Comments on: Singular realities, multiple realities Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:47:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Rappoport ~ Singular Realities, Multiple Realities | Shift Frequency Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:47:13 +0000 […] Source JonRappoportsBlog  July 9 […]

By: cj Wed, 09 Jul 2014 20:27:30 +0000 The “conditions” are given a name which coincide with a fake pill that works sometimes because of faith – the placebo affects prove this. As long as one buys into the labeled condition and the pill, they keep the lie alive all because of a personal faith. It is no accident “lie” is in “believe”. One makes be leive/live. This is the matrix. All institutions, be it healthcare (giggle) or education, etc., these are the makings of the boxed, societal institution. Each box is a gift, what one presently decides as to the road they want to take, role they want to play, because earth is the stage. Free will is what each person has in deciding their fate, although decisions are always influenced. So yes, the obvious is true and then some, with belief one makes a reality. Don’t try telling an individual, say, balancing upon a tightrope, it is dangerous, because you just might shatter their belief and they could fall…

A life’s path built upon beliefs is for each to create. Unfortunately, the majority have created one hell of a monster that affects all and could be a manifesticidal path.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:07:23 +0000 In the old ways, one had the Shaman…he lived at the edge of town, or in the woods with all the things he loved and needed. He was usually a very creative type. Eccentric as this come… he appeared, from a distance to be completely bat shit crazy. You didn’t really like him, you wouldn’t invite him to any of your parties. But when you really needed this person. He was there. He was a harlequin, a walking contradiction. A being walking on the very edge, and liking it.
If you were in mental strife, you could go to him and he would channel those mad deep waters with you…sometimes chewing a little berry, or drinking a little kick-a-poo joy juice was necessary process in this healing. But you came back to loved ones renewed, empowered, with a new sense of what reality means. With a new sense of what You means.
Shaman tested your knowledge of what you thought it meant to be a human. Your were initiated into adulthood by this person. You were helped on a path to greater courage, which aided, in your defeat of your particular boogie-man.
Sometimes it was necessary for a whole village to go through this cathartic process. But animosities and fears and hatreds, jealousies were dispelled within a populous. Balancde was restored.

A psychiatrist has no such talents. An unqualified interloper who looks at your problem from afar and with no inclination to walk that mad path with you…he will give you a pharmaceutical, and adjust the dosage when you fall off the deep end. He will neglect that you are a soul, and might even convince you that there is no such thing. That there is only science. They have succeeded in convincing us the Shaman is a mad motherf’er. A superstitious fool that is not needed anymore.

Some of us live in multiple realities… and that is okay. That is actually a good thing. We have been convinced by psychiatry that there is only one reality, the rest are only delusions that need to be medicated away.

“Discovering the wisdom behind soul archetypes allows us to move past the personalized resistant basis and toward truth. Once the stories of our personalized past are seen clearly as labels and judgments, you can lift the fog to see what’s behind. The veil lifts and you experience a new relationship with yourself, first, and with everything outside you, second.” – Kaleoselah
