Comments on: One day in 1913, Woodrow Wilson had a shocking thought Sat, 09 May 2015 17:47:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: V.E.G. Sat, 09 May 2015 17:47:58 +0000 Woodrow Wilson was protected by Harry C. Whitney. Harry’s granddaughter appeared in the highest rated sitcom in known history to be cancelled after one season, Meredith Baxter!

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:53:33 +0000 Ah ha, someone is beginning to “get it”. If only there was more.

However, children are adults that have not found themselves they. They are not “corrupted”; only poorly guided.

Here’s an idea for every government representative watching this blog. Firstly create a law that authorises the occupation of unoccupied property rent free; with the proviso that any measurable income will generate rent (less essentials or apportion therein) to the “owner”. All utilities services are obliged to supply free of charge until any measurable income (less rent and other essentials or apportion therein). Those that reject the law are nationalised.

By: David Wilson Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:12:05 +0000 Beginning with Wilson, every president has been under control of the Zionists– until Kennedy, and they murdered him. Those years- 1913–1917: the Federal Reserve was created; Palestine was given to the Zionists and the ADL was set up. The USA has become a host-nation for the Zionists–all based on the Talmud: to micromanage every aspect of human existence, with focus on depopulation of the goyim– using our military to depopulate the Muslim world, while they loot and destroy our nation from within. WW III is in progress. No mushroom clouds needed. A few weeks before Fukushima, Japan came out in favor of a Palestinian State. There’s so many dots to connect– but its all hidden in plain sight: via the curse of Cassandra. Or,as they say, in Tel Aviv:

By: g Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:31:04 +0000 An example for point 14.
Anti-psychotic drugs…
a) Doctors en masse could gather the evidence against anti- psychotic drug use (all the evidence is there), give it to their employer and wean their patients off the drugs safely (if the patient wanted this..the patient might want to be on them). Psychiatrists could write to their employer e.g the medical director and say that they will never prescribe anti-psychotic drugs again for the reasons X, Y, Z etc.
b) If anti-psychotic drug administration is on an algorithm that doctors should adhere to, such as in the NICE guidelines in the UK, then this should be openly challenged and fought against by psychiatrists at any level in their training. Just because something is on an algorithm written by experts and backed up by evidence based medicine, does not mean that it is good.
c) Those health ministers and civil servants in third world countries blindly following ‘early intervention in psychosis’ guidelines in the West and allowing shipments of anti-psychotic drugs into their country, when basic health care, nutrition and infrastructure are not even in place, should be questioning themselves…
d) Any psychiatrist or health professional in an ‘early intervention in psychosis’ service should shut down the use of these drugs.
e). Any van drivers of these drugs should dump the stuff by the road so that it does not get to the hospital.
f) Any wimpering health professional hiding behind the doctor and not taking action, get a new job.
g) Any nurse asked to give a depot antipsychotic injection, give water instead and dump the drug into the bin

You get the picture.

By: g Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:41:38 +0000 Some solutions:
1. Clean up your own life. Shut down any connections to things which are corrupt. Anything. E.g. do not rent out your second home in London, UK for £400 per week just because that is the going rate. How about bucking the trend and renting it for £100 per week!!
2. If you have caused anyone any harm, try and do something to make amends. It is never ever too late to say sorry, and you could really help somebody else.
3. Keep physically healthy. Start swimming in natural water.
4. Be of service somewhere, so that you focus goes onto helping something else, something bigger.
5. Create a steady income for yourself somehow.
6. Be creative and create something
7. Keep your home tidy. Keep the area around your home tidy.
8. Do not hurt other people- only in defence if necessary.
9. Help to protect young babies, children and young people because they still have a lot of light/goodness (which has been killed off in most adults).
10. Try your best to keep alive and happy and not hurt by other people.
11. The heart is the ‘well spring of life”.
12. Spend time in nature.
13. Try to have a safe, secure home for yourself where you can relax and be yourself. Would it not be wonderful if we all had a peaceful, loving home? If we have this, then anything is possible.
14. Strong defence against corruption – especially if you are in a good position to do so.

I am no expert, my life has been rubbish.

By: OzzieThinker Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:20:02 +0000 Michael, as usual, you’ve pulled a cracker out of the hat.

Keep up the good work 🙂

By: henry Sun, 29 Jun 2014 01:59:29 +0000 I gave a solution earlier: What is needed is a million eyes looking at them. Who are they? What are their names? Where do they live? Who do they live with? Where do they go? What do they eat? What companies do they control? Who are their helpers? Where do the helpers live? What is the power structure at the top of the pyramid? With this information, the masters could be prisoners in their own castles. In chess, you get no points of capturing pawns, rooks, or bishops. You win when you capture their king. We the people are not even sure who the king is. Most people don’t even know there is a game going on.

This is not a quick solution. It will take many people many months to calmly and methodically gather intelligence on the criminals. They know everything about you but you know almost nothing about them. It is a David and Goliath story where Goliath has a machine gun and David is blindfolded. Without taking the blindfold off, we have no hope.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:10:17 +0000 Question 1: Who is informing the public…you. There’s a zombie apocalypse happenin out there ?
Question 2: Instituition always always sounds like prison to a Belfast street rat like myself…which institution?
Question3: Do you think politicians care what you think?
Question 4: Reform sounds too much like conform, except it is institutional. And Institutions are collectives that inform law…is there a better way?
Question 5: Do you have any relationship to Colonel Klinck?

By: bob klinck Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:29:19 +0000 Rage won’t do any good. Overpowering, informed public pressure on politicians for institutional reform is the only way. Those who imagine that some shortcut, such as rage […], is possible are deluded.

By: Eileen Kuch Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:27:43 +0000 Yep, Ozzie, the same Woodrow Wilson, all right. He enabled; banksters such as Bernard Schiff financed the Russian aka Bolshevik “Revolution” of 1917, conducted by 240+ Brooklyn Jewish storm troopers who spoke no Russian. The fact that these “revolutionaries” spoke no Russian at all is a feat in itself.
