Comments on: Secret Space Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:37:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: OzzieThinker Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:37:22 +0000 We are all aspects of Prime Source; “windows” as it were. Some of the other worlders have extraordinary, breath taking abilities (some technologically aided). Thus, “relatively”, some are correct in viewing us as vermin. Look at the behaviours of our governments and so-called social “management”. Not good. Not good at all.

I believe some [humans] have had and will have the ability to shine so bright they are able to break fundamental mediocrity thresholds and desire, invent and produce something new, something intrinsically un-thought of, something that will change universal dynamics. Jon is onto something…..;-)

By: kara Thu, 03 Jul 2014 16:54:13 +0000 I agree with you Ozzie, Prime source is beyond imagination, at least mine, well beyond pin pointing and defining.. unless of course there is such a thing as spontaneously creating. What I am wondering here is .. that even our imagination is given to us based on what Prime source is directing. I can only “imagine” what prime source allows me to imagine.. I can only desire what prime source inspires in me… unless I AM Prime Source. Was Chopin, Tesla and the likes Other worlders? and Does Prime Source just inspire them with more potential to create than us vermin?

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:05:27 +0000 The greatness and power of the prime source is beyond imagination. As Chopin was and is an element of prime source, there is no reason why he could not spontaneously create. Some of the other worlders connected to our planet have staggering mind power and thus are generally fairly uncomplimentary of humans. Maybe they view us as “children” (or, perhaps, vermin in some casers). Generally speaking, our “best” would not contest with their social rejects.

By: kara Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:15:07 +0000 I’ll check out your blog Ozzie. Till then, I suppose as long as we can think, imagine, and consider things, we are connected to this “program”…but isn’t that the point?
To feel fear at all would only enforce that we are still connected to the program/illusion/simulation, and have fallen for it as true. Apparently none of us can truly explain it. If Chopin bypassed this “system” what’s that really saying? That we have the potential to be free of the program, to actually be “The Thinker”? or was he just a computer glitch?

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:54:52 +0000 You are beginning to understand, Kara. Although “illusion” is a poor word as, whilst correct, it demystifies reality. There are a number of holographic universes. The ancients talked of Earth, Tara and Gaia. Einstein became very dismayed when things are very small – at quantum level. We have not yet identified an electron in isolation. However if and when we do, we will find a new later of “holes”. Imagine technologies that could “flat pack” and/or reconstitute atoms. I have been informed of a frequency shift when all our atoms will move from the “carbon” standard – to silica? Our science will not notice. We will not notice.

As for our imagination that is defined by almost limitless templates, however Chopin is a mystery. Of all humans, he is the fascination of the other worlders. Did he bypass the system and truly create something new via the power of his individuality rather than tapping into the network? That is the $64 question….

Check out my blog as I write a number of posts covering the subject of existence.

By: kara Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:44:02 +0000 Thanks Ozzie, it does answer my question. although I am not sure if it is complete truth. I think you described more clearly what I was saying. Are you also saying that subconscious/super conscious is a resonance/vibration, a program at another level of the simulation/illusion? I still want to know why this is scarier? Is it because when you know this, you understand you are not real? To me that would be very freeing. wouldn’t it indicate that we then can manifest anything by imagining it first?

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:52:34 +0000 A series of filters define what you call reality. There are a number of impetuses defining your conscious that collectively contribute to your sub-conscious. The sub and super consciousness are expressions/resonance at different dimension/density/energy settings where rules/rationale/reality is very different. Everything is recorded because that is what is and what was. Time is located at a central point. Events are referenced in no or relative particular order. Perception is the guide which is populated and determined by external space. External is what is not you, passive or active. Though you might know it, influence it, it is not you so it must be heeded.

An illusion makes you feel real and [therefore] if you feel real you have fallen for the illusion. Does that answer your question?

By: kara Tue, 01 Jul 2014 02:43:52 +0000 hmm? tell us what you mean by guided by the external and managed by the internal. My subconscious (internal/subjective) records what I experience objectively/externally and takes as truth what I react to and hold as a truth… and makes real in my reality/experience… is this what you mean?

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 01 Jul 2014 02:17:02 +0000 Yes I do know the truth and that is why I can say it is far scarier. You are guided by the external and managed by the internal. NEVER FORGET THAT!

By: kara Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:12:39 +0000 and you know the truth? I like what Richard said “it’s time to use your spiritual space, of your own thinking…. anyway, how can that be scarier? it’s up to you!
