Comments on: Rappoport interviews dead Tesla Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:55:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Magnus Göller Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:55:03 +0000 I also had an interview.

It was with Friedrich Nietzsche.

Q: Now, Friedrich, why is it that you seemed to turn crazy in 1889?

A: I had got too bored by the people around.

Q: But why didn’t you make it to some other place then, right away?

A: I still needed – that may be seen as a shame – a good decade to think here. Without disturbance or discussions.

Q: Now, what did you find out during that time?

A: I was not in time. I was only on this earth.

Q: What for, then, really?

A: It had just become clear that I had to go through every fool’s mind before it was the place to be left. But, of course, I’m still staying, not having lost one letter of myself.

Q: What are you working on now?

A: You know, recently I met Konfucius, which was very pleasant. We even talked about Jesus, who had some other date, and we laughed a lot. Jesus being absent got not little of the jokes.

Q: So you are still really busy.

A: That’s for sure.

Q: You never do nothing?

A: Never ever. What should I do nothing for? Nothing is already everywhere! Why should I work with or for it?

Q: So it’s the somethings that you are still at?

A: It’s all about frequency. The uncountable nothings have no frequency. Thus they are not interesting. Only the somethings have a frequency. Thus they are my workfield whenever I prefer not to keep me to myself.

Q: What, after all this experience, today, about god and gods?

A: I have invented them all. They are my fiction. No, the little joke aside, I have absorbed them. In the beginning, that’s true, it was a sometimes even painful process, but then it became ever more natural, and now I’m perfectly fine.

By: vince kemp Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:11:24 +0000 Love the articles. Still lost.

By: Greg O. Sun, 29 Jun 2014 17:15:41 +0000 Labeling conspiracy as “consensus”. That’s like something Orwell would come up with. Sort of like calling the New World Order “global governance” — actually sounds noble when you put it in those terms.

I can see the bankster conspiracists in their orange jumpsuits and leg-irons desperately wailing to the the judge in the future: “But we arrived at a CONSENSUS, your honor! It was for the peoples own welfare!!”.

Concensus. A high-minded and handy rational for their monumental criminality.

(Yeah, I know, we’ll probably never see that scenario play out in reality — but I can dream.)
