Comments on: The story the Washington Post won’t print Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:12:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:12:33 +0000 Nothing more zealous than a convert…Lewis became so staunch of the Catholic church that he sometimes became a bore to Tolkien, especially in his rambling of the ‘Lord of the Rings’ being an allegory of the true church.

You quote me Himmler, another Catholic. I find it hilarious, you placing Himmler opposing “sadists and control freaks” in the same sentence.

Catholicism shouldn’t be called a religion, it is more of an architecture of thought. A state of fear, guilt, shame and loathing. And it is by nature violence. There is a reason to the “give me a boy till seven, and I will make him a catholic for life.” It’s about indoctrination…
The Inquisition as centralized quality control…hah; how about as the rotten fruit of what was the Albigensian crusades and the persecution of the Cathar, probably the most advanced society of it’s time. A wonderful coincidence that they were Gnostic, a hated ancient heresy. And those Cathar crusades were bought and paid for from a church under Innocent lll as a favor to Phillip the second, who seemed to not be able to control his finances and borrowed incessantly, even from the Cathars.

The Albigensian crusade is the a teaching ground for what latter would become the Inquisition. The Cathar held great lands, and were very wealthy. Which was a great incentive for mercenary recruitment.

The Dominican order was formed and institutionalized during the Cathar slaughter, because of the Cathars. The Dominican perfected their means of persecuting heresies. That festering hatred that the church, a few hundred years later created the paranoia and sadistic Tomas De Torquemada, a Dominican friar who rose to become a serial killer, the Grand and great Inquisitor. This mad man is only out done by Hitler ( catholic) and the staunchly catholic Cortez the Conquistador.
The inquisition is about spectacle, gore and terror, quite like the previous Ceasars and the Circus, only in a travelling road show. The inquisition inspired the greatest conversions to Catholicism to that date.

“The Philippines is a terrible name, coming from Spain. Phillip II was the father of the inquisition, who I believe died of syphilis. It is my great regret that we didn’t change the name of our country.” – Imelda Marcos

By: The story the Washington Post won’t print | jmviverlivre Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:59:15 +0000 […] The story the Washington Post won't print. […]

By: “IT’S A GAME FOR GOD’S SAKE” | OccurrencesDomesticForeign Wed, 26 Mar 2014 07:17:03 +0000 […] The story the Washington Post won’t print […]

By: P.M.Lawrence Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:38:48 +0000 No, I’m not splitting hairs, I’m trying to head off a profound misunderstanding that will otherwise interfere with knowing your enemy, an issue of target identification, as it were.

Certainly, it is as irrelevant to the moral culpability as a criminal’s defence against a charge of burglary that he was on the other side of town burning a house down at the time. But only patrolling for people going equipped for burglary is going to miss many such arsonists, so it matters.

The Inquisition was not as was made out, simply the outworking of the efforts of “sadists and control freaks”, but rather it matched C.S. Lewis’s observation that:-

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Someone in 1930s Germany who was on the look out for something like that faulty description of the Inquisition would have had his fears allayed by Himmler’s sincere and partially successful efforts to weed out “sadists and control freaks” from the SS – such people were even sometimes put in concentration camps themselves, when practical. Himmler wanted a higher calling for his men and their work.

So I was no more quibbling than was C.S. Lewis; these distinctions matter.

Incidentally, the Inquisition started out as a centralised quality control function to ensure that the bishops’ policing of heresy couldn’t be captured itself, a concern during and after the Albigensian Crusade of the early thirteenth century. As such, it was necessarily an add on to a wider system.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:36:26 +0000 Better to live free for a moment on your feet, than a thousand years on your knees,afraid.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:23:03 +0000 @ P. M. Lawrence
Ah seems you are trying to split hairs…my friend what has been stated by Jon, is, far far gentler compared to the real truth of the matter of the Catholic Church.

The Holy See has been responsible for a lot more than the Inquisition. There is a direct relationship between the Catholic Church and well over 1200 years of atrocities. The inquisition being one of their most publicized moments in that far from illustrious history. The Catholic Church went to great extremes to show their power to a public. The Inquisition is about show, quite like Snowden and the NSA.

But I am digressing…so…keeping to the point, the Inquisition which lastly nearly 335 years was responsible under the strict guidance and carefully laid out plan of an extremely paranoid Tommy Torquemada for 30,000 Jewish executions. And execution meant burning. It resulted also in the exodus of 250,000 Jews and close to 450,000 other religious types from Spain. And all this during Tommy’s sixteen year reign as Grand inquisitor. Two thousand executions of which he was directly responsible being the main chastiser during the trial. Tomas Torquemada has been compared to Hitler. He was a sadist who hated anyone who opposed the church. He even terrified Pope Alexander VI, who tried to soften the Inquisition’s stance close to end of Torquemada life by appointing four Grand Inquisitors. This did not soften the results, as the momentum Tommy’s Inquisition inspired went on to even greater atrocities. Central America under Hernán Cortés and his Jesuits a little over 50 years after Torquemada’s death resulted in the deaths of 100,000 in Mexico. And uncountable numbers in Central America. The savagery was beyond imagining.

