Comments on: Elliot Roger, Santa Barbara killer: parallels and numbers Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:45:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: V.E.G. Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:45:52 +0000 Peter Rodger and his son are related to the signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon.

By: Michael rohling Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:15:05 +0000 Sorry, I need an editor; still learning about semicolons.

By: Michael rohling Wed, 11 Jun 2014 03:16:56 +0000 Jean,
Babylonian/ Vedic/ Hermetic astrology, i.e. the sidereal system is your best bet in prediction (no easy task to learn!), but not enough in itself as so much has been lost. “That which is above is like to that which is below and that which is below is like to that which is above, to accomplish miracles of (the) one thing.” (Tabula Smaragdina) Just trying to use numerology alone would be almost impossible. Which system to use being the biggest obstacle (chaldean, pythagorean, kabbala, etc.). Although, there appears to be a synthesis within reach that incorporates many ancient and modern numerical systems, i.e. Tarot, this itself is based on the above (true or sidereal astrology). Now, it’s been said that each day is considered to resonate a different set of Trump cards (Arcana Major)- here are some simple equations- using 5-23-2014 we can come up with a series of Trumps. I’ll give you the first two. 1st Trump (root note)- we add all the numbers- 5+2+3+2+1+4 and get Arcana 17- “The Star”, the most hopeful and feminine (f. Trinity) of the cards. Next we place the 8th Trump (1+7) “Strength” to the right of “Hope”. “Strength” can indicate problems of a sexual nature. If you use the English or Golden Dawn tradition (I use the French tradition which is relatively light, pure and true IMO) you might see a lion about to devour a defenseless and naked women with her back turned. She is “hope”. Also of note is the 10th trump(5+2+3)- “Wheel of Fortune” which makes a chord with the first two cards. Some interpretations include: beginning or end of a cycle (hormonal), opportunity to seize, need for outside help, wheel of karma(successive reincarnations), law of nature and finally… Shooting a film! The number five is also in play as discussed above, needless to say hindsight is 20/20.

By: Jean Bush Mon, 09 Jun 2014 22:57:52 +0000 There are so many definite patterns to these hoaxes, any way we can start predicting them?

By: dmpeters60077 Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:41:36 +0000 Indeed reality is stranger than fiction ???

By: Truther Tue, 03 Jun 2014 17:44:46 +0000 I was raised conservatively and was blessed to be born of parents who moderately censored what I was exposed to (of course I would rebel, most kids do). I didn’t grow up on cable or internet. But when I was older and would babysit the neighborhood kids, I was shocked at what the parents allowed them to watch and do: the violent video games, the R-rated movies, complete online freedom (all you need to do is ask google anything you want and you get), and the junk food (oh my God that junk food, it was like parents thought a fruit-roll up and mac & cheese was a complete meal). I think you are right about guns, they don’t kill. The person kills. Alot of parents out there don’t think giving their kids all that freedom has any impact, but it really does. How can it not?

By: Sherlock Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:52:51 +0000 The number 5 is probably a reference to the fifth element. They like this kind of stuff.

We have the Pentagon, a pyramid has 5 faces and 5 vertices. Stars have 5 ends and are used everywhere (flags, logos, etc.)

A pentagram represents the 4 physical elements…

Earth = Resources
Air = Intellect
Water = Emotions
Fire = Action
The fifth element is SPIRIT.

So when you see an inverted pentagram, the fifth element (Spirit) appears at the bottom meaning that the physical or material world rules over the spirit.

2012 = “5” and it was supposed to be the end of the world.
If I remember correctly, there was a phoenix rising from its ashes during the 2012 Olympic Games ceremony. The logo of the movie “Hunger Games” looks like a phoenix or a golden falcon. In the movie, there is 12 districts. One for each house of the zodiac, I guess.

Conchita Wurst representing Austria won the 59th (14=5) annual Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final at the **B&W** Hallerne Copenhagen, Denmark where the Bilderbergers met this year. She won with the song “Rise Like a Phoenix”. If you look at the lyrics, you can read “Retribution you were warned”. 12 days later, Elliot Rodgers said: “Tomorrow is the day of retribution” He had a **B&W**. Just a coincidence?

Maybe they want to reach the fifth stage of consciousness without us. I can’t say, but I’m pretty sure we’ll see a lot more phoenix, “E” and “5” in the next months. We are ruled by a bunch of dark occultist psycho-technocrats.

One thing is sure, I don’t want to be an organic computer!

By: Jean Bush Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:10:42 +0000 I knew it was a hoax the minute the media started reporting on it. We can see a definite pattern now, like all the rest of them. Let’s get ready for the next one.

By: hERoIC Sat, 31 May 2014 06:13:51 +0000 I’ve read the following article the other day by a certain OllieGarkey (pen name making a play on words with Oligarchy).

Combine the favoured by the occultists image of a pentagram inside a rose with the reading’s bad vibe and it gets suspicious.

You know the old lying habit of putting too much meat around the bone to hide the truth? Here it seems the case.

Such a singular event where all of the media moguls planets aligned to make a coherent narrative out of an inexplicable (that is because you’re not in that person’s head and who is to say that humans behave in a logic constructed way all, if not most, of the times anyway) inhuman gesture, with the ‘’before’’ (humanistic factors leading to) and ‘’after’’(laws and society adjusting to one individual) but not much of the ‘’during it’’ explanations, is asking for our scrupulous attention.

And entire new world out of nowhere came to my attention in this piece out of Daily Kos writing. Surreal for someone like me spending a lot of time on the internet and just learning new expressions like ‘’manosphere’’, and ‘’incel’’. Some have been calling for the script like nature of the entire Elliot Roger story and that is the feeling you get when you read something like that describing a claim to be well defined internet community. Artificially constructed is what I sense when somebody is trying to sell me that a Men’s Right Movement=pickup artists=misogyny=lifting weights=rape jokes. I don’t know how many years in study of that wide pattern it takes but that writer reads like an expert on the topic. Maybe if I had enough time to waste on a deranged mind 137 pages manifesto I could become an authority on the matter too.

Sarcasm aside, the thing is I’m not buying it, even if this oversimplification is truly seductive.

Unfortunately, that is how our mind as been trained to work (and a bit inherently maybe) finding reasons and causes for everything and being expose to possible manipulation by others.

‘’They’’ hated our freedom and that is why the towers fell on 9/11 (before). Case close (during it). Let’s bring in the Patriot Act and other measures that will diminish that freedom (after).

Now what does this one (false flag or simply the taking over of a public event for a specific agenda) might be about a lot of people ask:

– Another episode in an attempt at gun control?

– Portraying men that speak about themselves as men suspicious? (divide and conquer)

– Surveillance, camera, security, etc… same old, same old.

– Terrorize you (most of terrorism, a.k.a. the act of terrorizing, is done by those who promote the lively idea of terrorism) and reap the Stockholm syndrome fruits?

– Psychology is an exact science, you are not in control of your mind and actions we, the experts, can rule over your free will with all our mental disease labels and chemical imbalance correcting pills. You negative thoughts are the product of you being victims of your biology, let us be the caretaker, Science (the magic word nobody would dare question its sometimes reckless applications) knows best! Read your DSM-5 bible my faithful!
– Money, power, control… meaning all of the above.

By: psychiatry maleficence Americans deactivated | OccurrencesDomesticForeign Fri, 30 May 2014 18:51:59 +0000 […] Adams weighed in on Santa Barbara too, and Jon Rappaport… was noted by aangirfan. I don’t take aangirfan lightly, and neither should […]
