Comments on: Deleting a promising cancer treatment Tue, 16 Aug 2016 08:36:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Narad Tue, 16 Aug 2016 08:36:50 +0000 I don’t know about this.

I ascribe to the metabolic theory of cancer. I think that any one “drug” treatment diverts attention and energy away from raw veganism and fasting: the best treatment IMO.

This Gerson approach (before flax oil) seems to be the best IMO.

By: Alice Penner Fri, 19 Sep 2014 07:46:27 +0000 There are cancer patients who undergo alternative treatments after the post-treatment. Some said it was effective. Researchers made several studies regarding the cancer treatment in India, wherein alternative medicine or treatments are proven to be useful for cancer patients.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:28:08 +0000 I agree with you totally…although cannabis is a truly wonderful plant. But as you say it is not a miracle, without all body health…a green diet, proper exercise and rest, spiritual exercise, clean water and gently ridding the body of toxins.

By: neptunya66 Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:57:24 +0000 Hello there,

I know very well studies on cannabis. Personally, I do not need it.
It is really pointless to believe that only a plant can save you.
It is above all a thorough job, changing their eating habits to return to a more alkaline soil, so less acid. That we can get a vegetarian diet trend.

The plants in my case came in to help me and support are truly extraordinary. Lapacho has had a great effect on me. second article on this page (

I know people who thought that with some plants without changing their life will save it is to walk on it a while, but this is all returned.

there is no plant or miracle pill. By cons, if you help more by changing lifestyle. There yes in this case it becomes miraculous.

By: Auntie Sem Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:55:23 +0000

By: Michael Burns Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:36:35 +0000 Do read some studies on Cannabis and breast cancer….I think you will be surprised.
Btw thats organic grown, not hydroponics. And dont use anything from the steet.

By: neptunya66 Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:04:02 +0000 Hello there,

I’m in the south west of France.

Indeed, the water in France are treated Souvant fluorine Solicitating water communities.

In my town does not use fluoride but it prevents water pipe lead of towns and villages are replaced by pipe covered with water inside Bisphenol A. there not escape, and as drug molecules as: pill, psychotropic, and others. Our wastewater treatment plants are not efficient and set standards.

In my case I use this, very good value for money, in model apartment for extra filter.

Regarding the colloidal silver, I am a follower. I use it mainly for the winter period. 1 cap every night before going to bed and if I feel a little tingling in my throat, I take two caps.
The best in this market in France is:

Here is everything you wanted to know?

If you have further questions do not hesitate if I know I will answer you.

With pleasure.


By: theodorewesson Wed, 02 Jul 2014 15:58:31 +0000 Hi neptunya66,

Happy to hear you reversed your cancer!

Where you live,… what chemicals do they treat your public water supply with? Cholrine? Fluoride?

Do you filter your water?

By: neptunya66 Wed, 02 Jul 2014 07:03:19 +0000 Hello there,
I’m French with breast cancer grade 3 invasive.
The only treatment is to accept to remove the tumor from my breast surgery.
I accept acun other treatment or chemo or radius.
No chemo because I do not see how the products developed and tested mostly during the second world war many prisoners could help me. And especially knowing that it is composed of pesticide.
When the rays, I asked the question, then said, “beams is like Chernobyl and Iroshima, they do not stop at the border.”

So I changed my diet by becoming vegetarian because it is now known by many studies but long in fact that dairy and meat that is red or white cancer cells to spread. And when the sugar is even worse.

In front vegetarian, I brought my PH to an alkaline level, while I had a very acidic ground.

My meals consist of raw and cooked vegetables fresh steam, more legumes and cereals without gluten. And that the whole sugar or muscovado rapadura style.

And of course I only eat organic and Demeter.

I also helped medicinal plant, as Lapacho, Desmodium, clay etc. .. Essential oils also

And practice of EMDR to settle a problem of childhood.
As well as Yoga and Nunchaku Combat.

There are no incurable disease, just terminally ill.
By changing your diet, you can guerrir or improve the lives of everyone, but you have to want it.
Many people think that relying on medicine, it will have no staff to effort. The pure and simple laziness.

It is useless to rely solely on a miracle pill because it does not exist.

It is high time that the world wakes up, we can guerrir cancer.

My grandfather had cancer invasive prostate and changing his diet at age 82 he successfully remove it by 6 months without treatment.

Unconsciously people wallow in disease. They complained that brings them comfort that they are not in their lives. The higher you get, the more it becomes a vicious circle from which it is difficult to extract. I know very well, believe me.

If you want to get out there to do a lot of work on either and say to death: “Not today.”

Have a nice day.

“Traduction whit Google trad”

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 02 Jul 2014 03:03:01 +0000 Cancers are a reaction to an imbalance the body cannot cope with, but that it is a different story. Good post and after Royal Rife I think intentions of the medical cartel is abundantly clear. The Cancer Council is arguably one of those charities I question in my latest post which, as always, gives a different perspective.
