Comments on: Chaos theory, sacred geometry, mind control Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:35:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Latcho Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:35:00 +0000 You have the key and the knowledge dear sir, lets hope that your insights are one day known to all, this dream with-in a dream, see you on the other side you am I.

By: Latcho Sun, 22 Jun 2014 00:57:53 +0000 Hey Jon I’m sure you would know the works of M. Moorcock and his many takes on the endless battle of chaos and singularity. Some of which are of the darkest extremes and others are of the most indulgent fantasy one could have, his works have kept my sanity for many years giving me an insight in to the endless possibilities of the mind/dream multiverse and the limitations imposed in this matrix of reality in that the search for answers is the experience it self his hero’s and villians are our own reflection. Being dyslexsic as you can see I struggle with the left brain matrix and have always found it profoundly stupid it takes me ages just to write this and yet when i read which took me a long time (thanks Mr Moorcock) and the work you do it happens with no effort I guess self always delivers whats needed on its voyage. Any way many thanks for your works of insight I’m sure they give freedom to a lot of trapped travellers.

By: vivikerich Sat, 21 Jun 2014 18:27:22 +0000 and then “Christ the Redeemer” will appear and protect those who have kept the “spiritual faith” and not fell for the trappings created by lala Hollywood and the being distracted by technology and films that are already brainwashing the sheeple of new generation for the reptilian agenda.

JK Rowling is an illuminati witch, look on internet.
Mystery Man (Hitler’s Son?) Exposed J.K. Rowling

By: Magnus Göller Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:02:53 +0000 “Nothing wrong with order. It’s just another way to arrange information. But the obsession for order is a program. It’s mind control. It’s promoted as the highest form of intelligence.”
Exactly so.
And it IS art beyond this form of mind control the remedy. Order is just one means of art. A fine one, beholding a Gothic cathedral. But there is more. And it’s wrong to call it chaos, at least in the way we are used to using the term. Transcending the ordinary rules. A hearty laugh even on Golden Section. Stories like Cervantes’ Quijote, creating themselves anew within themselves. And, yea, there may be some wohlesome holes still to be born hither and thither through time.

By: Don Sat, 21 Jun 2014 14:29:01 +0000 I like your story. I don’t think civilization will make it beyond the year 3000 without a major asteroid impact. At which point humanity will once again be reminded that control is an illusion. Although, the secret sect of underground humans will then get to infest and repopulate. My biggest issue with humanity is the “knowledge is power” idea which has become law. All these separate entities discover new things, new stepping stones to further human advancement but immediately they’re suppressed and weaponized. Suppressed and weaponized against us! The people! It comes down to our nature really, and I see the establishment using the grid to circumvent our nature to induce morality–slowly but by force they will make us be “happy peaceful” robots. Why force a microchip when you can spray nano bots for 15 or so years and then just flip the “on” switch? I believe the establishment comes from their own morality, and it’s why the world is the way it is–they’ve justified in their mind what they’re doing is right: this order you talk of in your story. It just sounds so […] boring.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Chaos Theory, Sacred Geometry, Mind Control | Shift Frequency Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:47:04 +0000 […] Source JonRappoportsBlog  June 19 2014 […]

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:18:58 +0000 I know this is a fantasy, Jon, but you often touch on would-be-real stuff “if people only knew”. For your information, it is extremely dangerous to “punch holes into time space” and usually happens as a disastrous consequence of some hair brained scheme or via natural scenarios.

The “Nordics” are meant to live near the St Barnard’s star and descendants on Earth are the Inuit Indians. However, I do not believe they have those abilities (even “tech’ed up”). There are a number of entities with special DNA which gives them the ability to use their minds much more effectively that we do. Some of those with this ability can alter themselves at cellular level and perhaps anatomically. Others can focus on a single point “in space” and create a portal with their minds.

I guess that’s mind-boggling!

By: Richard Leigh Baker Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:54:18 +0000 There is so much to learn about ourselves. Really, so much. But we are not yet close to even knowing where we are. The majority of today believe that we live on a planet floating in ginormous space through practically infinite time. Are they correct? Because a minority have discovered one of the keys: that light curves six inches in the mile. And what are all the evidences of NASA if not that which enters and leaves through a telescope? What evidences of ‘space’ can be collected at the space station’s orbital level of 400 miles, just a thumb-nails width off a beachball? Where is the video of Earth in space? We know the blue marble and the other famous one are both composites. You see, to go along with our discoveries exploring our inner space, there comes the discovery of our outer space. And outer space is going to disappear, to be replaced by a hollow concave earth with us on the inside, whilst inner space is going to open up, to reveal a multi-dimensional trans-death kaleidoscope of living spiritual ‘spaces’ just like the Masters keep calmly reminding us…

By: JR@esamawuta Fri, 20 Jun 2014 08:44:16 +0000 Nice text. So the ultimate discovery must be that asymmetry does not exist, only levels of perception.

By: Chaos Theory, Sacred Geometry and Mind Control : Conscious Life News Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:32:05 +0000 […] Rappoport | Jon Rappoport | June 19th […]
