Comments on: Disease hoax, disease game Fri, 04 Aug 2017 13:02:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: dennis w pompa Fri, 04 Aug 2017 13:02:58 +0000 I’ve been diagnosed with Hep C ,Have always doubted the cost of cure. Also the true existance of the virus.The liver will regenerate, that has been proven. So I am going to change my diet, cancel my Dr. appointment, (for the supposed cure)Keep my approx $ 100,000.cure cost, Live my life,with a few more dollars,in my pocket, that I didn’t hand over to some greedy pharmacutcal co. for their highly over priced drugs. I’ve made it this far on my decisions.

By: tguven Wed, 14 Sep 2016 22:05:26 +0000 They injected blood from hepatitis patients into ANIMALS. Can the species of animal even get human hepatitis?

By: Tectonic Taniwha Wed, 27 Jul 2016 00:54:48 +0000 My father was offered treatment years ago to clear his hep c, he believed in the fairy tale of it being a fake disease and now has weeks to live when he should have had another 15 to 20 years!

By: Andy Mon, 01 Feb 2016 05:02:40 +0000 I believe you Jon,Doctor said I Have Hep. C,but no symptoms& no independent lab can isolate,photograph,or find it!

By: goatseye Sun, 17 Jan 2016 12:03:13 +0000 Studying the case, blood transfusion alone causes in some cases liver problems including liver failure and hepatitis like symptoms and high enzymes. Hepatitis is an liver inflammation, some people just attached some letters calling the liver inflammation with different letters and non existing viruses.

So if we speak about the liver inflammation caused by bad food, is named hepatitis A, what i am thinking is that the liver inflammatory disease are caused by a different agents, for example – hepatitis you can receive if you eat a bad food, or drink dirty water polluted with stools, the liver got poisoned and fell ill and infected, this is not a virus but inflammatory disease, you will ask them how they then know that is hepatitis A, certain causes, cause certain reaction and the production of certain enzymes and RNA,as the RNA is a part of the immune system, so certain food or drink cause inflammation disease will produce certain RNA chains, this bit of RNA which is actually part of the immune system they actually called virus, the same stand with hepatitis C blood transfusion alone by itself can cause liver damage, failure, so with the transfusion of blood some organysms take it some no, those who had dificulties to accept it develope a RNA chain, as a decoding agent again part of the immune system is called hepatitis C simple, but the lie is so fat and huge, I wish healthy for everyone, and Thank you Almighty Allah you gave me this knowledge.

ps The liver can regenerate itself alone.

By: Paul Fassa Sat, 10 May 2014 07:30:33 +0000 I guess you don’t realize (or don’t want to) that modern allopathic medicine kills more than cures – the stats are in if you’d look. Bad livers are the result of toxic consumption (processed foods) alcohol, and stress – not viruses or other bugs.

By: Paul Fassa Sat, 10 May 2014 07:25:54 +0000 I was diagnosed with hep C a decade and a half ago. I avoided interferon and processed foods, alcohol, etc while taking herbal remedies and my health improved. My liver enzyme count is now int the normal range. Meanwhile, a gal I knew who didn’t clean up her act and kept drinking wine “socially” went on inteferon and got worse. She needed a cane to get around last I saw her. Are you trolling out of ignorance or are you a pharma shill? Others have questioned the validity of Big Pharma’s virus find. Oh, right. You’re a wiki fan – just one step from “Quackbusters” screaming shillery!!!

By: musicis2words Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:08:09 +0000 Great comment!

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 20 Mar 2014 01:15:46 +0000 Is this a “joke” or [a] troll?

Wikipedia demonstrates how dangerous scientists are at affirming ignorance. Wikipedia confirms hep C is a ‘label’ designated to Jon’s,

“What they found, with the use of high-tech amplification tools, was essentially a small piece of genetic information (encoded in ribonucleic acid, or RNA). On the basis of tests to reconstruct pieces of what they believed was a virus, they presumed that this bit of RNA was foreign and viral — even though they had no basic evidence that their ‘catch’ behaved like a virus. [And they could take pictures of this unidentified material with an electron microscope and publish them, calling them ‘the hepatitis C virus.’]

By: Elsa Wed, 19 Mar 2014 23:35:05 +0000 The article does not claim that liver disease does not exist. It challenges the virus theory and the outrageous cost of the latest so called treatment. Bad dietary habits are the biggest cause of most illnesses and liver disease can be reversed using diet changes and herbal supplements. The medical establishment want to convince us that viruses and germs cause disease instead of looking at the real causes. It is no coincidence that Big Pharma and the giant food corporations work hand in hand.
