Comments on: Genetic invasion: distorting the human future Mon, 02 Jun 2014 02:21:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doreen Agostino Mon, 02 Jun 2014 02:21:17 +0000 Chemtrails May Contain Bio-Engineered RFID Chips in the Form of Nano-Fibres; FORCED Transhumanism?

By: Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/18/2014 | Gates of Vienna Tue, 20 May 2014 03:38:14 +0000 […] Genetic Invasion: Distorting the Human Future […]

By: Klaatu Fabrice Aquinas Sun, 18 May 2014 20:19:53 +0000 Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut addresses all this within an “interactive movie.” You are making moral decisions (including whether to kill or not kill) throughout this entire game (call it, a simulation) There are as many as 12 ending scenarios, depending on what decisions are made by the protagonist.

A full feature film is supposedly in the works. DE:HR setting is only less than 15 years from our present. 15 years ago, most people did not own a cellphone (except that from your employer, and it was not a smartphone), nor did they possess (or could afford) a powerful personal computer. Look where we are now. So, 15 years from now, who knows where we could actually be …

By: Doreen Agostino Sat, 17 May 2014 12:59:37 +0000 You wrote: Suppose scientists could take a tiny sample of tissue from you and thereby produce a perfect clone, down to the last iota, including, of course, your brain.

Do you trust the ‘people of the lies’ who already produced a ‘PERSON’ clone of you through your birth certificate? MEET YOUR STRAW MAN

Quick Primer into enslavement: Birth Certificates, UCC, SSN, SIN,

By: Doreen Agostino Sat, 17 May 2014 12:37:04 +0000 and comments

By: christoph Fri, 16 May 2014 12:26:15 +0000 Jon
Great article. Sometimes a paradigm shift is needed for this type of thinking. Years ago I had a NDE, nothing like you read about in the books or see on the documentaries. What it did was, when I came around, got me to question who I was and where “I” existed. I cannot emphasise enough how much this one event totally f##ked up my “understanding” of the world and how it worked. Just for who I am and where I am, I will tell you now it is not in my brain, me bum or me ‘eart. (These organs are important as Mike says above, some fascinating work done by people looking into heart transplants and personality changes etc, ) but as usual the reductionists have lost the plot. These ideas and people are very very dangerous and just like the GMO crowd need to be addressed on a serious basis. If they think “tech” will improve their human abilities..or crop abilities .maybe…but as others have said above , this brings new disease and genetic problems these “bull at the gate” idiots dont want to talk about. But they cant “make a better” or “create” a new YOU. YOU are not your body but I wont give a rant about religion because I dont believe in it. This is not a biological phenomena. So hard to explain…but scientism is the religion of these esteemed idiots and disgustingly flawed.

By: christoph Fri, 16 May 2014 11:48:23 +0000 Excellent point. The problem with these “scientists” is their over whelming self importance and belief in such.

By: “Genetic invasion: distorting the human future Are you non-material, or just a programmed brain?” | Random Candidate Fri, 16 May 2014 00:32:01 +0000 […] Read more at: […]

By: henry Tue, 13 May 2014 16:46:45 +0000 The founding principle of America is that the governments are instituted to secure the unalienable rights of each man. Government is our servant. A corporation is unlike a natural person. It can live forever. The corporation is created by our servants and has to follow the rules of our servants and needs to pay for the privilege of existence to our servants. Those with genetically engineered traits are no longer human. They should pay for the privilege of their enhancements. I expect that they won’t. They will take over the government and doom you and your descendants. The question is: If you disagree with the NWO, will you be allowed to enhance your offspring?

By: Bob Tue, 13 May 2014 12:49:52 +0000 Insightful as always. I’ve wondered for a long time if some of the more intelligent transhumanists see through the whole “download your conciousness into a machine” idea. I can’t make a detailed scientific argument for the reasons why it wouldn’t “be you,” but common sense, the cornerstone so despised by the learned, tells me that it just wouldn’t. It would be convincing copy, but basically just a machine.

On the other hand, the ability to reprogram the winding down of the genetic clock (slower cell renewal) which seems to be programmed into our DNA, combined with cell repair, creation and alteration via Nanotech, seems to be a viable path towards physical immortality.

When I think of these GRIN technologies and man’s coming colonization and exploitation of space, I can’t help but think of the Native Americans puzzling over the strange handful of whitemen living on their shores, little suspecting the complete transformation of their world and the coming genocide. A new world is being born and someday the unwise but very devious conquerors may speak of 95% of the population as some today do of the Native Americans, “They were stupid, resource hogging primitives. They had it coming.”
