Mark Passio On The “Occult Season of Sacrifice” (Mar. 19 – May 1)
WHO, exactly, is behind it all? Watch the following, CAREFULLY. TAKE NOTES.
Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 1/2
Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 2/2
these demonic creeps in suits are desperate and going Terminally MAD……it shows in their faces, actions, words the negative energy they emit…….nothing but COWARDs that hide behind lies and murder to further their sick agenda…once awakened you can spot these demons a mile a way and all the cologne and suits don’t hide the truth of what they are….offering NOTHING to life except death, destruction, exploitation, misery, pain, lies, deceit, diseases, greed, lust and perversness…..they are completely demented and expect the rest of the world to be like they are…..FAT CHANCE…..for the past 8 years or so i am now in this world but not of this world awakened and living with an inner stillness and resolve to bring these demonic creeps to their final victory…..the end of their rampage…the end of their sickness their destruction…..their end is coming very soon even their support minions that are easily programmed and brainwashed will understand why this must and will come to an end…..soon the living will envy the dead as these demonic creeps self destruct….
]]>This is the “elites'” worst nightmare.