Comments on: The last murder trial Fri, 16 May 2014 18:54:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: AP Ryan Fri, 16 May 2014 18:54:45 +0000 And yet, the bowling pin analogy does nothing for the phenomenon of something like synchronicity. You appear to be operating under the assumption that science is complete and that physics and those things that act on the known five senses are all there are. Explain dark matter. Explain wave-particle duality. Where in your brain can you find the boogey man eliciting real cold sweats? Whatever your answers, it could likely still be asked, “well how does THAT work?” or just as well, “Why should that be?” Funny that you mention God. At the root of the mechanics of Nature being clung to here, there was initially an act of what? Free Will perhaps? What are the implications of that in a fractal Universe? There seem to be a series of irreducible working dualities at play that can’t yet, if ever, be explained, only observed and described. By that logic, God and the bowling pins appear now to be inseparable. To attempt to mold a society, harvest a planet, etc. around a, probably deliberately, incomplete image (science) of these workings is possibly treasonous.

By: D Olds Tue, 13 May 2014 15:53:30 +0000 Dear Jon
I think you had a “finger problem” when you wrote this. The date should be 2014, not 2041. Reason? Pretty much the same is happening in the Oscar (Blade Runner) trial in my neck of the woods, as we speak. If you’ve followed it at all I’d appreciate your perspective.

By: Sean Tue, 13 May 2014 04:19:37 +0000 Free Will, eh? OK, let’s play. Why don’t the thirsty and hungry people in Africa just “will” to have water and food?

Oh, that’s different! No. It isn’t. There is no such thing as Free Will. Every living creature is a product of two things: Its instincts (DNA/or whatever) and its influences (weather, family, culture, nutrition, etc.)

I’m not saying that humans can’t hold a murderer to account for the sake of justice, but in doing so, they are merely acting out an unavoidable (yet complex) reaction to an unpopular action. When a dog barks at another dog, is he demonstrating his Free Will and considered opinion? Or is he merely acting out his instincts in a simple situation? To ask the question is to answer it!

God set up a very complicated set of bowling pins one day. He launched his ball at them, and the pins have been colliding and banging around ever since. Free Will, indeed!

By: It is I only Tue, 13 May 2014 00:51:54 +0000 Don’t laugh!
See the trial of the scum psycho Pistorious!
A Jahoo is always exonerated!

By: T.J. Thomas Mon, 12 May 2014 21:33:17 +0000 Yep, variations of this are already being used by defense lawyers to get accused rapists off the hook.
