Comments on: You can have consciousness made out of poetry or brain surgery Wed, 14 Jul 2021 14:12:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: annj49 Sat, 20 Feb 2016 19:14:52 +0000 Reblogged this on Ann's Corner and commented:
I love this…

It’s so funny it had me laughing, but it’s so sad, because it’s what we DO.

Mind control is something that can be done TO us, for sure, but it can even be done BY us, to ourselves, as we see in this little story.
It’s too near the truth…

I sometimes feel like I am just wakening up…..


Ann <3

By: annj49 Sat, 20 Feb 2016 19:08:57 +0000 I love this…
It’s so funny it had me laughing, but it’s so sad, because it’s what we DO.
Mind control is something that can be done TO us, for sure, but it can even be done BY us, to ourselves, as we see in this little story.
It’s too near the truth…
I am just wakening up…..

By: You can have consciousness made out of poetry or brain surgery | PN Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:23:35 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: m. m Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:43:53 +0000 Hey! I really enjoyed your story, and the timing it’s marvelous and kind of frightening, too. Just like your character’s crossroad situation.

What do you think if I try to translate it into Spanish? I’m a bookbinder from Argentina. I just sell books I like on public places, now and then and with more or less determination! But the spirit is there.

Anyway, tell me what you think.


By: Jarrod Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:22:21 +0000 Thank you again for reminding me how and why people cling to normalcy. I need reminded that they, deep down, KNOW the infinite potential that sits dormant inside them, but are afraid to unleash it. It seems like I keep thinking erroneously that if they were just made aware of their true, infinite self then it would magically awaken them, but its a bigger problem than that. People, THEMSELVES are the primary author of the chains that bind them, and that fact is in turn exploited by outside agencies, many of whom are guilty of binding themselves as well. But where you and I perhaps differ (maybe not but maybe so) is that I think and feel there is some type of predatory consciousness above and beyond the technocratic types, and they are well aware of man’s infinite potential and their game is manipulating that awesome power and funneling it in their direction because they can’t generate it themselves.

By: Barbara Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:21:05 +0000 Interesting. Serendipity that you published this post today. This morning I was mulling over my talk that I’m to give to writers about how I got published by a mainstream publisher. Part was kismet. Long story. Anyway, the other part was that I broke all the rules that the gods of fiction writing say will get authors published. Never, ever writing in poetic prose is one of them. I started out of the gate using the Prologue as a poetic allegory that readers will have to think about. I slipped in poetic phrases to use nature as allegories. From what I gather from the reviews on Amazon is that readers like my style of writing. So, the lemming editors are wrong. Maybe they should ask readers what they want to read instead of forcing them into reading boring stories that just “tell it,” and of course, adding a sex scene every so many pages. I didn’t do that either. In fact, I made readers wait a good long time for that first kiss.

Please keep up your interesting writing that makes us have to think.

By: You can have consciousness made out of poetry or brain surgeryNot Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Sun, 23 Mar 2014 05:07:19 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]
