Comments on: Fluorides, the Atomic bomb, and a spy Tue, 09 Jun 2020 01:40:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Concerned Mom Wed, 27 Apr 2016 20:33:34 +0000 […] fluoride and chemical water fluoridation, arguably the biggest, most far reaching medical scandal In history. There’s a good reason why toothpaste contains a warning to call poison control if more than is used for brushing is swallowed. It’s because fluoride is more toxic than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic. The FDA sets the bar very low but even it has never approved fluoride for ingestion. Fluoride drops and tablets for children are illegal but sold anyway. In addition, the FDA has never approved fluoride varnish that dentists routinely use on children’s teeth because the FDA knows that it exposes kids to a whopping dose of fluoride Most dentist either don’t know or don’t care and administer this treatment off label and parents haven’t a clue of fluoride’s toxicity.

Fluoridation chemicals contain traces of lead and leach lead into water.

Everyone is aware of lead these days. No one wants extra lead in the water so perhaps that is what will end the idiocy of chemical water fluoridation. However, a brainwashed population trusting the medical establishment will go on believing that fluoride is a magic potion for teeth and especially necessary for children. How Sad!

By: Fluorides, the Atomic Bomb, and a Spy | The Liberty Beacon Thu, 03 Jul 2014 19:30:46 +0000 […] See featured article and read comments here: […]

By: theodorewesson Sun, 29 Jun 2014 01:49:30 +0000 Just to add,…

As a chelating agent, Infowars’s “Fluoride Shield” — coupled with their “Survival Shield (Nacent Iodine)” — both produced by Dr. Edward Group — have worked wonders for me. After filtering my water, eating organic, and supplementing with trace minerals ( ; — all good in themselves,… it wasn’t until I cut out alchohol (*) and started using “Fluoride Shield” and “Survival Shield (Nacent Iodine)” that I was able to knock out my allergy problem. ((*) — Being on the “Fluoride Shield” and “Survival Shield (Nacent Iodine)” actually made me sensative to alchohol. I don’t miss it.)

More about “Fluoride Shield” and “Survival Shield (Nacent Iodine)” can be found here…

By: Michael Burns Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:37:14 +0000 I had an thought after writing the above piece on Halides. About a coalition of Psychiatrists who can see great benefit in adding Lithium to public drinking water as a suicide prevention.
Lithium and Flouride in drinking water…wow.
I think possiblly they might be trying to turn us into batteries. You could become a juice box for your iPhone.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:25:34 +0000 The Halogens on the periodic table: Fluorine Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine. Are all similar in atomic structures, and all highly reactive substances.

Fluorine, for instance is the most highly reactive substance on the planet. It is the basis for fluoride, toothpaste and most pharmaceuticals, especially the SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake inhibitors).
It is so highly reactive that when it does react to something it bonds to it so strongly that the resulting molecule is non-reactive and inert to anything else. For instance Teflon is fluorine bonded to carbon, very tough stuff.

So… if we place fluorine in the human body, in the form of fluoride the resulting reactions are to say the least detrimental to organic life, especially in the blood/brain barrier of the human brain.
All halides produce free radicals, free radicals have been proven to cause cancer.

The human body in its search for iodine (which is highly deficient in human populations) finds in the drinking water of most cities, towns and villages Chlorine, and fluorine in the form of fluoride. The molecules are similar in shape and size to iodine, and the uptake of these similar others is swift and reactionary creating strong bonds, which are inert, resulting in long term damage.

The bromines; Florine, Chlorine and Iodine are extreme endocrine disrupters and are terribly dangerous. They tend to concentrate in the thyroid gland.
Iodine which is the one in the group that humans need, must be taken with care, too much is worse than not enough. Iodine can be naturally found in seaweeds, kelp, and dulse. Iodized salt is a not so good form of iodine, mandated by most world governments it is chemically created, a synthetic.

Iodine deficiency is an intellectual disability…

Anti-depressants contain fluorine, headache medicines and sleep aides contain bromine in the form of bromide.

Chlorine is also in the form of chloride a much used food preservative.

Astatine the last halide is highly radioactive chemical, one would fine Astatine in use in nuclear medicine, used in the treatment of cancer through radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Treating cancer with a cancer causing agent…what a novel idea.

Many studies have shown that Aluminum combined with Fluoride is a powerful brain toxin that accumulates in the brain.

By: LA RELACIÓN SECRETA ENTRE EL FLÚOR, LA HIGIENE DENTAL Y LA BOMBA ATÓMICA | La Matrix Holografica Sat, 28 Jun 2014 15:51:06 +0000 […] fuente: […]

By: Harvey Kailin Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:17:22 +0000 A close reading of the Christopher Bryson’s book, The Fluoride Deception, reveals that its author places great emphasis on cover-up, that to deflect attention from the Manhattan project or from the aluminum industry, a narrative was concocted by the master of spin, Edward Bernays, to associate fluoride with dental health. I would suggest, to the contrary, that Bryson’s book is itself a kind of cover-up, being that of misdirecting attention toward venal corporations seeking to protect themselves from legal challenge, when, in reality, the real, far more sinister purpose behind the practice of doctoring municipal water supplies with fluoride is to induce lower IQ and passivity amongst the populace. Besides that, it kills some by inducing bone cancer and debilitates others by making bones brittle leading to bone fracture. This is a deliberate mass-poisoning of the populace. Only International Banker Jews have the power, the motive, and the continuity of vision to pull of this deed for 60 years, now involving 180 million Americans. As well, overseas, many millions of others, especially in Anglo-speaking countries, these being the countries most under the thumb of Establishment Jews, are also fluoridated.

By: Shelley Kramer Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:47:20 +0000 So frustrating when the dentists still think flouride is a good thing and not a toxin. Why are dentists so determined to get patients to use flouride. Don’t they read the news, don;t they care about what they are using, are they using it themselves. Don;t they see the damage flouride is doing?

By: Shelley Kramer Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:45:14 +0000 I had flouride treatments from my dentist practially every week during my younger years. Now I hardly have any of my own teeth, mostly implants., I believe all due to disintegration from massive does of flouride. What a blatant cover up to the world. Just like chemtrails being sprayed on us with aluminum, arsenic, barium and more. Toxic chemicals being dumped on the public all over the world, almost daily. Look up, see the streaks, zig zags, curves, not normal airplane activity, especially when these streaks last all day and cover the entire sky.

By: A Relação Secreta entre o Flúor, Higiene Dental e a Bomba Atômica | Life is Beautiful – A Vida é Bela Fri, 27 Jun 2014 14:01:48 +0000 […] Fontes:- Blog Anti-NOM: A Relação Secreta entre o Flúor, Higiene Dental e a Bomba Atômica- Fluoride Alert: The Deepwater Documents: Lawsuit Against The Us Bomb Program Over Fluoride Poisoning- El Robot Pescador: La relación secreta entre el flúor, la higiene dental y la Bomba Atómica- Jon Rappoport´s Blog: Fluorides, the Atomic bomb, and a spy […]
