Comments on: Psychiatry: the NSA with toxic drugs Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:32:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: sigmund Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:32:33 +0000 Psychosis may be a real illness, but mood disorders are usually due to life circumstances. Personality disorders probably fall under psychology.

By: Ha'ashkee Dahszii Ya'ai Jii Wed, 18 Jun 2014 00:04:57 +0000 Thank god for B.F. Skinner. To him, the mind was a black box. All Operant Conditioning Behaviouralists (Environmentalist) care only about the behaviour itself. A Black woman gets a 4 year college degree and she has the same chance at a job as a White man with the same degree at the same job. It doesn’t matter if either thinks the moon is made of green cheese. If the White man chews on his pencil when he’s nervous or any other reason, that’s the end of it, if he does he makes his clients money in the Futures market. If the Black woman wears her shirts inside out and makes money for her clients, a diagnosis by an expert who knows more about how she should behave isn’t required. Support your local Behaviouralist (Environmentalist).

By: selected Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:28:15 +0000 treatment means an end to the disease process, psychiatry does not provide treatment, once a person enters the psychiatric matrix there is no exit, any and all diagnoses are a permanent status, there is no treatment because all the conditions are natural human states, the human is very imperfect and the range of functioning varies wildly. the force is a two pronged assault against everyone, firstly to force people to think of and act toward others in a certain manner and secondly to deny the reality that some individuals are simply very very faulty and without acts of legally forced intervention would have a low life expectancy with a well above the mean mortality rate,
vast resources are probably mostly directed toward interrupting natural selection.

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 17 Jun 2014 03:11:26 +0000 I think there is a fine line here, Michael and it appears to be “crossed over”.

There are definitely imbalanced individuals within the social strata’s. The question is what is a “disorder” and how is that to be measured? I can tell you I am happy. I hope you will know what I am talking about. There are no diagnostic tests to “measure” happiness and there will never be a refined measurement – say the difference between 56.783932% and 42.97830527% happy, but we all should know what happiness is. We are not denying happiness.

Jon has [unwittingly] exposed two evils – firstly, quackery & rogue medications in psychiatry and secondly, should the loony toons be allowed to wander freely and happily (sic)? Unfortunately, the balance is FAITH and TRUST in professionals. How can OUR faith and trust be restored is the constructive question.

By: Doc Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:59:58 +0000 @ Pryatel – Of course you don’t agree with him … he’s outed you for the charlatan, snake oil selling, whore for Big Pharma that you really are. Now go sit in the corner and give yourself a great, big hug while telling yourself “I am a good person, I am a good person …” you scum bag leech.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:53:00 +0000 You cannot prove those disorders exist. Through a blood test or a virus or bacterium. There is no break, or a lesion, no atrophy in any part of the of brain tissue. Physically there is no reason. But you claim by placing unknown chemicals into a body that has never experienced those labratory concoctions. That you can cure an unknown. Psychiatrists are simply pushers for drug companies. You are caught in a paradigm created by an elite to service a majority. You are the effect of the freudian cause. How else is an empire to dominate the individual, other that psychiatry and drugs.
If you consider yourself to be intellect, then stop insulting the intelligent with these lies.

By: Charles Mon, 16 Jun 2014 01:03:09 +0000 You don’t agree because that would reveal your nakedness. It’s against your financial interest to agree. Many would rather die in flames than admit to being wrong, especially having wasted their lifetime being wrong. We wait to hear from you what your illnesses are. List your medical symptoms—wrinkles—gray hair—vision correction—dental caries—hypertension—arthritis. Do you have any of these symptoms? Since “mental illness is like any other illness,” how does your BS degree give you immunity? How would anyone—especially, a WOMAN—know that if they come to see you, they aren’t seeing a mentally disordered person? Since “only psychiatrists can reliably diagnose mental illness,” and since your fellows hell well are not gonna “diagnose” it in you—people are best advised to steer clear of you. Because if you have ever had any REAL medical condition—sunburn or blisters, constipation et al—by God, YOU also are fully subject to being afflicted by “CLINICAL mental illness,” haw F haw. “Maladaptive thinking,” why you crass boor—do you wear a suit coat out in summer weather? You sure as hell are “maladapted.” With that carotid artery strangling necktie, you are subconsciously attempting slow suicide. You are a risk to yourself. […] How much liver damage have people suffered from the risky chemicals you Rx? And pollution to ground water when your garbage gets flushed???? Get on a bottle cap and drift out to sea.

By: norm mcdonald Sun, 15 Jun 2014 11:52:10 +0000 It seems there was an effort to “de-institutionalize” folks from mental institutions via community mental health centers in the 50<60's. Presuming folks had needed to be institutionalized originally was dubious on the evidence known today. To achieve this, with reassurance to the citizens at large, the sales pitch of using mind altering medications to make these former inmate patients be perceived as safe to live among US was made. The citizens at large were sold and bought the massive pharmaceutical/medical sales pitch.

Meanwhile, a whole'nother process creating and targeting segments of the population was implemented. The use of predictive programming in media was effectively infused into our culture from the adjacent CIA – Lookout Mountain facility. For some clues to this multifaceted alternate track find "Inside Laurel Canyon: The Birth of the Hippie Generation @ Center for an Informed America".

One linking facet was the early NIMH and NIDA "Rap House" demonstration projects in Height Asbury, Greenwich Village, L.A., The Space Coast and a few other locations of notorious illegal substance abusers and/or dissidence.

By: OzzieThinker Sun, 15 Jun 2014 01:39:54 +0000 Spot on!

By: Anon Sat, 14 Jun 2014 20:45:46 +0000 William Pryatel, I think that when psychiatry is used to label conspiracy theorists as nut jobs then you have to expect us, on mass, to reject your professions claims to heal. I think your colleagues are being trained to act more as ‘Gate Keepers’ for TPTB than true healers of the soul. TPTB can, through government mandate and enforcement, use psychiatry to invade any ones privacy on the premise of that person being of unsound mind. And it only takes an opinion of a Doctor or two to be incarcerated without due process of any kind. Quite a power to have so easily abused in the name of public order and mental health, don’t you think?
