Comments on: Who produced the movie called Reality? Mon, 14 Apr 2014 22:03:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: g Mon, 14 Apr 2014 22:03:11 +0000 I have also noticed that when recently I’ve tried to break out of a mold and challenge something, out came ugly situations from nowhere. From people I didn’t even know. It was really hurtful and I still am shaken by it. But now I’ve decided just to keep going. It has almost felt like an obstacle course of people shaking their head and saying no, no, no, you cannot do this. Worst has been people in aurhority like lawyers, it’s been inhumane. And these are just the clowns who are supposed to be on my side…I haven’t yet reached the stage of challenging the actual people I want to challenge. After dealing with the people who technically could have supported me (it’s a legal case), dealing with the one’s who I want to bring a legal case against, might in fact be easier. Last week, an expert wrote in his report ‘requires in depth psychiatric assessment’ which completely came out of the blue, as it has nothing to do with my legal case. I wrote back and said ‘what you meant to perhaps say was that people who have suffered from traumatic physical injuries often need support to adapt to their condition and move forward. The word ‘psychiatric’means something else entirely and when mentioned in an expert report, this can muddy the waters as you are bringing in something new. You are an an orthopaedic physician and you have writen that I need ‘in depth psychiatric investigation’ without even taking a history of my mood and well being etc. You cannot use those labels about somebody without at least taking a thorough history. You saw me once in an interview when due to you you talking into your dictaphone and not giving me time to speak, I was expected to talk about my neck injury within a few seconds. I cried for a bit because I could sense you were not taking me seriously and you did not seem to care that for me, this legal case is huge and I have worked solildly for 5 months, whilst being ill, in building up my legal case, because I am representing myself as I am unemployed becuase of my injury. And then you see my tears, and you slap on a label of psychiatric illness. (I refrain from being impolite, otherwise he would write something even worse). …this is the freer version. I was so upset when I read that report. It took me a while though, as it was a real insult. I wrote to him that politely that he needed to reframe his letter, avoid confusing terminology and not write anything that he couldn’t defend in a court of law. It took me 2 weeks to read and ammend his long report of 30 pages,most of his work was just a cut and paste job, but even that was full of errors. I haven’t heard back from him. I had to pay £800. I told him that I had a deadline that the corrected report needs to be written by, otherwise I can’t actually use it. He didn’t even bother to do it, and so I have no ‘expert’ report.

So I can see why people don’t move beyond their mold. Out of the woodworks come all these extra challenges…and you think to yourself, this shouldn’t be happening….it’s actually easier not to do anything. For example, if I hadn’t decided to open up this legal l case I wouldn’t have to deal with that b… the first place….and keep polite….and still loose tonnes of money which I don’t have.

But in the end I am just going to keep going and bring this to an end. Sometimes you just have to be a swordswoman and go for what you want, despite what a row of ‘experts’ tell you.

God help us all get out of this sickness

By: kylebstiff Fri, 04 Apr 2014 21:44:06 +0000 This simultaneously blew my mind as well as reinforced the ideas I’ve been playing with lately. You’ve given voice to the voiceless thing that a lot of us feel when we’re tired after work and staring at the sky, dreaming of breaking free.

By: william wallace Fri, 04 Apr 2014 12:46:04 +0000 if what you say is true or not you will never know. you are simply repeating what someone else has thought and written. no different in nature to repeating any mantra

By: laferte45 Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:35:49 +0000 Humans are walking around, sleep-walking, believe that their reality is real, however not geting the reality of the full picture of this great Universe, as there are millions of “realities’ throughout, space and time. your reality is only unique to you but NOT to others. Lancellote

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:24:27 +0000 Reblogged this on Through The Eyes of a Dragon and commented:
I will references this post later, in a spiritual piece in defense of Nature’s intended Humanity (as opposed to trans-humanism).

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:23:03 +0000 Hah-hah-hah-hah!!!


By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:22:33 +0000 Thus,

From the Old Shamanic “World View”, THIS is only but “a reality”, otherwise known as the “ordinary reality”. Other realities that exist far beyond our physical and even knowable comprehension are those which most reject because “the scientists” off-handedly reject – without any debate.

I have a personal maxim that fits right along with this post:

” The physical body does NOT determine the Being. It is the Being who, lives for a time inside of a body, determines his/her existence and direction. ”

Very thoughtful and insightful post.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: nuissancefactor Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:28:45 +0000 I come in peace. Bring me to your dealer!

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Who Produced The Movie Called Reality? | Shift Frequency Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:15:55 +0000 […] JonRappoport  April 2 2014 […]

By: gwencat1 Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:44:50 +0000 Reblogged this on News for the Soul.
