Comments on: Shocker: comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:18:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: dr rajeev kumar singh Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:18:30 +0000 i am agree with you.thanks

By: Sam Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:27:39 +0000 In a remote old inn in a remote rural area of the country a few nights ago, I met a 92 year old man who had NEVER consulted a doctor. No antibiotics, no drugs of any sort, all ailments treated with herbal and home remedies, he was relatively spry and quick-witted and obviously very healthy. And obviously he’d been blessed with ‘good genes’. But then he lives in a remote farming area where excellent, fresh and whole food is abundant straight from the fields, milking shed and dairy. Even as a child, my country-folk parents treated us children with old-fashioned herbal and home remedies – and lots of good food. Believe it or not, I was 15 years old before I discovered that there was such a thing as aspirin. I was in my 20s before I took my first paracetomol (ie. Tylenol).

In our world today it seems utterly beyond comprehension that we can live our whole lives without contact with doctors. The rise of doctoring, with its intrusive – even destructive – interest in our lives has come about in the UK since 1948 and the advent of the NHS. As a poster pointed out here, in the US doctoring has ramped up considerably since the appearance of the insurance companies during the late 1970s and 1980s.

In other words, the medico-pharmaceutical industry has encouraged rampant dependence. Just look at all the daily media cautionary articles about this disease, that ailment, this new test or other that you absolutely must have. It’s bred a couple of generations of people who are brainwashed into consulting doctors at every twinge or ache. No wonder the industry is complaining of lack of money – they’ve created this situation.

I confess, the other day I went to see a general physician: I hadn’t seen a medic in several years but, spurred on by regular alarmist press pieces about skin cancer, I wanted the all-clear on a growing/bleeding/shape-changing mole that I’d done my best to ignore for years. I got the all-clear, it’s only something that comes with age, they can ‘shave’ it off if I want. The mole information the uncommonly pleasant GP offered was startling: only one in 2 million moles they see is malignant.

One in 2 million! So why all the alarmist press so regularly? It seems to me to be no more than fear-mongering and market-creation on behalf of the medical industry: an unhealthy dependence which the doctoring industry has manipulated into a vast, all-pervasive and profoundly unhealthy co-dependence.

This co-dependence reaches far beyond purely medical matters. Nowadays, one needs a doctor’s imprimatur on everything from disability parking permits to sick notes to passports to job applications to access to housing and schooling and so on ad nauseum. Indeed, by stealth the medical industry – especially in the UK with its nanny-state, all pervasive NHS – has become another, very powerful tool of state control where GPs are neo-feudal Lords of the Manor.

I’d venture to suggest that nowadays lawyers are not the bane of society – they just capitalise on the mistakes perpetrated by the root causes. Instead, I’d say that doctors and their pals in Big Pharma are the real evil wolves in sheep’s clothing. Especially in a socialised medicine system where there are few or no checks and balances on medical hyperbole, excesses and errors or in a medical industry driven intensely by profit-hungry global insurance companies.

Far from being a ‘compensation culture’, the number of cases that actually make it to court is miniscule in comparison to the incidence of medical negligence and abuse events. I can guarantee that in the UK, EVERYONE has some awful story of NHS/doctor horrors, the vast majority of which occurs with complete impunity (including the routine patronising and callous dismissiveness often inflicted on seriously ill people). Thus I would fight tooth and nail to maintain a patient’s recourse to law. There should be more – not less – litigation: sadly, it seems to be the only way this monolithic and too often destructive industry is able to recognise something of the very sickly beam in their eyes.

More than a suggestion is my conviction that the 92 year old gentleman has achieved healthy longevity entirely because he’s managed to avoid entanglement with this increasingly pernicious industry.

[formerly a commissioned medical commentor for online medical sites, including the excellent MedHelp.]

By: mothman777 Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:35:44 +0000 I also use large amounts of Vit D3, but this can lead to deposits of calcium in arteries where it is not wanted, unless you adjust your diet to include sources of Vit K2, which causes the calcium to only be deposited where it is supposed to be.

