Comments on: 2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:28:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victim Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:28:18 +0000 I am a psychiatric victim about 13 years now, diagnosed over 10 diagnosis already, i live under them, all is writed under my personal data, all the psychiatrist will going to HEll, i am not telling you that because of anger, but there is where they belong, there’s no place to put them after death because God will not let them in Paradise, and i know i will going to Paradise, and if you are not going to Paradise you are going to HEll. I cant tell you right now where i know this, but if maybe some victim will read this and will be in peace, as i will found in peace in this nazi psychiatry and psychiatrists some day., i will die anyway some day, i cannot live life because of this psychiatry and because of their medicaments, it damaged my brain and nervous system too much and God already knows all my life and what i am suffering, and suffered and everything. The worse news in your life can only be one news and its when you are going to HEll, ah they dont believe it anyway. You are going to Hell psychiatrists, and know who laugh last laughs better.

By: Logue Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:25:39 +0000 Why don’t you all go to Amazon and find books on energetic, consciousness healing? There are many. Authors like Donna Eden, Jack Angelo, Gerald Epstein, Bradley Nelson, Alice Burmeister and so on, and methods like Jin Shin Jyutsu, EFT, Breath-work, QiGong, Mental Imagery, Energetic Exercises, Magnet Therapy and so on.

By: CWills Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:53:41 +0000 I don’t totally disagree with the premise put forth here. However, I have worked in a psychiatric facility for 30 + years and have clearly witnessed behaviors that would fit the description of “mental illness.” What these premises do not answer is what is causing these behaviors.

By: BJ Fri, 27 Jun 2014 02:36:52 +0000 Rockerchic4God, I’m glad you see people with needs as you can reach the needy on the human level of compassion which psychopaths who are label happy don’t seem to have. Have they been allergy tested? Tested for heavy metal toxicity or any toxicity? What about the spiritual influence of their condition? Then of course who or what may have brainwashed them? Are they just plain angry at our govenment? Lol? Were they given poisonous fluoroquinolone antibiotics by physicians they trusted, such as Cipro or Leviquin which has a host of damaging side affects including depression? What about those who were abused , or broken hearted in life? What happened to empathy and talk therapy? Sometimes life gets tough and its not meant to walk alone.
One friend told me that he can’t get off these meds. Another woman was already on antidepressants and more depressed than ever, was given another and told she’d be on for life – A little girl who was full of life, now subdued, didn’t want to play. She said it was the “meds”. In my state for marital problems alone, its easy to have someone by court order put away, where they get strip searched, and drugged without consent.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights ( has a mission to eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health and has helped enact 150 laws to protect people from abusive or coercive mental health practices.. However, on a personal level, perhaps talking to and sharing your health and stress management practices will help intervene and keep someone from getting snared or rail-roaded.

By: Psychiatry: the NSA with toxic drugs — State of Globe Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:14:35 +0000 […] piece follows on from my previous one, “2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud.” That article refuted the whole scientific basis of the […]

By: nikibayard Tue, 17 Jun 2014 22:59:08 +0000 🙂 lol, that’s brilliant 😉 hello Pa 🙂

By: EclecticAnela Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:55:13 +0000 ^^ looks like i left my account logged in, that was mi papa lol… nice to meet you!! 🙂

By: Newzaholic Mon, 16 Jun 2014 22:36:34 +0000 Reblogged this on and commented:
If Our Grandparents did not need Psychiatry why do our children do?

By: waltinseattle Mon, 16 Jun 2014 05:37:40 +0000 you seem to think psychological is something other than physical. all mental processes are physical. they are emergent from the current state of brain. of course current thoughts,experiences and anxieties matter as they affect that current state. the way they do is biochemical… just like what you think is not.true illness. am i reading too deep into your remarks?

By: Robert Ignatius Dillon Sun, 15 Jun 2014 07:44:22 +0000 I did write a book.
About brain-suckers, and their murderous propaganda work.
For instance, the Bolsheviks.
The people you call Zionist Jewry stopped being Jewish a century ago.
Judaism has Ten Commandments.
The Bolsheviks, by contrast, run around behind Jewish surnames,
murdering anyone who believes in doing the right thing.
