Comments on: Medical drugs: too big to fail Tue, 17 Mar 2020 01:52:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sheila Nottingham Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:00:33 +0000 Well, I believe it’s either they are afraid to expose the truth or the media are part or paid to conceal those things to the public. That’s just my opinion. Nowadays it’s really hard to trust and to believe people.

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:43:54 +0000 The problem is, and I think you hint at it Jon, that much of the alternative media is a CIA/NSA psy-op either directly or via proto-agency. Their propaganda is multi-layered.

There are very few “pure” sources in the alternative media and, for the large part, you are one of them.

By: Charles Savoie Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:53:00 +0000 Grand Juries are phenomenally dangerous and irretrievably corrupt. They must be abolished. I’ve seen obituaries many times over the years that this or that foreman of a grand jury was a member of the Masonic Lodge. We STILL have government by Secret Society. There are Masons and there are Masons, several of my uncles were Masons, I believe it has changed since the time of Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston as in—infiltrated by the Money Power. Masons are all over the State Supreme Courts and Federal courts as any examination of Who’s Who in America demonstrates, and Masonry is hardly the top elite group. Grand Juries are very dangerous and must be entirely abolished. The fix is “in” on the legal system. As for Big Pharma’s RX “medications,” one of my dogs was seriously injured with one drug administration and two others were directly killed by “medications.” I now use neutralizing substances before and immediately after State coerced rabies vaccines.

By: eagreenhalgh Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:54:32 +0000 The reason medical and research fraud is not reported is because no one will report it. Not even, you, Jon. I have been in a fight with the federal governments of the USA and Canada for 25 years regarding NIH scholarship fraud of Yale and Waterloo universities wherein research that was peer reviewed by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center has been blacklisted. I have a letter of regret from the US Surgeon General, Dr.Jocelyn Elders (posted on my website, ) along with a letter from Noam Chomsky of Boston College who states my theories may be of phenomenal importance to mankind. But has any one reported it. I emailed George Noory of Coast 2 Coast (a show you have been on) but did he mention it once? No. The Bottom line is big money and power. Douglas Wright of the University of Waterloo had direct connections to PM Brian Mulroney who had direct connections to President Bill Clinton. They are all associated with many corporations which contributed to presidential campaign funds. And indeed if it is shown that Bill Clinton obstructed justice by interfering with a DOJ fraud investigation, how much did Hillary know, and how will this affect her Presidential ambitions in 2016? So why hasn’t the fraud charges and obstruction of justice charges been reported in the other internet media? Why haven’t you commented on it, Jon? Possibly because writing about corruption is just a mental exercise of little consequence and everyone walks away unscathed, but to do something means work. It means people actually have to take a personal stand, and that involves commitment. It is much easier to talk about an outrage than to help. Prove me wrong, expose this to the public and ask your readers to help me get a Grand Jury investigation. Thank you. Edward A. Greenhalgh
