Comments on: The strange fear of symbols Wed, 23 Oct 2019 17:40:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silvia Postill Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:44:05 +0000 how refreshing to read this!!….until now thought i was the only one thinking this way..JR…you are so much on my wavelength…..great writing..:-)

By: Ramon J. Thomas Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:56:31 +0000 There are conspiracy gurus like Jordan Maxwell and now the Vigilant Citizen website, which make a living from peddling the the occult meaning of symbols. Reading this makes all that fall apart. It really comes down to how much meaning we attach to things. Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said nothing in the world is good or bad but thinking makes it so?

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 15 Mar 2014 01:19:52 +0000 Symbols will always be a “con” to those that do not understand them. You have attracted a few commenters who might be labelled ‘closet debunkers’ in more hostile arenas. Think of symbols as MAPS and that will give you professional insight as to their power.

The ” closet debunkers” certainly will not like my latest post, Jon, but it has not stopped me thus far…

By: B. Mohr Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:31:30 +0000 Symbols are like pills – “shut up and take your symbol”

By: Jeanne Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:36:14 +0000 Jon, Thanks for reminding us that our personal sovereignty comes first. We do have a choice about what is meaningful & what is false. Since giving up a television years ago & spending more time in nature, my sense of beauty is right in front of & all around me & within me. I have much less need of material goods, but prefer simplicity. Such freedom!

By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Strange Fear of Symbols | Laura Bruno's Blog Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:36:07 +0000 […] on Jon Rappoport’s site and decided instead to post my (expanded) comment as an intro to his post, published below my […]

By: Max Pont Fri, 14 Mar 2014 09:44:37 +0000 True indeed. There are too many crackpot conspiracy theories floating around. Instead of attacking the real and blatant corruption and abuse of power people are chasing ghosts such as the Illuminati. I suspect that some of the conspiracy mongers are actually paid PR trolls for the bankster-Pentagon-Washington establishment with the aim of spreading confusion and discredit us 99-percenters.

If people spend all their time trying to uncover that the global power elite are cloaked alien reptilians (claimed by the conspiracy monger David Icke), there will be less time for protesting against GMO, Big Pharma and water fluoridation. And legitimate protesters will be discredited if they work side by side with the conspiracy crackpots. Other conspiracy mongers are obsessed with “controlled opposition”; always attacking leading activists for not being militant enough and for secretly working for the corporate enemy. Who benefits from that?

There are some core errors in the conspirationists’ world view. 1) They automatically believe that all news in mainstream media is false and that the opposite is true. 2) They automatically believe that if some news or information is ignored or suppressed by the mainstream establishment it must be true. 3) They believe that all major events are the direct result of orders given by some clandestine hidden power holders. 4) They believe that “false flag” and “controlled opposition” is everywhere. 5) They also believe in long chains of deception in logical double and triple negations (“the global corporate elite wanted socialism to win because xxxxx”, “the hidden NWO socialists placed George W Bush in the White House because xxxx”, “the Jewish bankers are behind the islamisation of the West because xxxx”). 6) They believe that all visible power holders on a high level have a secret hidden loyalty and blind obedience to the ONE deeply hidden secret top power in the world, like in the movie The Manchurian Candidate.

The last point is their cardinal error. Anyone who knows anything about politics, big corporates, and geo-politics on higher levels knows that internal rivalry and politics is rampant. Power holders in any organisation, large and small, are in constant rivalry with their peers. The idea that all power-holders above a certain level would be initiated into serving the hidden dark cabal and then blindly obey is just absurd.

By: Chuck DiPaula Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:41:22 +0000 Words and language are symbols as well.

By: Zach Conner Fri, 14 Mar 2014 02:46:02 +0000 Mark Passio covers the use of subversive symbolism for mind control in What On Earth Is Happening podcast episode 46

By: The strange fear of symbolsNot Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Fri, 14 Mar 2014 02:04:00 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]