By: Shocker: comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars « Jon Rappoport’s Blog | What's happening? Wed, 02 Apr 2014 09:21:33 +0000 […]… […]

By: mothman777 Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:03:34 +0000 In answer to Rev Dragon’s Eye (April 1, 1.41 pm);

Yes I know about the value of microbes in soil. The point is, when you have natural soil, you then get natural microbes. Why wouldn’t they be there when you stop putting chemicals in the ground and start just using rock dust? When you use basalt rock dust, you definitely don’t need chemicals of any sort any more on your land, and everything works just as it always has, just as intelligent nature intended.

Scientists Discover That Plants Communicate via Symbiotic Root Fungi –

I am not sure plants will really like being forced like this, but Indian farmers already boost crops by 40% by applying a weak electric current through their growing soil.

See also ‘Breakthrough: Radio Wave-treated Water Works “Miracles”’.

By: Shocker: Comparing Deaths from Medical Drugs, Vitamins, All US Wars | Truth Tide Rising Wed, 02 Apr 2014 00:12:02 +0000 […]… […]

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:41:28 +0000 This is not news to me.

I already am very keenly aware of the environmental degradation that has gone on (especially thanks to industrial greed), and its further possible consequences.

I am also aware of the idea of rock dust being the more natural means of re-mineralizing the soils. – I see no argument here! – You are preaching to the choir here. I have been watching these events (contrived and otherwise) for many years.

An old friend of mine made a very wise observation when we were having a conversation one day. He stated that there IS a big difference between “soil” and “dirt”. “Soil” can support life, while “dirt” does not. – This I can fully understand enough to agree without reservation. “Soil” is a living community of various microbes, fungi, and whatever other “micro-life” is involved in its formation. Due to the excessive use of petro-chemical-based “fertilizers”, herbicides, pesticides, and all other forms unnatural substances, much of the farmland, today, has been reduced to almost-sterile “Dirt”.

So then, the question further evolves around, “Whether the soils micro-community can be restored to its proper balance?” Some of the soil minerals are worthless without having the necessary microbes to help in their assimilation.

So now we have at least TWO problems to consider when talking about the environmental degradation.

By: Los medicamentos provocan más muertes en Estados Unidos que todas las guerras juntas | Periodismo Alternativo Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:07:14 +0000 […] fuente original:… […]

By: Los medicamentos provocan más muertes en Estados Unidos que todas las guerras juntas | EL ROBOT PESCADOR Tue, 01 Apr 2014 12:53:57 +0000 […] fuente original:… […]

By: mothman777 Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:40:42 +0000 The elements I mentioned are the ones that were specifically found to produce the doubling of lifespan in animals, so I do not think that they are dangerous in the slightest, besides, every basalt rock deposit is examined thoroughly before being selected for use.

Igneus rock dust with good mineral content suitable for plant crops is where ALL soil originally comes from in the first place, and since mankind took these minerals from the soil without ever putting them back, in opposition to nature’s way, flushing sewage (that is too contaminated anyway due to man’s silliness), our food is increasingly not fit for purpose.

For instance, Mike Adams reported that an apple today in the US has only 3% of the mineral content of one grown in 1916. Brazil has just opted to remineralize with rock dust, it is the ONLY way not just one way, unless you want to take minerals from the sea with all the industrial sewage and radioactive contamination from nuclear powerplant discharge, and leaking containers of WWI and WWII chemical weapons and DU test weapon fallout dust embedded in it.

All sardines are now extinct in the Pacific since Fukushima, and many other species are not too happy there either, with massive die-off rates never seen before, and the Gulf of Mexico is heavily polluted with mutagenic Corexit, with fish being born blind and with other deformities, not the best stuff for fertilizer either anymore.

Soils remineralized with basalt rock dust double and even quadruple crop weight in some instances, and make the crops very resistant to pests, disease, and thus completely make the false concept of GMO completely unneccessary. See Mothman777’s Blog – ‘Basalt And Other Rock Dusts, How To Totally Remineralize Your Soil – with a refutation of the University of Glasgow 2009 PhD thesis on rockdust and composted materials – revised 19th January 2012’

Environment SEER Centre: Scotland’s Remineralized Oasis
