toy with their corporate pride: money laundering, drug running, child trafficking and prostitution. These carefully vetted millionaires use the poverty of others as their smokescreen. They have no dignity at all.

You are right about one thing. Lies are still be being told on the Indian nations. Big Lies. Let’s start with the carefully crafted lies hidden within the predicates of the Press Release you cited.

Start with what the ancients knew … change the soil, change the DNA. Start from there. Every “little truth” that has been pushed on us, by the millionaires, the corporate schills and their media resurrected “tribal leaders” claiming 10% of the DNA fixitude of a true 16th century leader, has been used to hide a bigger lie. Every “little truth” that you’ve been pushed by the corporate fronts known as the NSF and NIH, for example, about the great fixitude of 1% of the DNA of anything, has used to hide a bigger lie. They are experts at deception by omission and half truth.

Sorry for the long reply. The lies of modern scientific fixitudes are so big, they are almost impossible to address.


By: OzzieThinker Sun, 16 Mar 2014 01:13:49 +0000 I missed this comment. Thank you for the information. I need to research this more deeply.
