Comments on: “Reality star” doesn’t vaccinate her kids: the world ends Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:14:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: paschn Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:14:33 +0000 An objective mind would certainly have to agree with you on that. We could also begin an objective search into whom has virtually controlled this “benevolent” organization and, in fact, all similar “benevolent” organizations which “appear” out of thin air, latch themselves to co-opted governments and slowly, insidiously bleed same for what eventually becomes state-sanctioned power/influence over protocol and policy. The AMA, (which with power granted/maintained by a foul entity we are forced to call “government”), crushes real/proven research into the causes and cures of major killers. The ADA, pretty much the same, i.e. “amalgams”. the APA a panel of fewer than a dozen “experts”(?), ( most likely “trained” using the perverse “research”/beliefs of that twisted troll Freud), who decided in the mid ’70’s that homosexuality was NOT in fact a disgusting perversion as labeled by the God of this “faux-Christian” nation but nothing more than an alternative lifestyle. Result? one look at the filth taught in our elementary schools, (which brings us to yet another “benevolent” organization, The department of Education). What “cult” or “tribe” fomented the introduction of and maintains control over these demonic “clubs” that twist logic, common sense and moral decency completely out of shape? With the full cooperation and support of our “leaders”? Further, in a “Christian” nation, what dogma from what “religion” could be lauded as moral and honorable? To my knowledge it isn’t the Bible, nor, (in spite of what many “Christians” would like you to believe), the Quran. The “holy” book which not only supports but promotes twisted/perverse garbage rotting this nation from within is the Talmud.

By: Unconditional Loving Parenting Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:13:18 +0000 This topic really pushes people’s buttons. We want to help people to see the truth about vaccinations but we are most likely only going to loose a friend if we try. It is better to refer people to a medical experts on the topic on YouTube or a website that is dedicated to the topic. There are many of them out there today. I think most people are going to believe the TV ads before they believe what I have to say on the topic. You don’t have to tell them why you don’t vaccinate, simply refer them to a the experts on the topic. When you are prepared they will come to you. Always with love in your heart.

By: david`wilson Fri, 21 Mar 2014 05:56:42 +0000 The AMA is a Eugenics Foundation

By: Charlie Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:17:36 +0000 why are those who have vaccinated so worried about those who haven’t? shouldn’t they be confident that their vaccinations will work?

By: theodorewesson Thu, 20 Mar 2014 01:36:33 +0000

By: Elsa Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:52:42 +0000 I have long believed the Natural Hygienists’ viewpoint that disease or illness is related to seasonal changes and the enervation they produce in the body. Coughs, colds or other elimination symptoms are the body’s way of detoxifying. Where does the so-called flu go out of season? Why aren’t people sick the whole year round? The body needs to be ‘sick’ in order to detoxify otherwise death would come very early. Children become stronger after measles, chickenpox etc. and the CDC’s death figures are totally false as with the flu figures.

By: Blame it on Love Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:55:40 +0000 Reblogged this on Blame it on Love and commented:
More Vaccinist Tyranny

By: Terry Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:54:47 +0000 The flue was hyped up to where 1/3 of the town lined up to get the shot, then a week later the schools were shutdown because of 75% were out with the flu. Go figure! Of course any doctor would have known that would be the result from reading the product literature that they throw away instead of handing to the patient with a face mask to wear for the next 3 weeks. When it says stay away from immune-compromised people, it’s because you’re out-shedding live viruses everywhere. Those vaccinated are the public mutators that the disease-creators want to modify these lab-created germs so they will take on an effective kill-rate! They got Henry Lymen watching closely on those mutations. If the shot was lethal the 1st day, the providers generally get killed by the angry mobs. Ooh those mothers! Why they care so much for those baby’s and children? My God, how can a baby be expected to live in this world without at least 65 vaccinations directly into his tiny body? Thank the light of TV that Lucifer and his pharmacological minions are here to save the day!

By: More Vaccinist Tyranny | Blame it on Love Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:50:08 +0000 […] More Vaccinist Tyranny […]

By: Blame it on Love Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:44:07 +0000 Great article; I wrote one on vaccines as well; will share this on my blog, for what that’s worth…I certainly don’t have your audience!
