Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: what it means Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:23:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: kara Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:23:07 +0000 I would rephrase what you said to “The Powers that be create the reality that they want YOU to see”.. That makes a big difference. Stop fearing it, and imagine differently, Imagine your own reality and make it real.

By: AntiTerrorJewAtheist Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:41:33 +0000 Reblogged this on AntiTerrorAtheist and commented:
The powers that be, create the reality that they want to see. This is nothing less than a grand scheme to gain complete control of humanity. It is apparent in our schools, our legislative institution and all forms of commerce and media. I fear that in time, our children and grandchildren will become slaves t this system of alternate reality , and will not have the slightest idea of freedom, or free expression. Call me paranoid, but that is my opinion.

By: Deanna Johnston Clark Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:24:19 +0000 I noticed the clever spin on things in 1970. All the news shows, and the Today show were full of tricks. One I recall was Walter Cronkite discussing the Middle East and America’s energy NEEDS. It was always NEEDS…never wants or waste…never the reality.
This is everywhere the case. We have to hold all we’re told up to a mirror…clever people are hugely overpaid to create our opinions, fears, and ‘facts’. Especially mark trigger words like NEEDS, INTERESTS, CONSUMERS…

By: Red Dust Sat, 28 Jun 2014 15:25:36 +0000 Reblogged this on Scratch Living and commented:
I stumbled upon many of these ideas you present whilst studying Buddhism (Vajrayana and Theravada) and going to Vipassana meditation retreats. After I saw my own suffering and the causes I looked around and saw the whole world was also suffering from ignorance about themselves, craving, and aversion. What shattered my world view was…the people who manage our government, corporations, institutions are reinforcing our ignorance and make huge profits from our self inflicted suffering. These monsters make their living off our ignorance! I’m still trying to find my balance outside of the matrix and it’s been over 20 years now. Thank you for these articles!
