Comments on: Dept. of Homeland Security: feel safer, sucker? Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:06:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela L. Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:06:39 +0000 Hello Mr. Rappoport! I am just wondering what is going on with this Ferguson, MO situation. Everyone can clearly see that the police have been “militarized”. I have seen comments from Iraq war veterans stating that the police had better equipment than they did in the war. Would love to see your take on this in an article. Thank you for all the fine work you do! You provide a great service to all truthseekers.

By: WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND FUSION CENTERS? | sreaves32 Mon, 07 Jul 2014 19:58:56 +0000 […] foreign troops, and they will be directed to due so through fusion centers. Jon Rappoport had an interesting piece this week about Fusion Centers that are officially listed but don’t yet exist—a telling example […]

By: ARIZONA Fri, 04 Jul 2014 16:11:27 +0000 HEY “JON” heres a piece of advice for you,FIND a place to hideout till the majority of the wars over,THE stupid demoncrates will be killing each other for food,and the ones who aren’t killed will be taken prisoner by the REAL aliens who are coming for the feast…and DON’T even be close to any cities,their already history…………

By: ARIZONA Fri, 04 Jul 2014 15:59:45 +0000 I love the word FEARMONGERING,IT lets you know right off the bat your talking to a government BRAINDEAD PARRET,and every word you said, went right over their head,WHEN the house cleaning is over in america ALL the parrets will be gone into the fema death camps for desposal,hahaha,that will be about 90% of stupid americans,the rest will have survived,and the parrets and demoncrates will be long gone…….their DADDY SATAN,is really going to make a haul in america,and he won’t even have to try hard to get them,BOY revelations hit the nail on the head,THEY’LL gladly take the MARK OF THE BEAST,and the SHOWS about to get started too……………..

By: rreese Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:34:00 +0000 wow now i know why the Reese Family was brutally attacked in N.M. DHS allowed a green card messcan to assist them and DHS ripped off the family (month 35 now) please google Reese family FAST & FURIOUS scapegoat.

By: Amaterasu Solar Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:34:42 +0000 ♥♥ "ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there." "The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..." "If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?" "If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."]]> The info here is something We ALL should know. Add mind control (for that army) and it looks horrendous! My only objection with the piece is the link to Alex Jones. He is a shill. Yeah, He offers good info with the hype and fearmongering, but surely there are better sources for the info. [smile]

A solution to the useless eliters:


“ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap – THEY will do ANYTHING to get there.”
“The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows…”
“If the universe is made of mostly “dark” energy…can We use it to run Our cars?”
“If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”

By: Jon Rappoport – Dept. Of Homeland Security: Feel Safer, Sucker? – 2 July 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:12:59 +0000 […] / / link to original article […]

By: Gunny G Wed, 02 Jul 2014 15:58:20 +0000 Reblogged this on BLOGGING BAD w/Gunny G ~ "WE CLINGERS".
