Comments on: How effective is electromagnetic thought control? Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:58:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: RAVER Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:58:35 +0000

By: Mind Control Scientists Find New Memory Manipulation Technology | The Daily Sheeple Mon, 02 Jun 2014 17:46:46 +0000 […] They’re also quite familiar with their own feelings and thoughts. (Source) […]

By: dawnatilla Mon, 02 Jun 2014 03:21:43 +0000 Jon, thank you.

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 31 May 2014 01:26:53 +0000 Interesting.

If I understand you correctly, this could be the reason, or one of the impacting factors, behind the heart disease phenomenon?

By: vivekchaturvedi6666 Fri, 30 May 2014 04:25:14 +0000 True. Thus it’s continued use, only darkly.

Turns out if the heart is in the presence of 60 HZ AC, it is at it’s weakest electrically, IOW, a 60 HZ AC net is just bad for us to begin with.

By: patriciarobinett Thu, 29 May 2014 21:50:06 +0000 so true. and the emPHAsis is away from the fact of who and what we truly are… so it is a pleasure and an honor for people who know, to remind those who have forgotten, if only to silently model what is true in an elevator or at the grocery store.

By: 3duir Thu, 29 May 2014 20:49:14 +0000 Excellent and empowering point, Watchcarefully. Yes part of my self realization process after having some ‘thing’ attempt to enter my room— for whatever reason. I suspect it may have been an abduction or mind hijacking attempt, or at the very least it was there to tamper with me. It was wasn’t there to ask for my hand in marriage that’s all I know. But it did show me we have power over such circumstances. Increasingly I’ve found that is not just the controllers but people in society with victim mentality who like to perpetrate the notion that we are powerless against such things. That suggests there is a mechanism, a pre installation by agreement (as you’ve suggested) , to allow a variety of things to control us. It’s been called dense ego mind or overgrowth of ego when it no longer serves as a protection mechanism but one of self destruction, wetiko mind, parasitical mind, ‘their’ mind. Called ‘their’ mind because we adopt controller attitudes that we should be predated on. ~Ro

By: watchcarefully Thu, 29 May 2014 16:31:13 +0000 fortunately a person (which is actaully a spiritual being) can never be influenced by any electronic means, if the person itself does not agree with it. This fact drives the suppressors and criminals crazy, and will make them finally lose the battle to have control over others.

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 29 May 2014 02:55:31 +0000 In this case, incorrect & very “Zoroastrian”. Draco are a reptilian version of “man” that have “evolved” into the “4th dimension”. They do create hybrid bodies that can be seen in this density, but these are [relatively] inferior beings. As our DNA clicks forward we edge ever closer to experiencing the Draco “for real”. By those parameters, our reality will change instantly for some, or for all, at some point in the future. That “some point in the future” could be tomorrow, next year or, pick a date. The one I have picked is the 17th October 2084.

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 29 May 2014 02:47:43 +0000 Base 60 was the mystical calculation the ancients used for engineering projects of every kind.
