Comments on: ADHD in the new education Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:44:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: sylphsandcloudships Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:44:53 +0000 Thank you! Again! You really put everything so precisely. Great work!

By: Cousin of THE BEARD Fri, 30 May 2014 03:41:44 +0000 There was a major fight. Our current system of “educating” our children was founded upon the “Prussian model” of education then utilized in Germany and implemented as “free” public schools in Boston, Massachusetts in 1821. After finding that parents were not willing to send their children to schools they considered inferior, the state of Massachusetts sent in the state militia to force the parents to send their children to school. He who controls the guns makes the rules?

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, between 95 and 99% of our adult population considered itself literate. Keep in mind, “literate” for them meant being able to read and understand a book like, say, the King James Bible or “Last of the Mohicans” (both rated at 12th grade reading difficulty). Parents, rightly, did not want that level of success to be tampered with. However, threats of violence and imprisonment (and imprisonment is still a viable threat in relation to what the government calls truancy) and a now-decades-long history of public education, we have a large majority of people in our country who cannot perceive education as anything except so-called traditional learning. And it has had major unfortunate consequences. In 1941, our literacy rate was approximately 96%. This meant that, in a test designed by the US government to weed out unsuitable military candidates, a full 4% of them could not read well enough to understand basic instructions, particularly life-saving safety instructions. By the beginning of the Korean War, less than a decade later, this 4th grade proficiency test could only be passed by 81% of applicants. By the Vietnam Conflict, approximately a decade after the Korean War, the exact same test was passed by only 73% of test takers.

The Prussian Model of education was designed on purpose to separate children from the religious teachings of their parents (the statement of the time–not my wording) and place them in a situation in which they would learn to be good followers of the state. It was never designed to provide a thorough and comprehensive education. But, with the violence of its implementation in the United States and the continued threat of imprisonment, implementation has been successful and, unfortunately, the model works as designed for most students. And, should you not believe me regarding the threat of imprisonment, look up the compulsory schooling laws for your state. I would imagine that compulsory schooling starts about age 8, earlier if your family is considered low income, and continues until at least age 16. Where I live, a child of a low income family may be required to begin schooling at age 4. Now, I realize that some folks will say that this is because these children have a greater struggle to “catch up with” their peers, but as a former teacher, I can confidently state that the system would is less effective at preparing these kids to learn than creating a situation in which their parents did not have to work 70 hour weeks to make a living wage–thus freeing up some of their time to actually parent.

Ok. Time to step down off the soapbox and let somebody else squawk.

By: Cousin of THE BEARD Fri, 30 May 2014 03:07:16 +0000 I think what Ryan AP is trying to say is that the people who have these gaps will be less able to question authority because they will not have been taught how to think. They will not have learned to observe and process information, which means that they will simply do as they are told.

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 17 May 2014 06:07:23 +0000 Firstly, the empirical tables are crock of theoretical nonsense. Students have always been brainwashed and expected to regurgitate crap by rote. As for art, clearly you do not understand its history. Just about all talent has been ostracised by the pack for breaking rules only to be come the trend settlers of the future. The establishment is pretty much always unrepentant in its blood-sucking of ideas – processed for the mediocre.

All that’s happened today is lessons have become so surreal, there is no question the j[i]st about the whole “education system” is based on bullshit, at worst, or profiling the mediocre, at best. Though, I fail to find it in Jon’s article, the “shift” – if there is a shift has been to put “reason” on the slippery slope, encouraging students to rely on the system to tell them “how things are”, because the “surreal nature of everything” is “too confusing” for “normal”, “decent”, mediocre people. That, if anything, is all that’s changed.

But have normal people ever been able to “understand” Einstein or his notable predecessors?

By: Ryan AP Fri, 16 May 2014 18:08:06 +0000 One idea is that if the workforce is moving toward near-complete automation then an incapacitated society will have minimal means to unionize against. Certainly, if they can’t even recognize that this is happening, much less extrapolate into the future about the negative impact this will have on their lives, then the transition could ease along much more smoothly.

By: Ryan AP Fri, 16 May 2014 18:01:51 +0000 How is which system responsible exactly? How did things become surreal/disconnected from reality without a major fight against? Were artists not allowed to prevaricate or did gaps in their ability to draw logical conclusions leave them without an awareness of the option to even try? What defines mediocrity and how were people herded toward it so easily? Where did mass ignorance stem from and how does it go unnoticed up to the extent that it assumes completion? I feel like this article actually attempts to explain your over simplified summary of the real problem.

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 15 May 2014 03:58:48 +0000 Disagree here, Jon.

That system didn’t work before and it is largely responsible for your ADHD fantasy. All that’s happened is things have moved surreal without allowing artists to prevaricate. We live in the age of mediocrity which is the resolve of disillusioned ignorance and that’s the problem.

By: Philosophy Essay Wed, 14 May 2014 10:54:01 +0000 Nick I have the same feeling, but for sure it will be great for those who can spend more time with their family.

By: Nick Tue, 13 May 2014 12:20:10 +0000 My question is why? If imprinting “gaps” make it very hard for a person to operate, even as a drone, then this suggests that the agenda changed at some point. I simply can’t see how a dysfunctional population serves any purpose.

By: rosemontreflections Tue, 13 May 2014 01:52:22 +0000 This is so true. I have a topic that I can’t quite articulate. Maybe you can. I’m annoyed with all of the stories about schools throwing away lunches because lunch accounts are in the red. There’s been several in the past months. I’m trying to sort out why school funding is routinely based on free and reduced lunch plans. Parents are mad when their children are not forwarded free lunch. I don’t get it. As a mom, I’ve joined my children regularly for lunch. We pack. It’s simply amazing to sit & watch the majority of the kids throw their entire lunch in the trash. Many get this free lunch on our tax dollars. I wouldn’t eat the lunch either…it’s gross.. So why are we paying for a huge amount of children to get a free or reduced, gross lunch, to throw away daily. Then we use their stats to decide on education funding.
