Comments on: The Surveillance State: covert revolution Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:12:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Surveillance State: Covert Revolution | Shift Frequency Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:12:52 +0000 […] Source JonRappoportsBlog  July 4 […]

By: Michael Burns Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:13:01 +0000 I did’nt expect you would see any of my argument…you are brainwashed by your belief. You cannot prove there is a God and I cannot disprove there is’nt. How do I know you are brain-washed. Its the us and them dichotomy. The dark versus light, good vs evil. There are no books written by your jesus, no words he has spoke, no music, no art created. Just the words of cultish types, who wish to convert me.
In your belief you must have a Satan to support your Christ…there is no other way.

By: Miggy Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:11:16 +0000 You have a choice, Michael. You can’t have light without the darkness, true. That is the way the Universe was formed.

Now the question is what side are you on? Because in the next life light and darkness are separated and not be intertwined like in this life. Peace or torment it’s up to you. Peace and light are not easy choices. You WILL be spiritually attacked. The easy road is giving in to the flesh and fleshly desires as you can see it all around us. The hard road is to take a stand against these desires and take up Your Cross daily. Jesus is the only way and His gift is free. You just have to claim it.

This life is where the decisions are made, the next life is where the reaping begins.

By: procomptor Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:26:09 +0000 Sorry Michael I don’t see this. Sounds like cynicalism in what you are saying. Even atheists I have known believe in something. The elite through cabalism have twisted everything that was once good and invented a beast called Satan to justify killing and rapeing children and throwing the elderly out in the street to starve.

You are dead on with one point however! We wouldn’t know light if we never experienced darkness. We wouldn’t know love if we never experienced the emptiness of being alone. And we wouldn’t appreciate the kindness of a good friend if we never experienced the hatred of a bad one. Maybe we might know them, but we certainly wouldn’t appreciate them!

Love and blessings Mike…..

By: Michael Burns Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:31:01 +0000 There is no zig without a zag, yin without a yang….kill satan and you will have no excuses. Chtistianity is more dangerous…all religion is violence. You separate yourselves from the rest, then war on those who contest Your elitism. You are one side of a dualism…don’t you see.

By: David Marino Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:27:59 +0000 Describes Italy very well.

By: ben Sun, 06 Jul 2014 21:27:43 +0000 This is already happening here, we were just commenting on it seconds before we opened your newsletter, further it is our understanding that every city in this area is practicing exactly that
which you speak of but are hiring foreign born citizens as well as high conflict personality persons. It is a really good way to destroy a city from the inside out and that is exactly the intent.

By: procomptor Sun, 06 Jul 2014 21:22:35 +0000 What better way to control your servants but to make them victims of those you wish to rule. This is Satan’s way as orchestrated by the illuminati! They subject their own children to torture, rape and humiliation in an attempt to bend their minds into thinking this is the way people treat each other. They then give them the power to apply these principles to all those they control.

It is much like being whipped regularly all your life and then being handed the whip. This is your inheritance, they tell you, so go forth now and claim your right as you have paid dearly in earning it. Kind of like “spare the rod and spoil the child”. This kind of mentality is what created the modern illuminati generation and will continue to enslave generation after generation unless it is stopped and outlawed.

It is easier to hurt people after years of being hurt or to war with others if that is all you have ever known. The cycle was being broken with people in the US and UK being well enough off to look at things to make their families comfortable instead of just surviving. That was quickly leading to the belief in nonviolence at the beginning of childhood on up. The illuminati “Satan worshipers” simply can’t allow this as it undermines their control and ultimate power.

This is why the violence, killing and war must stop now! Without this fundamental law of the sick demented illuminati they simply can’t exist. Take away all hatred and Satan dies….period! It lives off the darkness of the world and then amplifies it to every human at every corner of the globe. Once the last of it is gone then Satan dies forever. What a wonderful thought right?

Love and bright light of lord will put us on the path to freedom……mike

By: Satellite Surveillance and the Biometric Tracking Program | Big Brother, "You Are Not My "Big Brother!" Sun, 06 Jul 2014 20:20:28 +0000 […] DNA, Iris, gait, etc., of EVERYONE, globally, is or has been, downloaded into a supercomputer. (click “Identity Dominance…” within this link) The Information Awareness Office program we […]

By: stilloaks Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:54:58 +0000 Reblogged this on Still Oaks and commented:
Excellent post, thank you.
This article applies word for word to the UK as well.
