Comments on: Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes? Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: SATANIC VATICAN / When banker dies, it benefits bank / IRS Activates “Enemy List” – govt terrorism / Gun control is America control | paulthepaperbear Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:41:45 +0000 […] Read More […]

By: GJH Sat, 12 Apr 2014 12:30:47 +0000 Yes, allowing ‘national security’ to trump all else just means we must submit to unseen overlords in a neo-feudal society. And of course they will be (are) the greatest harm to our security.

By: Global Surveillance Requires New Questions and New Thinking | OUR GREATER DESTINY Fri, 11 Apr 2014 14:14:01 +0000 […] Source with thanks […]

By: A Pocketful of Mumbles | OccurrencesDomesticForeign Fri, 11 Apr 2014 09:10:59 +0000 […] Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: tyrannynews Fri, 11 Apr 2014 08:54:07 +0000 […] I’m compelled to expand upon your article. You’re spot on, IMO and I think you’ll see how my information gels nicely with your premise.

Consider the possible players and partners in such a venture. It’s dizzying; NSA, DoD, IRS, CIA, DIA, the FED, FBI, DHS and on and on. Don’t forget insurance and re-insurance companies. Oh, and the software firms that power these agencies. And the network is 2-way, so everyone has a stake.

Now, think about who the largest player in the stock markets in the US is. Not too many consider that question. I’ll give you a clue, they have 60,000+ sub-agencies. That’s right, the US government. And that’s not the majority of their holdings. Look into the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) for the various states for a partial view of this. I remember back in, I think 1994 seeing that the state of Texas had a 400 Billion portfolio. This NEVER appears in a budget. Think of CA and Jerry Brown. Closing schools, even parks because the deficit is insurmountable. Right. Why not spend some of that slush fund? It isn’t even considered. When it is explained at all, they give a shell game explanation to confuse you into thinking it’s all allocated to pensions.

The banks are never so greedy as how they treat these holdings. Just to “manage” a 20 billion fund for CA a few years back, it cost the state 400 million in fees and only yielded 900 million! They would have done better in 1985 6 month CDs.

Now, this web of data streams is vulnerable to peeking, front-running, etc. That’s true. However, when it comes to the banks and the transactions they conduct with other banks we enter a new paradigm. Did you know Alan Greenspan was a software programming hobbyist? Oh yeah. I think he wrote the software model that was expanded upon to become a major institutional framework later. I don’t remember the specifics. In any case, these transactions and account data are in a realm all their own. Heard of the Book of Maklumat? Sounds like an ancient manuscript kinda. It’s just one example of a code book that contains the account names, password-keys, etc.

If you ever hear weird titles like, “Beautiful Boy” or “Brilliant White Boy” in relation to banks or money, it’s a reference to the named accounts containing ungodly sums. Trillions of dollars pass through these accounts. Normally, high-value inter-bank transactions (SWIFT, etc.) take place on what they call grey-screen systems. The ball-breaker trading takes place on black-screen systems.

So, the banks enjoy most of the access of the other institutions plus they hold all the money. For real. For example, when China was awarded 4.7 Trillion dollars through the BIS Bernanke and Geithner both flew to China to authenticate the claim. Both signed off. The money appeared in a Chase account, which was transferred to a BofA account. Then, when transferred to HSBC, poof. It was gone. China could do nothing. However, they predicted such behavior and ran the whole thing as a sting. I have no idea what bargaining value they now possess.

Now, to blow some people’s minds who’ve never seen what was dangling in their eyes the whole time, we know of this thing called money laundering. Banks are money launderers, as a function of their core business. They are literally in the business of money laundering.

Add to the above high-frequency trading, fraudulent bond issuance, and the freaky stuff like the dual Australian government agencies fiasco and you see how it all must come down. It must all be brought to a halt and dismantled. Personally, I think an end to government secrecy and even national security secrecy is in order. I hope this was helpful, if not at least interesting.

By: Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes? | leveragedpromise Fri, 11 Apr 2014 02:15:12 +0000 […] Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes? […]

By: Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes? | angelodandreablog Thu, 10 Apr 2014 18:10:41 +0000 […] Are black-budget ops creating new meta-crimes?. […]

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