Comments on: Merlin and The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix Sun, 13 Jul 2014 10:56:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: procomptor Sun, 13 Jul 2014 10:56:47 +0000 Funny I too had drawn a connection with Merlin the first time I saw I think it was First Knight. From there I started having dreams that were so real of being a knight although not of the round table but something else. I definitely remember Merlin and his magic!

I died for a bit less than 10 seconds but I lived a life, in the beginning as a hunter, but I somehow ended up getting a trophy bear or something that was meant for the King and for that my wife and boy were killed. All so vivid I remember the years even now. It was shortly after that and becoming a drunk I was persuaded into becoming a Night of the Templar.

After the awaking I was able to focus on my see’r abilities and quickly picked up on alchemy. Several master teachers I had worked with through the internet had spoken about I seemed to learn my chakras backwards. In other words I would use my ninth chakra in the beginning to connect with others and that was the way I was first taught about my chakras and the many different frequencies of different planes or dimensions.

It was this that alerted the teachers that I had to have been a night of the Templar in a previous carnation. I am a thermal dynamics engineer and write as well as teach different subjects so it wasn’t a surprise to find out I am what they call an elder. What is strange Jon is why do I remember Merlin and his off sense of humor supported by his not always perfect magic? I remember him helping the group of men I served with win several battles we fought all in the name of king and Lord. This is why I still walk and talk with Lord and am committed to holding his name in the highest regards….always!

Great blessings and fortune I pray for you and your family Jon with much love…..mike
