Comments on: When The Elite showed its hand Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: michaelcareersxtra Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:58:24 +0000 Once again Jon you get to the heart of the issue in record time.

By: When The Elite Showed Its Hand | Our Tyrannical Government Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:01:50 +0000 […] This article comes from […]

By: nilvehsd Thu, 19 Jun 2014 03:06:59 +0000 I think you are on track Bobby but there is so much more. That attitude you describe is a likely possibility towards officials and leaders but it acts as terrorism does ( fear factor force ) and part of that terrorism game is distraction of which most of your description’s purpose really is. Fear causes distraction.

The big distraction in my opinion is the skies. We are and have been being sprayed with poison since at least 2001. There is info. suggesting much longer then that – like decades! Everyone is being poisoned even the psycho’s spraying us because they are psychopaths and they have no ability to reason rationally even when it comes to their own well being. – I am talking about Geo-engineering of our atmosphere and weather manipulation aka climate change/global warming.

Climate change is actually not climate change, climates do not change, weather does and so climate change is erratic weather systems which are coming from all the dam chem trails we are being sprayed with globally. Chem trails are the big distraction, everyone is slowly being taken down in this way. Through illness’s and death, through billions in storm damages, through poisoning the environment, through ripping open the ozone layer. It is all dubbed as geo-engineering – Project Earth – and the mission statement is to reduce sunlight from hitting the surface of the earth by 2%. The project of Geo-engineering is a real federal government project, the spraying as part of geo-engineering is the rouge part and it is toxic to every living thing including the planet herself. Well she’s about to blow via volcanic eruptions and quakes happening at alarming rates daily, globally and on our shores too. The race is to beat earth from vomiting all over them. The mission is population reduction but the psycho’s are not leaving anything behind, including themselves because they are suicidal and their buddies don’t know. – seek out the info., tell people and complain to your local officials. Florida is ruined. We now have dead dolphins washing on shore at Ft Myers Beach, today we got a WARNING from the state health dept. for “terror of the deep” ( no kidding, the media actually labeled it as such ) and it is due to people swimming in the Gulf and then getting lesions all over their bodies. They are saying it is some virus ( LOL ) but it is a chemical reaction these lesions, no virus. The Gulf is being poisoned, the Atlantic – poisoned, all oceans, all air, everything is being poisoned and so when you spray giant aerosol cans in the sky via planes this is the result. CREATED climate change. It bankrupts economies, it poisons people, it needs GMO food to grow in toxins, it ruins the environment. Why would they do this to themselves?? LOL. well they detonated 1500 nukes for “testing” purposes?? They live on earth too, why?? Psycho is why. To be almighty you must play God, since they can’t do it on their own they must use chemicals. Chemicals are their way of playing God to treat illness’s, to manipulate the weather, to soak up oil spills, to create new species, to fluoridate public water, to have nuclear power, to do anything they do it is chemicals to the rescue. HERE THIS WORLD: Do NOT come to FL you will waste your time and money it is ugly now. Paradise is lost from chem trail spraying in heavy doses. We have chem trails all the time, NO more sunshine, NO rain, NO humidity, dead dolphins washing ashore, swimming health risk warnings, fish kills, NO SUN. That alone will destroy the environment and then people. The entire photosynthesis process is being destroyed through the rouge project of geo-engineering and ha ha, no one knows. LOOK over there while we spray your towns! Will you speak out or will you suck it up??? Waiting…………

By: ELN Thu, 19 Jun 2014 00:19:07 +0000 Reblogged this on Plagiarized News & Views.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ When The Elite Showed Its Hand Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:45:00 +0000 […] Source JonRappoport’sBlog  June 16 2014 […]

By: When The Elite showed its hand | Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:56:41 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport […]

By: Jennie Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:02:17 +0000 Well, so now this is known, what will or can be done? What is the solution? it’s heading that way, we have known for years or suspected it for years. Knowing the true source of this evil plan, points to the opposite source of whose reign and authority this evil plan is a mimic. The evil one pushes his antichrist to take in a carnal way the seat of Christ and just as they think he has won and subjected all under his one world rule, he will be destroyed by the coming of Christ, Who is the rightful heir and King of kings and above all rule and authority.

By: Gift Tue, 17 Jun 2014 08:53:57 +0000 And, of course, they are “too big to fail”!
The actual crises was designed for to rob working slaves who have even no time to read this page!
There is a way to beat their system without revolution and blood sheding:
-FREE STUFF is the best weapon against their profit based satanic economic / political / religious system = plant FREE FRUIT TREES, VEGES.. and create FREE food to all 7 billion people = first step toward liberty and abundance to all
-create FREE SERVICES, OBJECTS at all levels = they can not tax gifts = they must bankrupt and people can live in ABUNDANCE, FRIENDSHIP
GIFT ECONOMY + INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY (=diplomatic immunity to all 7 billion people) + MOTHERS’ LOVING ETHICS (instead their punitive patriarchal laws ) = solution
BE THE POWER – be the leader / president – do not wait on messiah, politicians – be the change that you want to see in the world

By: i am no one Tue, 17 Jun 2014 06:01:07 +0000 The Pyramid:


By: Bobby Tue, 17 Jun 2014 04:21:06 +0000 Jon, as always, great work. I read that comment of Rockefellers before, where he admits what he’s about and those around him. Personally, a long time buddy of mine and myself, (we’re both over 60) after studying the Kennedy assassination and how the government changed, first slowly, then almost at the speed of sound, we came to the conclusion that an internal coup had occurred during that time. Kennedy, had to be murdered, in front of the whole world but especially in front of America’s status quo, to demonstrate that these new power players, are deadly serious on how things are going to be from now on and that anyone who thinks they are going to get in the way, is going to get the same treatment President Kennedy did.
