Comments on: The Grand Inquisitor interviews Merlin Sun, 04 May 2014 20:00:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: bob klinck Sun, 04 May 2014 20:00:20 +0000 I happened to catch a segment of the 1958 ‘epic’ Hollywood film “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness” about a female missionary in a remote area of China before WWII. Because of her benevolent character she eventually wins the approval of the local mandarin to proselytize, but he warns her not to do so to his women, because he has heard that she teaches that “No human being should be subject to the will of another”. This of course is the essential ‘revolutionary’ message of Jesus, who taught that there can be no good that is not motivated by love, and that love and compulsion are absolutely incompatible. We aren’t seeing authority-undermining messages like this slipping by the Hollywood filter these days. (To be more exactly correct, the mandarin’s wording should have been “No human being should involuntarily be subject to the will of another.” As it is impossible to reconcile this principle with a monopolistic system of finance, no polity that accepts such a system can justifiably claim to be authentically Christian.)

By: j s Sat, 03 May 2014 20:56:30 +0000 seems lke many people who, even though they had intelligence and very specified and directed talentsare now opening up to universal knowledgewisdom spiritual science. wow great time to b alive and experience enlightenemnt.

By: Hugh Sat, 03 May 2014 14:24:32 +0000 Your writing never fails to impress Jon; loved it to no end…

By: jim Sat, 03 May 2014 12:38:29 +0000 That was certainly one of your better philosophical forays. One always wonder what the state of pure consciousness or God is, and the concept of empty form would be like, where all time collapses into an instant. Is this existence or non existence?

Life itself has no logical or rational explanation (have spent many hundreds of hours attempting to conjure one), so is by its very nature pure magic. The fact that the Christian Church forbids the practice of magic or inner meditation is certainly reason to consider them anti freedom, and have always wondered why morality and stability of society, which is their purported function, has anything to do with how one views the Infinite Creator and one’s place in the World. The pre Christian Europeans were pantheists, and they saw the creators of their physical bodies, the Sun and Earth, as super beings that should be worshiped (open up lines of communication).

Considering that Humanity is at best a few million years old, and Father Ra and Mother Gaia are billions of years old, one should come to the conclusion that they created Humanity. If you believe the axiom that something cannot come from nothing, then it follows that Ra and Gaia are conscious and have Free Will, since Humanity does. Have definitely incorporated so called pagan techniques of meditation and prayer to open lines of communication with these super parents of ours, in order to enhance my power

You are correct, organized religion has become corrupt.

By: “Magic relies on the most intense, various, free-flowing, and extensive emotions.” | Random Candidate Sat, 03 May 2014 12:17:37 +0000 […] Read the rest here: […]

By: Jon Rappoport – The Grand Inquisitor Interviews Merlin – 3 May 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos Sat, 03 May 2014 08:21:23 +0000 […] / / link to original article […]
