Comments on: Why the Law of Attraction fails Mon, 11 Aug 2014 10:24:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Focault Mon, 11 Aug 2014 10:24:57 +0000 What does science tell about the Law of Attraction? It tells that LoA doesn’t work. Do you need a proof by scientific evidence? Read this:

Just let scientists make their own work. For the sake of the truth, for the evolution of both our specie and our culture,please, don’t mix science with mystical woo.

People, I will always save my emotions. i’ll never force myself to think positive. I don’t need it. I’ve always earnt from my mistakes and sometimes even sufference was a useful tool for improving my life. I’ll never set aside someone because of negative thinking. I won’t fear to be contaminated by negative thinking, but I’ll listen people and I’ll try to offer my help. I don’t program my brain like a robot, I just use my heart, in a natural manner. How dare can we struggle for discovering the right way to use LoA, while so many people are starving? Don’t be selfish. If we think that LoA is useful, then let’s try to use it for knowing ourselves instead of wishing a new car. My life is wonderful, my wishes are normal. Friends, I don’t need LoA at all.

Jerry Hicks passed away because of cancer. Although he believed in LoA he used the mainstream medicine for trying to heal himself. Why? Perhaps because several people used LoA and died faster then the ones who used the mainstream medicine (eg. Kim Tinkham)?

Best Regards

By: Katherine Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:53:50 +0000 law of attraction always works. we just have the wrong interpretation of it. it is about the feelings of joy and freedom in whatever we are attracting. if something(thought, situation, material good, etc.) brings us a feeling of joy, then we are moving in that direction. but, also, we have the momentum we’ve built up in the 3D world, which is a fact. the built up momentum, that has been in motion in another unhappy direction, has to slow down and stop before the new direction can be fully realized. that means one must cease giving any attention to the unhappy direction, otherwise, it will never stop. this is the tricky part(speaking from experience). i think the law of attraction would be more accurately named the law of attention. because, it is what we put our attention on that grows stronger in our lives. we always have the choice of where to put our attention in any situation. and only happy, joyful feelings will support happy joyful results. but, it takes time for the energy to shift completely and return results in the physical world. meanwhile we must continue to put our attention on feeling wonderful. -simple, not easy. takes practice. and it feels weird at first. but, the more you do it, the more correct it feels and results will start to show in small ways, that you are aligning your own vibration(happy, joy feelings) with your desire and attention. want more details? just listen to some Abraham-Hicks talks. you can find them on YouTube … this is the link to the series on the Law of Attraction:
but, there is much more to listen to than just that. … have fun!

By: Sarah Stuart: Investing in yourself – New Zealand Herald | marketingmagicbox Mon, 23 Jun 2014 03:46:50 +0000 […] Why the Law of Attraction fails « Jon Rappoport's Blog […]

By: Faith leaders grapple with pastoral ‘burnout’ – Asheville Citizen-Times | marketingmagicbox Fri, 20 Jun 2014 02:53:23 +0000 […] Why the Law of Attraction fails – Jon Rappoport's Blog – WordPress … […]

By: Magnus Göller Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:35:19 +0000 A very interesting discussion after a very interesting article. What in my opinion is missing though – or did I overread it? – is the relevance of sharpening and strengething of one’s senses and therewith of one’s perception and possibilities of association, combined with a development of logical thinking and clear semantic discernment. Also art work of any kind. Become really good in one field – playing the guitar for instance, or making fine pottery – , and then, and already in the process of getting there, mix with people who are fine in painting or writing or number sequences and take in their experiences and methods and findings, tell your story and listen.
Recently, I have befriended an artist-craftsman who handmakes guitars. We talk about different chisels, the sharpening of those, I throw in my experiences as a stone mason, in between comes philosophy, come the meanings of basic sounds, symbols, words, and, of course, also in come the many lies that people are taught and believe. And, of course, I like to have a drink or two with painters. They show me their eyes. Don’t leave one stone unturned. It IS hard work. But the kind of reverie and laughter and pure life that leads to ever new dimensions is more than just a reward.
There may be those luckymen who get all they want easily, just by wishing and imagining it hither. I don’t think that Confucius or Bruno or Nietzsche were of their kin. Friedrich Schiller, even being famous already, a few times almost starved to death, was maybe even killed by a conspiracy his “friend” Goethe knew of. Cervantes had to grow very old for that time till he was recognized and had a small allowance for his last years. Heinrich von Kleist, one of the best of the German language ever, even shot himself in the head, at 34, in sheer despair because there was no success.
Look at Jon. He’s probably 75 by now, still works almost day and night. Is he really famous, making a lot of money? No, Justin Bieber is and does.
Did Justin Bieber foment better thoughts? Or, at least, believe better in what he does?

By: GJEPC Launches Business Development Program for US, Canada, South America – Rapaport | marketingmagicbox Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:15:46 +0000 […] Why the Law of Attraction fails – Jon Rappoport's Blog – WordPress … […]

By: Alananda Fri, 02 May 2014 07:58:04 +0000 We have to understand “the MInd”. We have not been taught, most of us. Those of us who have received teachings RE the Mind, have some grasp. I wholeheartedly recommend Yogi Bhajan’s The MInd, a collection of lectures that leads you to a very good understanding. I cannot recommend that more strenuously than I have without getting ridiculous. Yogi Bhajan, The Mind.

If Jon R. himself endorsed that great resource, then us seekers would have a great boost.

Thanks, Jon.

By: San For Fri, 02 May 2014 01:57:49 +0000 I been using it so far since i was 21 year’s old, it does work but it does required time and attention, i start using it to attract 300.00 and got it in the first week, i’m going now after the 3,000,000.00, i will get it before my 30, that is what my mind accept now

I don’t have time to study but it is hard to master it and living on it and feel it, i just wish that i could transmit the key to my closer love ones but i don’t have it , even if i did the mind of the people do not accept all codes, we live in a prison and we all are here trying to escape this version of reality,

Once your mind do the mathematics of your idea basing on your reality it brings the result in a natural way that you won’t notice that you are in control, the system apply to all the world and all of us at the same time so it is complicated to understand

There are two type of signal & energy ( male – female ) I think i use more female than male for the biggest goals, but i’m a male type like must of us

My third eyes was opened since i was little, remember all hackers since the firsts one has been punish to the ground but that would never stop us for eating the fruit, it is just the way that it is, otherwise life would be empty

Try to see over this letter not right write


By: Alananda Thu, 01 May 2014 19:00:15 +0000 May I humbly suggest a resource to answer some of the incisive questions posed by Jon R.? OK, I recommend wholeheartedly (no remuneration or personal interest whatsoever!) Yogi Bhajan’s collection of lectures entitled The Mind. Goes a far distance indeed to resolved these conundrums! You are not your body, you are not your mind.

By: isaac Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:28:47 +0000 i think you have a true notion about this. “LAw of Attraction” ISNT a MORAL BASIS that one can use to forge a life. It lack’s any moral or ethics. Law of attraction is just METHOD to obtain what you want.
