Comments on: Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home Sat, 07 Jun 2014 04:54:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: TeleMeNot! Sat, 07 Jun 2014 04:54:50 +0000 That was hilariously written! Thanks for the laugh. And for expanding the “real picture” of TeleMed’s purpose (which I first began hearing inklings of TeleMed 15+ years ago but was not NWO-saavy back then. Now it makes perfect sense!) The danger, as always, is in the Mindset of people first & foremost, of whether they will fall for these “loving govt intrusions.” Understanding the Big Picture is the only cure for avoiding that!

Funny this, too, as it sounds exactly like what is said re Smart Meters: “…knowing how often you flushed the toilet or went outside or cooked or how long you slept…” (via sewer, water, electric/lights/appliance usage profiled via Smart Meters!)

By: Welcome to “Telemedicine”: Spying On You At Home | The Liberty Beacon Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:22:49 +0000 […] See featured article here: […]

By: Tim Page Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:35:07 +0000 Interesting read, but I think the general trend is not in this direction. The general trend is for America to become a poor backward country, similar to Mexico or Brazil. Anyway, as Carroll Quiqley wrote in 1964, the existence of chemical and biological weapons will be the end of all these large imperial countries, as soon as oppressed peoples within them begin to understand how to use them. Consider that when *Israhell hyperventilates over Iranian nukes, we know that isn’t the case. But what is? I believe the real issue is Iranian weapons of mass destruction more of the kind Professor Quiqley spoke of. But the issue is so sensitive, they dare not mention it publicly. And this could hold true in almost any place, from Ukraine to Texas, from Alberta to Alaska, from Alabama to Scotland, from A to Z. This also is dystopia, but it breaks the Matrix, permanently

By: roberta4949 Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:51:28 +0000 I guess government employees and polticians wouldn’t mind me putting sensors in their home and on their streets it is for my safety you know, since they are so concerned, that way I can see when they are going to implement another law or rule to harm my life liberty and property and I can call them on it, not that they would listen, but hey worth a try you think? boy I am so glad people in government are concerned about my welfare, nice to know my protection money (taxes) are so well spent.

By: Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home | gold is money Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:01:56 +0000 […] READ MORE […]

By: theodorewesson Sat, 22 Mar 2014 02:49:29 +0000 “Yes you are. Swallow the pills. There’s a glass of water (with fluoride, glysophate, and chlorine in it) on the counter to your left. We care.”

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 22 Mar 2014 01:02:10 +0000 I haven’t read your first book, Jon. However AIDS is an interesting one. I understand, though this has never been formally corroborated (now will it?), that AIDS was a bi-product of a polio vaccine distributed [mostly] around the Africa in the 1960’s when science was going to ‘conquer the world’. The problem with African distribution networks is the majority of the vials never made source until 1980’s. Once again, I am relying on hearsay, but this states the vaccine was grown in the kidneys of live chimpanzees and green monkeys, who have an HIV strain in their arsenal of anti-gens (I hope I have terminology right). These were transferred and mutated in the human hosts to produce the AIDS symptoms of HIV.

My wife is Thai and until fairly recently, all doctors faced with a death by “unknown causes” put it down to AIDS because there was a GOVERNMENT FUNDING INCENTIVE (one of the international ones – WHO?). A Greek doctor informed me AIDS “WAS ALMOST IMPOSIBLE TO TRANSMIT” by normal sexual activity and transmission was usually blood to blood. One theory is homosexuals are promiscuous and ‘Bohemian’ availing a much higher than normal percentage inclined to share needles in recreational drug use, though I think splits in the anus and transmission by semen more likely.

A final mystery linked to the starchild or ‘indigo child’ syndrome is some African kids are being produced “HIV free” by infected parents……..’splain that science……….;-)

By: “…since when does knowing how often you flushed the toilet or went outside or cooked or how long you slept add to up to a refined medical diagnosis?” | Random Candidate Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:43:52 +0000 […] Read more at: […]

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:12:11 +0000 Not only of Orwell’s “1984”, but some of Aldus Huxley’s “Brave New World” thrown in for good measure.

I thought that was where the by-vaccine-implantable “bio-chip” came in? _ Yet, it is still in the works.

By: Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home – Eyes Open Report Fri, 21 Mar 2014 19:02:10 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport No More Fake News […]