”The Inquisition was a traveling circus for Church sadists and control freaks. It held show trials, torture sessions, and public executions.”

Oh and BTW George Bernard Shaw was a Fabian and eugenist of the highest order…you do know he was responsible for the creation of the London school of Economics, and the idea of sustainable development adopted into the UN’s Agenda 21. Shaw is a Catholic, and has been suspected of being a Jesuit. So I would think he has a bias.

“The accused woman lay naked on an escalera, a ladder tipped so that her head was lower than her feet. The torturer had stretched her out to her full length and bound her tightly. Iron prongs held her jaws open. Her nostrils were stopped, allowing breathing only through her mouth. She struggled, but her bounds permitted little movement, and days of relentless questioning had left her exhausted. The torturer draped a piece of linen loosely over her open mouth. Jugs of water lined a nearby wall. Three other men stood over the woman in the torture chamber. A doctor observed her reactions and assessed her general condition. The mandates of the 15th Century Spanish Inquisition required the presence of a physician to monitor the health of the accused. The purpose of torture would be nullified if the accused was physically unable to hear and understand the proceedings. A confession, if it came, had to be a pure act, not the half-conscious ramblings of a mortally wounded sinner. A clerk sat at a crude wooden table, poised to write down the particulars of the session. The man in charge of the proceedings, the inquisitor, ignored the woman’s panicked squeals and read through the charges levied against her. Witnesses had previously testified that on several successive Saturdays, smoke did not emerge from the woman’s chimney, a strong indication that she was secretly a practicing Jew. Judaism forbids manual labor on the Sabbath, and starting a fire was considered manual labor. During questioning the woman had insisted that although she was born a Jew, she was now a converse, a convert to Catholicism. But the telltale signs, which were outlined by the Grand Inquisitor himself, Tomas de Torquemada, indicated that she was in fact a heretic, a practicing Jew pretending to be a Catholic and secretly subverting the Catholic faith. When the inquisitor finished reviewing the charges, he looked to the doctor who gave him a nod of assent. The inquisitor then pointed to the jugs of water and told the torturer to be ready. The torturer lifted one of the sloshing jugs; each contained one liter of water. The woman’s eyes widened in panic. She knew what was coming, and she tried to scream. The first level of torture employed by the Spanish Inquisition was the “water cure.” Water was poured into the accused’s open mouth. The linen cloth was washed into the opening of the throat, preventing the accused from spitting the water back out. The overwhelming sensation of drowning forced the accused to swallow the water. The rules of torture as written by Torquemada, a man whom historians have compared to Hitler, stipulated that no more than eight liters of water could be used in a single session. The torturer held the earthen jug in his arms, ready to follow the inquisitor’s orders. The woman cried and struggled for breath, anticipating the worst. The inquisitor stepped forward and spoke. “We shall begin.”” – Anthony Bruno

By: musicis2words Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:51:43 +0000 I can honestly say that this blanket spying thing has already had the desired effect on me, making me afraid to speak my mind when on the phone with someone.

By: Halvor Raknes Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:55:30 +0000 Since the Snowden leaks began to shower us via the news media I have noticed a trend on Facebook where I have a considerable presence. I’m member of scores of active groups and in the wake of Snowden’s first emerging and bringing to the fore of the public mind that which conspiracy and deep reality researchers have known for more than ten years, I’ve seen more than a dozen of the groups in which I’m a member change their privacy settings from Open to Closed or from Closed the Secret. The only exception was following a discussion where the observations and reflections which I present in this comment was forwarded. That group dealt with people’s poor use of language (Norwegian language) and the group’s change from Open to Closed was reversed a short time following that discussion.

These observations clearly corroborate the efficiency of the strategy which Jon Rappoport exposes in the present article. People do feel that their private space has been invaded by Big Brother, and they make feeble, subconscious attempts to compensate for their encroached private sphere. I’m sure similar changes can be discovered in other areas of social interaction in our societies as well. Which is sure to raise the level of alienation in the populace further still.

The only way out of this as it appears to me is through applying the lore and practices of Wilhelm Reich, not the ‘orgone magic’ of various alternative media/conspiracy lore outlets, but his seminal teachings on the workings of the life energy in the human organism – the discussions of the function of the orgasm, Sex Economy, the muscular armoring, etc.

By: ray Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:06:57 +0000 sorry, you missed the point. it is not about fear but they are preparing list of people to be neutralized in soviet America. I am sure you are aware that some 67 millions Russians were executed in soviet gulags? if they are openly claiming spying then it means the list is complete.

By: Archie1954 Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:53:17 +0000 However there is always the real possibility that keeping such a story in front of the public will galvanize them to secure their own information in any way they can and to lobby their representatives for political protection. I know that I am currently searching for a net carrier that is not US based, for a laptop that is not US produced and for software that is as close to being secure against snooping as one can find these days.
