Comments on: Facebook and Monsanto: top shareholders are identical Mon, 02 Nov 2015 15:01:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: ash somers Mon, 02 Nov 2015 15:01:22 +0000 yeah, not many know about silverswine the mongrel bastard and those who do let him get away with it. they all have blood on their hands …. all of them in office that day.

By: John Fitzgerald McIntyre Mon, 02 Jun 2014 13:30:20 +0000 ** PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGN **
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By: Facebook and Monsanto: top shareholders are identical | ingaorama Mon, 26 May 2014 11:30:45 +0000 […] Facebook and Monsanto: top shareholders are identical. […]

By: gertrude Sun, 04 May 2014 14:41:03 +0000 So is there any medium to share like on FB, that is not owned by the wrong investors. If there is not one, can one bed started. I have been reading this for months now. but there are so many alternatives to choose from, that i have no idea, for they all could go down the same ally as FB has done. Just like all these local consumer iniatitives to sell surplus stuf cheap are sold to ebay and turn into a moneymaking machine. I believe many people are willing to change, but someone has to present them the facts. For personally i would not know how to research that.

By: Facebook And Monsanto Are Basically Owned By The Same People - Eye Opening Info | Eye Opening Info Thu, 01 May 2014 11:40:11 +0000 […] Source: via spiritscienceandmetaphysics […]

By: 24hourwealthcoach Thu, 01 May 2014 06:21:18 +0000 As both Monsanto and Facebook are publicly listed companies, and can be invested into by anyone with money, this news does not surprise me — not that it makes any difference.

The investment funds mentioned (Blackrock and Vanguard) are *passive* or *index* fund managers, who try to mirror the market; that is, they do exactly what average “man on the street” Wall Street investors do.

If they do the opposite of what ordinary everyday investors do, including buying, selling or voting differently, this would be a violation of the investment fund’s own constitution. This action would be corporately prohibited and would also lose investors for the investment companies.

The hands of the investment companies are tied: by whom? Ordinary people, like you and me. We have the power, not them.

If normal people started to sell massive stocks in Facebook and Monsanto, then the investment companies would be forced to sell their stock also, whether they wanted to do so or not. These *passive* or *index* investment companies have no dream to poison the world or steal your information; they have no other agenda than mirroring the performance of the S&P500 or a similar benchmark.

Owning stock in Monsanto does not make a person evil, nor does it prove an investment firm has a hidden agenda. However, spreading rumours that Facebook is owned by Monsanto, in order to boost more business for their own social media site? Well, that’s immoral, unethical or just plain criminal business.

~ Dr Jeremy Britton DipFA SA(Fin) AAHA DipPH DD
20 year veteran financial planner, stock market analyst, investment commentator and author of several books on investment.

(BTW– I do not support Monsanto’s market practices, I do not like GMO’s or toxic artificial farming. I make my protest by refusing to purchase their products, and allowing them to slowly lose money. I do not like Monsanto, and I am aware of the over-population, sterilization NWO agenda. I do not agree with this, and recently published a blog article on how, with new technology and fair distribution, our planet could sustain a population of 100 Billion. I do not like Monsanto’s corporate agenda; however, anyone who would publish untruths or deliberately misleading information, or badmouth another company to make their own alternative company look better, is not a company to be trusted either. If you wish to avoid evil, let your own actions be wholesome, without accusing others falsely, and let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

By: Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soulFacebook And Monsanto Are Basically Owned By The Same People Thu, 01 May 2014 05:09:32 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News […]

By: paschn1 Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:09:15 +0000 I too didn’t become aware of these strange “connections”. When I did, though… It opened the flood-gates. Israeli companies were contracted with security at the airports, WTC etc. I hate to admit it, but apparently we would be more “awake if those three towers had landed directly-upon-our-idiot heads. Ironically, we are a bunch of mindless beasts, (aka – Goyim). Asbestos abatement was going to cost the New York harbor authority +/- $50,000,000,000 to have abated to meet legal code, Silverstein jumps in to acquire a 99 year lease, ups the insurance and six weeks later viola! 9/11 and that swine collects THREE TIMES!

Very eye opening video clip here (specifically +/- 46 mins in)

By: theodorewesson Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:20:14 +0000 I was thinking about GMOs and Kosher just the other day — I can’t believe it took this long for the light bulb to go off in my head. I have not read the following articles, yet…

By: Molly Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:43:31 +0000 The anti monopoly laws went out during Reagans years of De-Regulation. We are now living the consequences of his policies. Think of the beginning and how the airlines gobbled each other up. And it tumbled on from there. The oil spills are yet another example of what De-Regulation brought us. And with the investor profiles written of above, that is the large scale damaging repercussion, a direct causation to his policy.
