Comments on: The basis of mass mind control Thu, 29 May 2014 00:58:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Magnus Göller Thu, 29 May 2014 00:58:48 +0000 It’s also about who defines the meaning and therewith magic of certain symbols: Be it the Christian Cross or the Swastika or the Pentagram or the Pyramid with the Eye or The Six Pointed Star. They’re shown everywhere, all the time, laden with what is attributed to them and what surrounds them.
The Pentagram, for instance, is for many a sign of Evil, even the Devil, whereas with Leonardo and through Golden Section and on many flags it is the Symbol of Man.
In runic lore the fifth rune is “mannuz”, stands for man, the one who measures.
They fumble around with all this, and more. Vile, dire, wicked interpretations as frequent as You dare count. They even go to the point, like Rudolf Steiner, to say that right angles are bad to your health, for in these breed bad ghosts. And people believe that. (Usually living in dwellings with more or less upright walls. At least here in Germany.)
There is the point: It is belief.
To just trust some quack of notoriety and wealth and power, or just that He hath sum’ groupies, just ’cause others trust him too, or ’cause one has to trust at least someone or something, not being able to trust oneself, ones friends and relatives: There it all sets in.
If peoples’ belief in God were pure and personal, a goal Luther at least partly set, we would no way behold this kind of malleable foolishness that turns humans into sheep.
For mass mind control, everything is used. They hammer on all your senses and – not yet realized or further formed – extrasenses. It’s their job. There is a lot of experience and expediency in the trade, no doubt.
They will use your wishes, they will create them, they will twist your language (what you say or/as well as what you shouldn’t say anymore); if you realize it or not.
The tide, though, may already be turning. MANY big lies have in the last few years already become overt for far mor people than before; yes, many are just desparate, seeing that shills take over all “popular” movements all too soon whenever they gain momentum.
This is indeed no small game. There are tens of thousands of trained specialists of the second rank, very effective, still very often; and there is still no shortage of sublieutenants and arselickers and flunkeydom and petty greedy rabble and cowards of the cravenest sort, all their prostitutes and sidethugs, the scum they can hire and make happy for less than half a used napkin out of their big trough of dough.
Nay, I ain’t pessimistic. They’re fracking themselves to their end. One can see it not only in that real gas industry.

By: nilvehsd Wed, 28 May 2014 15:39:35 +0000 All cons and propaganda come from “a” truth. The “con” is to deceive and hurt you and the truth is to educate and help you. Nuf said, think about it hard.

By: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 28, 2014 | End Times Prophecy Report Wed, 28 May 2014 09:53:56 +0000 […] The basis of mass mind control – A spin agent, but a very readable one. […]

By: Magnus Göller Wed, 28 May 2014 01:10:22 +0000 What about words? What about it, just as an example, that people in Europe who oppose the EU-monster are called anti-European, even Europe-haters by our mainstream media? Where is the picture, the body-language in that? They nonetheless put all the power they have into this procedure.

By: sherayx Wed, 28 May 2014 00:16:39 +0000 Reblogged this on SherayxWeblog.

By: anon Tue, 27 May 2014 17:55:56 +0000 “The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organization called the Anti-Defamation League as an instrument to try to convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds or their allies is an attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities.” — Gary Allen, in his book “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” (1972). pg. 38.

By: anon Tue, 27 May 2014 17:54:58 +0000 Dual Citizenship — Loyal to Whom?, by Dan Eden for View Zone

By: anon Tue, 27 May 2014 17:52:13 +0000 And, to make matters worse, these same International Central Bankers, behind-the-scenes, also FINANCE SOCIALISM (Communism).

In 1917, Paul Warburg, and Jacob Schiff, both Rothschild-agents, on Wall St., handed Lev Bronstein (aka Leon Trotsky) $20 Million (USD) in gold, when Bronstein/Trotsky boarded a ship, in New York Harbor, bound for Russia, and the Rothschild-financed overthrow of the Romanov Family Dynasty. Meanwhile, in Germany, Max Warburg (Paul’s brother) handed Lenin $6 Million (USD), and provided Lenin safe passage, from Germany into Russia, aboard a SEALED train.

“Out of 388 members of the new Russian government, only 16 happened to be Russians. One was an American Black. And all the rest, all the rest, 371, were Jews. Of these 371 Jewish Bolshevik leaders, no less than 265 of them were from the Lower East Side of New York City. So you see, the Russian Revolution wasn’t Russian at all.”
Source: All America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us –,_kevin/kevin_strom_works/Kevin_Strom_1991-1994/Kevin_A._Strom_19930814-ADV_All_America_Must_Know_the_Terror_That_Is_Upon_Us.html

The question we must ask ourselves now, is: What, exactly, do these International Central Bankers have up their sleeve, for the United States?

By: anon Tue, 27 May 2014 17:48:18 +0000 “Mass mind control focuses on two elements: image and feeling.

By linking the two primary elements, it is possible to short-circuit thought and ‘cut to the chase,’ when it comes to enlisting the allegiance of huge populations.”

My God, how we, the American people have been manipulated, and used, by the .01/1%, in the vast majority of cases, without even realizing the DEPTH of the deception. OMG.
Read NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, by Gary Allen (1972), to understand why we live under a ONE-PARTY SYSTEM that masquerades as a “Two-Party” System, and that, the SAME International Central Bankers, who own and operate the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” System of Banks here in the U.S. and on Wall St. POSE as “Free Market” Capitalists or “Free Enterprise” Capitalists, when we now know – that ALL MARKETS ARE RIGGED. “They”, the .01/1% are MONOPOLISTS, (Globalists, Corporatists, Fascists) who use the U.S. Government, and governments around the world, to SUBSIDIZE their privately-owned corporations with U.S. Taxpayer $$, such as in the Banker Bailout of late 2008 (what are banks? corporations) thus shielding themselves, and their private wealth, their real estate, mansions, private islands, yachts, bentleys. We, the American people, are SUBSIDIZING our own debt-enslavement, at the hands of the 545 Criminals in the District of Criminals – Washington, D.C.

By: Anon Tue, 27 May 2014 05:42:26 +0000 Sometimes the truth about seemingly very complex complicated issues is rather, well, SIMPLE. We all need to take our own minds back, and begin using them ourselves, for the benefit of ourselves, and therefore, for the benefit of those closest to us.
